Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered
Notable, and sorry if this has been said, that the Dudley demo wasn't much less attended than Bolton by the fash.
Yet there was less coverage and what there was made the EDL look a lot worse than they did in Bolton. Is is co incidence that the anti-demo was a lot further away?
I used to think Butcher's line was wrong, that we should still turn up to register our dissproval and prevent these people from marching. Now I aint so sure.
You didn't answer my point about festivals earlier.
Socialist Worker this week
Stop the Nazis at the ballot box
There is less than a month to stop the fascist British National Party (BNP) in the general election.
The violent nature of the party was underlined this week, as a film was released showing BNP leader Nick Griffin declaring to supporters that they “have the right to take up arms” and use “physical force” against opponents.
So UAF is opposed to physical force against the EDL?
It's just meaningless nonsense.
But to declare, as the Independent did last week, that “Margaret Hodge is the Labour MP probably feeling most relieved” is dangerously complacent.
Anti-fascists have to redouble our efforts to mobilise the majority of society who reject the BNP.
It's just pro-Hodge. Not a word against Hodge's record
Another absurd end:
And the carnivals and gigs organised by Love Music Hate Racism are vital to building a mass anti-Nazi culture, especially among young people.
There's basically a UAF/SWP alliance with Margaret Hodge in Barking.
Her only strategy is an anti-BNP one and UAF are helping her with it.