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URBURN REMIXED - Jungle/DnB mix CD sharing fun!

Forgot to mention, theres a "Jungle Classics" night at the Camden Palace (or KOKO) this Saturday I think, good line up (including DJ Ratty, from my home town of Leamington Spa) although questionable amounts of teen-ravers. Mulling over whether it will be great or abysmal. MC's Fearless GQ Moose and someone else.

Maximum boost.
I'm struggling through making mine. I put a track in & then think it's not good enough, or too obvious then take it out again. :mad:
yes i have had the same problem... i've finally settled on a cd now, but there are quite a few obvious tracks on there!

Also im worried that my recipient might not actually like any of the stuff! My cd contains a bit of everything, but is mainly pretty hard DnB, so i dont think a junglist will appreciate it too much (although i LOVE jungle too :))
Just stick it on. I drunkenly threw in a bit of scratching on one of mine which didn't quite come off as planned on listening back (sounded great at the time) but fuck it, gives it a live feel.
right! should get on with it really eh :eek:

how do i record from decks onto pc, easily please :confused:

right get one of these

from somewhere, then plug the phono into either master or secondary out of your mixer & plug it into the line in/mic input on your pc. Next download an audio recording program (such as Audacity, which is free) and record the mix into the pc... To do this in audacity, select Line-In (or whichever input you used) from the drop down box below the play/stop buttons and hit record... eeeeasy :)
i'll tentatively say "yes", but i don't know if i have enough unmixed stuff on CD to burn....and i haven't yet sorted out getting my decks connected to my PC to get my vinyl onto it.

that could be my project for the weekend :)
jrj2020 said:
right get one of these

from somewhere, then plug the phono into either master or secondary out of your mixer & plug it into the line in/mic input on your pc. Next download an audio recording program (such as Audacity, which is free) and record the mix into the pc... To do this in audacity, select Line-In (or whichever input you used) from the drop down box below the play/stop buttons and hit record... eeeeasy :)

thought as much, have already d/l soundforge
will try and get lead down richer sound tomorrow

jrj2020 said:
right get one of these

from somewhere, then plug the phono into either master or secondary out of your mixer & plug it into the line in/mic input on your pc. Next download an audio recording program (such as Audacity, which is free) and record the mix into the pc... To do this in audacity, select Line-In (or whichever input you used) from the drop down box below the play/stop buttons and hit record... eeeeasy :)

i got one of them leads already....i'll see about d/ling soundforge too then.

and then the job - as my wife would say - will be a good'un. :) (apart from the fact that the PC is in the boudoir and the decks in the front room....:D )
milesy said:
i'll tentatively say "yes", but i don't know if i have enough unmixed stuff on CD to burn....and i haven't yet sorted out getting my decks connected to my PC to get my vinyl onto it.

that could be my project for the weekend :)
<chant>Do it Do it Do it</chant>

and pm exleper too!
ddraig said:
thought as much, have already d/l soundforge
will try and get lead down richer sound tomorrow

also just to say the line in is much much better than the mic input for recording decks (if you've got one!)
milesy said:
(apart from the fact that the PC is in the boudoir and the decks in the front room....:D )

i'm the other way round why don't you plug you're decks into my pc and i'll pop mine into yours :)
save us moving them about then innit
jrj2020 said:
also just to say the line in is much much better than the mic input for recording decks (if you've got one!)

yeah i got a soundsystem so i should know better
but I at least DO know that one :rolleyes: at self
jrj2020 said:
milesy Audacity is probably actually easier to use than soundforge and just as functional - and freeeeee too :)

can you record a large mix all in one go or do you have to do it in segments to save memory?
Its up to you, My mix is one whole track thats about 70 minutes long.

Also do we HAVE to make a tracklisting?, I've already done my mix and forgot to do one (must have been stoned or something) If anyone wants to know what a tune is, just note how far in it is and pm me and I'll tell ya....
goin to get the lead in a bit and will try it tonight :)

haven't recorded a mix for years and i couldn't even mix then :eek:
well i've moved the PC to the front room and i'm all connected...had a couple of trial runs which involved a traincrash mix and me pressing "stop" on both decks and getting in a child-like huff.... :rolleyes:

one tuna and sweetcorn roll later and i'll be alright.... :D
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