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URBURN REMIXED - Jungle/DnB mix CD sharing fun!

okay, that's no problem. shall i leave a key under the mat for you as well? :)

i'll need your address too, mind. althoguh i expect the wife already has it :(
Oh fuck. :oops: :oops:

Guys, I'm incredibly sorry for being, as jrj2020 put it so nicely, a 'slack cunt' about this, I've had one heck of a busy summer and actually completely forgot about it. My excuse is that I quickly decided that I'm going to university (8 days and counting) and this sudden change of plan meant shitloads of work to be done, so stuff like this got put on the back burner.

Even more embarassingly was that depsite being the organiser of this, I havent sent my CDs out....apart from jrj2020s cos I see him all the time.

annnyway, I'm here to rectify the error of my ways. here's the complete list of who was supposed to send to who.

exleper --> hiccup + jrj2020
hiccup --> jrj2020 + milesy
jrj2020 --> milesy + Flavour
milesy --> Flavour + chegrimandi
Flavour --> chegrimandi + spacemonkey
chegrimandi --> spacemonkey + ddraig
spacemonkey --> ddraig + top biller
ddraig --> top biller + bristle krs
top biller --> bristle krs + topaz
bristle krs --> topaz + zog
topaz --> zog + WWWeed
zog --> WWWeed + exleper
WWWeed --> exleper + hiccup

right, im off to post mine to hiccup. if anyone hasnt recieved anything yet, get in touch and ill get on the case:)

and once again, sorry..
i got both of mine, and very good they were too :)

and flavour and cheg both got mine :)

so all is right with the world :D

cheers again for sorting it, exleper :)
cheers exleper :cool:

milesy said:
shall i leave a key under the mat for you as well?

yes please :)

milesy said:
althoguh i expect the wife already has it :(

i believe she does ;)

but i s'pose i'd better pm it to you as well in case she denies it :rolleyes:
waiting for Topaz now......



hiccup - how do you get the tracks numbered and seperated?
im going to resurrect this thread to ask:

has anyone still got theirs?

Any chance anyone who does could stick them on yousendit or whatever so i can have a listen? I know it was a while ago but i came across exlepers on my computer today which got me thinking about it. Then found hiccups (which is TOP NOTCH by the way) and i want more!

jrj2020 said:
im going to resurrect this thread to ask:

has anyone still got theirs?

Any chance anyone who does could stick them on yousendit or whatever so i can have a listen? I know it was a while ago but i came across exlepers on my computer today which got me thinking about it. Then found hiccups (which is TOP NOTCH by the way) and i want more!


You can get mine from here:


and here


can't seem to do text for links anymore
zog said:
waiting for Topaz now......



hiccup - how do you get the tracks numbered and seperated?
Yea I never got mine eather, despite me having recived yours ages ago.

Anyway its gotta be time for This years URBAN REMIXED!

I've got a fuckin wicked set me and my good mate Blacka D made a little while ago that I'm gonna send!
topaz put hers here as a download link!

are you volunteering to organise this one www? if so i can now mix so it'll be limewax and hidden ALL the way :D
Well if I must:rolleyes: ;)

Wont be till june-july sort of time as I really dont have the time at the moment :mad:

But if anyone wants to do it so the whole URBAN thing happends quicker feel free to volunteer!

If not Watch this space around summer time!
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