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The shot of yer man's office when he was explaining that women shouldn't drink because of their baby making machine role.

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Dressed as a White. Probably borrowed it off reenactment weirdo Strelkov.
Honestly..that's fucking laughable . It's not just the..trust us, we can't show you the evidence..but it's real . But just the very idea itself . Can't believe anyone would actually entertain such preposterous sounding bollocks .

"War is the greatest injustice. We are not fighting the culprits. Those who pay, who incite, who use the media to make people turn against each other - this is who we should fight against."

- Alexey Mozgovoy.

Just that the tone of the man seems at odds with the impression of him being pushed above... I could be wrong obvs. Apron and yourself seems to think he'd have had me killed on site for some reason.

“The greatest victory will be if we create a government that thinks of the people; not victory in the war, but victory over ourselves, over our own minds.”

-Alexey Mozgovoy
Victory over ourselves and our own minds sounds like creepy authoritarian idealism, certainly not evidence against him being a fat right weirdo.

Fair play, a fuller quote..

Interviewer: What would be for you a victory in this civil war?
Alexy Mosgovoy: In this war there will be no victory.

Interviewer: When will it end?
Alexy Mosgovoy: It will end when the majority of the people will understand that they are being exploited for the benefit of others. On both sides. Nothing new. War has always been, and always will be, a business. The greatest victory will be if we create a government that thinks of the people. Not victory in the war, but victory over ourselves, over our own minds

What ya reckon, ravings of a bald mad cult warlord gone too far down some dark river?
A misogynistic petit-bourgeois nationalist who rubbed shoulders with Russian statists like Prokhanov (Red, White, Stalinist and/or fascist so long as there is another iteration of the 'empire') and lesser fascist, kilt-wearing, hipster-tached, Joo-hating twats.
A misogynistic petit-bourgeois nationalist who rubbed shoulders with Russian statists like Prokhanov (Red, White, Stalinist and/or fascist so long as there is another iteration of the 'empire') and lesser fascist, kilt-wearing, hipster-tached, Joo-hating twats.

that's me told, i shall go home and think about what i've done, in light of all this newly revealed information.

Nice summary of this sort of naive clownery - one to come on its rightist friends too:

‘Novorossiya’s’ ‘Leftist’ Friends

The German Antiimperialistische Aktion group cooperates with ANNA News, a popular propagandist channel.

Their cooperation likely dates as far back as the Syrian war. Both the pro-Russian TV channel and the “anti-imperialists” actively supported Assad in this war. The ideology of the “anti-imps,” as they are called in Germany, can be briefly summarized as follows: radical anti-Americanism, a partiality to conspiracy theories, covert (and sometimes overt) anti-semitism, and thoroughly uncritical support for all regimes opposed to the United States and Israel. The official flag of Antiimperialistische Aktion resembles the antifascist flag, but instead of a red-and-black banner in a circle, it depicts the flag of the USSR and the “anti-imperialist” regime which they currently love most. There are variations depicting the flags of Libya, Syria, and Palestine. There has recently appeared an “anti-imperialist” flag on which the Soviet flag is accompanied by the two-headed Novorossiya eagle, and the pantheon of antifascist and anti-imperialist heroes was supplemented not only by Strelkov and Mozgovoy, but also by Ramzan Kadyrov. It sometimes feels like the anti-imps are a kind of parody of the left-wing supporters of Novorossiya (their performance at an anti-NATO meeting with dogs sporting Berkut uniforms was more amusing than any parody). Regrettably, however, they are absolutely real.

The Berkut dogs:

and despite the denials from the rebel side the OSCE is fairly clear about what happened:

Fighting erupted around the government-controlled town of Marinka (23km west-south-west of Donetsk city centre) in the morning of 3 June. The SMM observed the movement of a large amount of heavy weapons in “Donetsk People’s Republic” (“DPR”)-controlled areas – generally in a westerly direction towards the contact line – close to Marinka, preceding and during the fighting. Calm was restored by the early evening.

Nice summary of this sort of naive clownery - one to come on its rightist friends too:

‘Novorossiya’s’ ‘Leftist’ Friends

The Berkut dogs:

They were at the anti G7 protests in Munich this week. Their facebook report of the event got a whopping 4 likes.
Associating anyone with sympathies to the current plight of east ukrainian ethnic Russians to this mob is like associating anyone with sympathies for Maidan to Pravvy Sector or US Neo-Con think-tanks.
It doesn't really help the content of this discussion in any way.
They were at the anti G7 protests in Munich this week. Their facebook report of the event got a whopping 4 likes.
Associating anyone with sympathies to the current plight of east ukrainian ethnic Russians to this mob is like associating anyone with sympathies for Maidan to Pravvy Sector or US Neo-Con think-tanks.
It doesn't really help the content of this discussion in any way.

I agree 100% but i dont think butchers was doing that.
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