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Now, seen as I only came across the site for the first time when you posted a link to a post there I don't have a definite feel for the place, its contributors, its general outlook. It has a handy search function, though, where some brief googling specifically to seek out anything anti-Semitic (seen as you brought it up) has dug up some colourful unchallenged comments on posts there. Just sloppy moderation, do you think?

On the recent poll of the American public re the legitimacy of US torture of 'terrorists' after 9/11:

Per #9, consider the source of the poll. Then doubt that the questions were posed in a way to actually get real opinions. Even righteous liberals have been flummoxed by leading questions and pointless hypotheticals of "ticking-time-bombs" and "holding your family hostage" and bull-chit Talmudic arguments presented to confuse and shake moral certitude. Have no fear chickadees -- they are loosing the marketing war. Because -- anecdotally -- I'm hearing a VERY different tone from family members in college. Young men who didn't want to hear or face the truth -- are now questioning EVERYTHING the MSM spouts. One of them mentioned that a fraternity brother -- major public university -- was being "called-up" by his National Guard ROTC unit to go to Syria. Think about that. A typical American 20 YO college student -- with fraternity brothers -- is being sent to DIE for fucking oligarchs. And to kill innocent Syrians. For the ZOGs. And my family member is FINALLY beginning to connect the dots. And is increasingly pissed-off at what he sees. For the record, he can't understand what Assad has done to warrant US military invasion. His phrase. INVASION!!! So you see, the MSM is loosing their audience. In droves. The tired little goyem are rubbing their sleepy little eyes and recognize evil for WHAT and WHO it is.

Fasten your seatbelts -- its gonna be a bumpy ride. The Bolshevik-Zionist-Cabal is about to experience blow-back that will make 1938 seem like a cake-walk.

Posted by: giddy | Dec 16, 2014 1:18:45 PM | 14


Way back on the Russian-Georgian war of 2008:

The kikes are the primary criminals in the Georgia war. As usual, joo fingerprints all over the situation. They set up other people to fight and run like the cockroaches they are! Russia should drop a nuke on the jizzreal! Kikes are the maggots of the human race!

Posted by: walt235 | Sep 24, 2008 4:41:33 AM | 21


Of course YouTube video comments, for example, have this kind of shit, but allowed on a lefitst 'anti-imperialist' blog?
they'd be better off shipping a couple of thousand wigs to the ukraine and training the locals how to say 'calm down' in a scouse accent

Apologies for the Russia Today link. Available in french on Le Monde

Sarkozy: Crimea cannot be blamed for joining Russia
RT February 08, 2015
Crimea cannot be blamed for seceding from Ukraine – a country in turmoil – and choosing to join Russia, said former president of France, Nicolas Sarkozy. He also added that Ukraine “is not destined to join the EU.”

“We are part of a common civilization with Russia,” said Sarkozy, speaking on Saturday at the congress of the Union for a Popular Movement Party (UMP), which the former president heads.

“The interests of the Americans with the Russians are not the interests of Europe and Russia,” he said adding that “we do not want the revival of a Cold War between Europe and Russia.”
For sure. But it was Sarkzoy's decision for France to join Nato back in 2009. Just found what he said very surprising.

Strictly speaking, France was a member of the NATO alliance all along; de Gaulle withdrew its forces from NATO command and Sarko returned them there.
Another cease-fire seems to have been agreed, let's hope it fairs better than the last one: http://tass.ru/en/world/777184

I wonder why the UN still hasn't been mentioned in all this as a peace-keeping force by the way... not sure how they expect both sides to observe the ceasefire this time, didn't really work last time as the Pro-Maidan forces wouldn't stop shelling Donetsk. I doubt the Anti-Maidan fighters (who are never mentioned in the Western media as anything other than Putins little-finger) will feel good about this, back to the lines of September? Are they expected to give back Donetsk Airport? This might be an example of how Putin negotiates in terms of what's good for Russia... Novorossija I suspect really needs it's own voice to talk louder (looking at you Zackharchenko).

In light of all this, here's an interesting vid from just before the war as Ukrainian deputy tries to sound the alarm re the US conspiracy in his country:
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....and in news that will shock everyone it turns out that Putin has admitted that he may not of been telling the whole truth all of the time and Russia does have the odd gun in the Ukraine after all.
....and in news that will shock everyone it turns out that Putin has admitted that he may not of been telling the whole truth all of the time and Russia does have the odd gun in the Ukraine after all.

Got a link for what you're talking about?
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