gaslit at scale.
Fuck, if the plight of African refugees drowning in their hundreds if not thousands just off the coast of Europe can be largly ignored what hope do the people of Eastern Ukraine have?
Indeed! One thing that strikes me about the fugee-flood from the coasts of North Africa as well as other routes is how it's never asked why there are so many people struggling to get to Dover now... it's just taken as given, "of course all these brown and black people want to get into Europe, our society is just so much better than the 3rd-world mud-pits from which they originate". It never seems to come up in these reports about Italian rescue boats and rafts packed with hundreds of bedraggled Somali-looking folk what they are fleeing from, usually it's assumed they're after our benefits because soft-touch Britain. Nothing to do with our various interventions in Libya, Mali, Somalia, Afganistan, Iraq and Syria etc.... nothing to do with neo-liberal reign over the economies and policies the nations that arguably require the most sovereign public spending and government regulation just to build up their societies enough (after the ravages of colonialism and other nightmares) to stop the prime of their people having to stream away to go scrub toilet floors in hostile tight-faced Ireland or somewhere just to survive.
If all this Ukraine stuff is how we treat the human 'bug-splat' of Western policies in a place where white people live, what hope do African, Asian and Middle-Eastern snake-head freight have. I bet any money that if Ukrainian refugees were also to head for Dover at least UKIP would pipe up on Ukraine more (not that they'd bother going beyond a rightarded analysis of things, but noise is noise...).
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