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Urban75 Album of the Year 2015


Exasperated, not angry.
Oh yes, it's time once again. It's everyone's highlight of the year, the ever popular, ever changing, ever so slightly wrong, Urban75 Album of the Year 2015.

As in previous years, top 20's pm'd to me asap, so I can do a rundown shortly before the big day (tho is any day really bigger than the revelation of Urban's favourite album??).

I do not promise not to fuck it up.

Votes cast on this thread will not be included, PM'ed ones only.

A reminder of those rules again:

1. You PM me a list of your favourite records that were released since December 15 2014. In order, from 1 to whatever number you feel like, but nothing after 20 will count. SOMETIME BEFORE DECEMBER 14TH
2. I assign points based on your orders of preference. NOTE: If you simply submit a list, unnumbered, I will assume it is in order of 1 to whatever, unless you tell me different
3. Sometime nearer Christmas I give you a rundown, TOTP style, of the top 30, and you lot bicker, complain, and heckle.

In previous years:

2005: Urban 75's albums of the year... The Countdown Begins!
2006: urban75's albums of the year 2006
2007: U75's albums of the year 2007
2008: Albums Of The Year 2008
2009: Urban75's Album of the Year - The Countdown
2010 - Urban75 Album of the Year 2010
2011 - Urban75 Album of the Year - The Results
2012 - Urban 75's Albums of the Year... The Results!
2013 - Urban75 Album of the Year 2013 - The Results
2014 - Urban75 Album of the Year 2014 - The Results

As dubiously agreed in previous years, to qualify as an album, it must be a new or live recording that was released after December 15 2014 in the UK. Does that pack of 7"s count? That seventeen minute white noise workout only available as an app? Well, no it doesn't, not in my book, but if you don't tell me otherwise, I wont know. What about that forty year old album that has been hiding under a bed since the artist died? Yup, absolutely.

Results will be posted around December 15thish - giving you time to go and buy your niece/nephew the No.1 to show you're 'hip' and down with the kids.

Polite requests: Please don’t reveal your list on this thread, save it till the final list is up. Otherwise it can start to become too apparent who is a likely winner.

Please send me your list going from first to last, not vice versa, and with the artist listed before the album title, Comma separated values would be handy, for ease of importing, but I’ll not be greedy (or should I...a whole extra point to the submitters No. 1 if they do it all in the appropriate format....)

And that’s about it, I think....let the arguments begin, n the lists flow....

Some lists for your consideration:

List of 2015 albums - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
50 Best Albums of 2015
Top 50 Albums of 2015
The 50 Best Albums of 2015
The best albums of 2015
50 Best Albums Of 2015: The Final Reckoning! | MOJO
The 50 Best Albums Of 2015
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Although I generally follow these threads to add albums to my "get round to listening to these at some point"-list, I might actually join in this year as I have listened to at least two albums released in 2015 :cool:
I don't think it's been nearly as good a year for albums as last year. I may manage a top 5.
Patrick Cowley - Muscle Up on Dark Entries Records out of SF - unreleased material from the 70s - the best thing I've heard all year I'm afraid
no, probably not as good a year as the last three or four. My top five will all be fucking great though
Been quote a weird year for me, up till about Sep/Oct I would have agreed that it's not been a great year but there seemed to be a load of really good stuff released close together.

Anyway thanks for doing the organising again. (Now I've just got to get my arse in gear and re-listen to main contenders)
I've just been perusing some of the album of the year lists and the thing that strikes me above all is how utterly rehabilitated prog rock is. How did this happen?
There's no point me submitting my fave album of the year because no one else is going to nominate it, let alone heard it. But here it is: Innocence Mission: Hello I feel the same. Beautiful, melancholic, autumnal folk.
There's no point me submitting my fave album of the year because no one else is going to nominate it, let alone heard it. But here it is: Innocence Mission: Hello I feel the same. Beautiful, melancholic, autumnal folk.

I have not bought an Innocence Mission album since Befriended which i really enjoyed , that was after your recommendation too , might just try it .
eta shit that was in 2003 !
I listened to one of the supposed album of the year last week, started off really liking it, then there was an annoying song, then some more good stuff, then another annoying song, which was so annoying it put me off the whole thing. I started off at the start again, and I didn't like it any more.

That's showbiz.
Very excited that it's the Urban album poll as two years ago Haiku Salut fared pretty well in the list and their second album that came out this year had fantastic reviews. But! Did anyone on Urban like it? Can't wait to find out.
There's no point me submitting my fave album of the year because no one else is going to nominate it, let alone heard it. But here it is: Innocence Mission: Hello I feel the same. Beautiful, melancholic, autumnal folk.
Having just listended to it, you really should have mentioned it on the 'new albums' thread, because it's ace and might have picked up a few votes had you done so
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Very excited that it's the Urban album poll as two years ago Haiku Salut fared pretty well in the list and their second album that came out this year had fantastic reviews. But! Did anyone on Urban like it? Can't wait to find out.
I'll have to check, but they were top twenty last time,I think ,and this album is even better, so....
There's no point me submitting my fave album of the year because no one else is going to nominate it, let alone heard it. But here it is: Innocence Mission: Hello I feel the same. Beautiful, melancholic, autumnal folk.

I've submitted my albums list for many years knowing that I'm not voting for anything anyone else likes, as I'm sure belboid can confirm. But, y'know, that doesn't matter - it's the spirit of the thing and taking part that counts.
the mainstream list miss, but doesn't try too hard to find the obscure, barely listenable, material certain other lists go for

the great thing about the urban list is that it can span from the obscure, barely listenable, as you say, to the ultra mainstream, with everything else in between. it's always an education.
There's no point me submitting my fave album of the year because no one else is going to nominate it, let alone heard it. But here it is: Innocence Mission: Hello I feel the same. Beautiful, melancholic, autumnal folk.

Neat rhetorical trick there. 70% of us have gone straight off to listen to it and thought 'it's pretty good - why does he think we wouldn't nominate it...?'
Neat rhetorical trick there. 70% of us have gone straight off to listen to it and thought 'it's pretty good - why does he think we wouldn't nominate it...?'
Despite the fact that they've been producing amazing albums for 20 years they remain so obscure that their last album has barely warranted a review in any mainstream publication. They're probably my favourite ever band.
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