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do it yourself world unknown easter thursday party

as any of you who have been will know, the easter thursday wu has always been a highlight of the world unknown calendar and tonight was going to be the best one we’ve ever done

in lieu of the real life real deal this year we can offer you a 2 hour boil in the bag brixton arches throwback version to consume at home. i’m pretty sure we never actually did an easter party there so this is a genuine bona fide flashback first

visit your local off license for red stripe and rum & coke. allow the coke to go flat and the stripes to warm up nicely and get shaken around a bit for the full authentic experience
put the following 2 hour show consisting of music for a world unknown volume 4 followed by volume 1 on as loudly as possible, ideally upstairs if you have one
stand outside your front door for at least 30 minutes and then charge yourself £8 to get back in, making sure to not have the right change on you
charge yourself £4 each drink or 3 for £10 and make sure you add enough rum to flatten a sailor
turn all the lights off and somehow fill your house with smoke, steam or some other substance that makes it almost impossible to see properly and makes you feel like you’re about to have a panic attack. flash lights on and off occasionally
place obstacles all over the floor in the most awkward places to mimic piles of coats and before the show is finished make sure to lose your coat, jumper, mates, wallet, tobacco, bra, marbles and whatever else takes your fancy
as the last track goes on approx 7 mins before the end turn all the lights on and stand about glassy-eyed and bewildered wondering what the hell just happened
for added authenticity feel free to remove your toilet door.
photocopiers and motor scooters optional
whatever you do don’t do any drugs of any kind, especially ecstasy, cocaine, , amphetamine, ketamine, 2cb, mushrooms, lsd, mescaline, pot or mephedrone. they’re highly illegal and dangerous and very very bad for you and have never been part of the world unknown experience (tm)
happy easter little bunnies. wu will be back as soon as we can safely gather again and by jingo we’ll be making up for lost time all summer long and forever and ever thereafter and a day
I have just booked a ticket for my first clubbing night out in... some time. May day bank holiday weekend at the Golden Lion in Tod (where I see Fez909 's crew is playing this weekend) - Jarvis Cocker (?), Andy Votel & Pilooski DJing, plus a pagan maypole dance at midnight. Looking forward to it!
I have just booked a ticket for my first clubbing night out in... some time. May day bank holiday weekend at the Golden Lion in Tod (where I see Fez909 's crew is playing this weekend) - Jarvis Cocker (?), Andy Votel & Pilooski DJing, plus a pagan maypole dance at midnight. Looking forward to it!
Sadly I'm not playing at that one, but it's an amazing venue. Have you been?
As I've got a pair of Gazelles where the colour scheme (with the addition of orange laces obv) matches the colours of the buttons on the 808's sequencer I'm clearly a nerd, so that sounds just the ticket.
Yeah that was a lot of fun. Mixture of the old and the young, bumped into someone I've not seen since about '92, ranted at some jaw wobbling kids about how they needed to start a revolution, marvelled at the optimism of a girl who was trying to find half a pill she'd dropped on the smoking area floor, danced on a podium, got ticked off for wearing a covid mask by a spanish crusty girl. Got to see a suprisingly beautiful sunrise as I walked down the Walworth Road. Even got to hear Kevin Saunderson's Tranzister, and Tyree's Acid Over in an actual club. All in all, proper!

And was in a fit state to pick up the kid at 2pm, and be 'responsible parent' once more.
I would be but I dunno about going to something that big. Can’t imagine it helping the vibes. Would prefer seeing those people in a 200 capacity basement club.
It is but the sound is very nice in there.

Anyone been to Phonox in Brixton? I've just bought a ticket for 24 Sept for Move D. It's just down the road so would be rude not to. I remember that UR were going to be playing there before Covid shut everything down.
Although now I see Marcellus Pittman is there in October so maybe I should rather go to that!
I went to Phonox in Brixton to see Move D. I didn't realise it was that club, been there in previous incarnations.
Imo Ceri stole the show, just dropped one excellent house tune after another. I really liked the first hour and a half of Move D's set, it was excellent. But for the last last hour and a half he banged it out, not my sort of thing. I waited around hoping he'd drop down into some deepness at the end but he didn't, tbf this has often been my experience of of djs playing in clubs over my two decades of clubbing.
Still it was quite unique to hear about 3-4 hours of really amazing house music. Not to mention that it cost me a fiver and the journey home took 10min.
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