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urban postcard art exchange - round 2

I am a bit obsessed with them, hence the user name :D
Like a circle in a spiral
Like a wheel within a wheel
Never ending or beginning
On an ever spinning reel
Like a snowball down a mountain
Or a carnival balloon
Like a carousel that's turning
Running rings around the moon

Like a clock whose hands are sweeping
Past the minutes of its face
And the world is like an apple
Whirling silently in space
Like the circles that you find
In the windmills of your mind!
Best song ever. He still performs for a very reasonable rate yknow - the only reason I've not put him on in Preston yet is cause of the cost of getting him here from Cornwall...
To whoever sent the lovely pastoral scene, complete with cow-shit, thank you very much. It gave me a big smile and I love it! :)

I am very glad you liked it VP. Although I am cross that it seems the postman has scarred it with biro!
I like the additions that appear in transit. I hope mine doesn't get completely pulled apart though. I have taken a 'before' picture just in case.
gosh, that was quick. :D


i can't remember who i got, and i'm not checking. so thanks, whoever you are. it's lovely. :)

Mine Arrived! It's beautiful and made me smile lots today already!

View attachment 23066
I feel terrible for not having done mine yet though, will do it this weekend and send on Monday hopefully!
Yay, two of mine up :cool: glad they got there safely :)

Killer B. You told me to send you a spare but I thought I would give you one (fnar) It was drawn with felt tip, pink eyeshadow and liquid eyeliner :D (I never got the hang of using it on my eyes so it has entered my art box)
Crustychick, yours is my childlike view of Swansea, me and the kids often draw large pictures in the sand on the beach. The poem was a few lines from one of my favourite songs x
that's what it's for clair. :)

nearly finished mine, and will post tomorrow. i've done an extra for our absent colleague edie, which i'll post up once she's received it (i believe she's been having a sneaky look at the thread while away, and i don't want her getting a preview before it arrives...)
I'm not arty in the least, but would love to have a go at this what do i need to do?
I'm not arty in the least, but would love to have a go at this what do i need to do?
1) PM killerb with your address and your real name or a pseudonym
2) Buy some blank postcards.
3) Decorate one side of a postcard and send it to the address which you're PMed when the next round begins.
Next round will probably be sometime next month 1927. Pm me and ill try to remember, or just wait for the next round to be announced...
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