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URBURN REMIXED - Jungle/DnB mix CD sharing fun!

no worries expeler
erm hiccup i dunno ask the man in charge,
i haven't done mine yet, gona try tonight or tomorrow when i'm in a better mood
no hiccup its fine! get in quick the addresses still havent been sent out... pm your details to exleper!
jrj2020 said:
no hiccup its fine! get in quick the addresses still havent been sent out... pm your details to exleper!

Well I pm'd my details. I just hope exleper survived his/her weekend.
Ok, right, REALLY SORRY for the delay guys and gals, I am now fully recovered from what was perhaps the biggest comedown in history. :eek:

All the addresses are now sent out, so get posting those mixes!

If there any problems or questions, PM me or post up on this thread.

Remember, if you don't receive anything by July 29th, I'll start making...enquiries.
ta expeler
and errr shit
better do mine then now i spose

you ain't seen me right!
wow, I got WWWeed's this morning! Top marks for speediness! I'll have a listen to it in a bit and let you know what I think. :) cheers
A double pack of rinsers and rollers on their way to Bristol and, from the look of the unintelligible address, Wales.

Junglistic :cool:
jrj2020 said:
told you it wasnt random enough...
Enough complaining from you, you cunt.:p

It's hard getting any level of randomness when there's only 13 participants, if you have any problem with the choices, take it up with me, or get in touch with the other participants and organise your own individual swap.
Just writing my cds...

unfortunately, Ninjaboy wasnt able to complete his 30 minutes of our proposed 60min mix collaboration. So instead I'm sending out my 30 minutes of that mix (Art's Aim)... and two older mixes, Ragga Orwell and Canine...

enjoy anyway... sorry about Ninja...

writing now, sent out on Monday coming methinks
I'm going to record and send mine Saturday. Got all the tunes picked out.

Also got WWWeed's this morning. The boy/girl is fast. Looking forward to hearing it.
me too :oops:
when i have to practice before hopefully playing out in a field later that night :D
well mines packaged up and ready to go, but i dont know when i'll have the cash to send them! (really im that poor :()
woo i unexpectedly came into £2 today and ive sent mine out! Milesy and someone in manchester (M20) should get their cd's tomorrow :D
top_biller said:
A double pack of rinsers and rollers on their way to Bristol and, from the look of the unintelligible address, Wales.

Junglistic :cool:

ooo that could be me! mine should be sent this weekend, would have done it sooner but work and that gets in the way.
Slight delay from me. funeral, kids controling the puter and a deleted mix!

will get my arse in gear over the weekend and it should be in the post on monday.

My apologies for watford and hereford.
spacemonkey said:
ooo that could be me! mine should be sent this weekend, would have done it sooner but work and that gets in the way.

Yep, havn't gone in the post yet due to terrorist activity (I was forced into a pub last night for "safety" reasons). But hardcore will never die, so they'll be sent over the weekend, :cool:
top_biller said:
Yep, havn't gone in the post yet due to terrorist activity (I was forced into a pub last night for "safety" reasons). But hardcore will never die, so they'll be sent over the weekend, :cool:

No hurry mun, watch out for those terrorists! :eek:
Just listening to WWWeed's now, top stuff so it is. Good way to kick off a Friday night I reckon.
I wouldnt mind a DnB CD , but I dont have one to return

Is that a bit cheeky :oops:

Odds (on the scrounge)

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