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maidanists are making a mistake going to the cenotaph tommorow if it gets into the mainstream press it could be a major embarrasment for davy boy cameron
anyway in a nutshell russell brand is a agent for the loons the maidan fashcists are shooting themselves in the foot by insulting out forefathers and butch and his crew are paid trolls
anyway in a nutshell russell brand is a agent for the loons the maidan fashcists are shooting themselves in the foot by insulting out forefathers and butch and his crew are paid trolls

Graham Philips, pretty much the only Western reporter in Novorossiya was injured on the front-line, luckily for him the injury is minor. He's had quite a war so far this guy, kidnapped twice by the Ukrainians and now shrapnelled in the waist.

Sample of his work from 3 days ago...


Moldoiva goes to the polls- have touched on this before- this could be interesting tug of war between the EU and Non EU factions -rumours of heavy russian money backing the anti EU groups. a pro EU vote could led to Molodovas 2 mini statelets- the Trans-Dniester gangsters and the Ethnic turks down south looking to possibly realign with Russia .

Russian sanctions are already impacting the vin and agricultural sectors of the economy- for kany, a readjustemnt to the east would make their day to day lives much easier

interesting stuff- further indicators ( if that is your bag) of the Balkanisation of the region

Moldoiva goes to the polls- have touched on this before- this could be interesting tug of war between the EU and Non EU factions -rumours of heavy russian money backing the anti EU groups. a pro EU vote could led to Molodovas 2 mini statelets- the Trans-Dneiper gangsters and the Ethnic turks down south looking to possibly realign with Russia .

Russian sanctions are already impacting the vin and agricultural sectors of the economy- for kany, a readjustemnt to the east would make their day to day lives much easier

interesting stuff- further indicators ( if that is your bag) of the Balkanisation of the region

I haven't looked at Moldovan stuff for ages. Planning to go out there in the next year or so. Cheers for that.
"Moldova’s Socialist party is leading in the Sunday poll with 22.3 percent of votes, followed by the Communist party with 19.2 percent, preliminary results say. Parties pushing for integration with the EU have fallen behind but are expected to form a bloc."

"Just two days before the vote, the electoral commission disqualified Patria – a party led by Renato Usatii, a pro-Moscow politician – for receiving nearly $500,000 in donations from outside the country. The Russia-based Usatii, a virtual unknown only two months ago, rose to prominence by staging a series of concerts by prominent Russian pop stars. Usatii, whose party was predicted to obtain up to 15 percent of the vote – enough to give him the decisive role in forming a coalition – promptly fled to Moscow before he could be arrested. Russia’s Foreign Ministry has condemned Usatii’s prosecution as politically motivated."


Wheras Radio Free Europe says Pro Europe ahead


Interesting to see how this pans out now- could be a kick in the balls for the pro EU incumbents - Russis seems to have its fingers deep in the Moldovan pie. Trans-D isnt voting.Given a possible Moldovan vote for an eastward relationship, and the fact that it doesnt have any direct borders with the newly expanded Russia, this could be problematic for the Ukranine.
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Regarding gas, Russia has started construction of the 'south stream' pipeline which bypasses Ukraine. I don't think it will be ready for a couple of years but it alters the equation.


I should note that it's already fallen foul of 'EU regulations'.


Less than a year since I wrote that and the South Stream project is now officially dead.


The pipeline was to have run under the Black Sea to southern and central Europe, providing another transit route for Gazprom.

But the EU has been worried about the gas producer also owning a pipe network.

Construction work on the 930km (580-mile) South Stream project began in Bulgaria in October 2013 but was suspended in June after the European Commission said it may be breaking EU competition rules.

Russian officials accused the commission of blocking the work for purely political purposes.

"Taking account of the fact that until now we have not received permission from Bulgaria, we believe that in the current conditions Russia cannot continue with the realisation of this project," said Mr Putin, speaking alongside Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Ankara.

"If Europe does not want to carry out (South Stream), then it will not be carried out, We are now going to focus our energy resources in other directions."

Mr Putin said Russia could build a gas hub on the Turkish-Greek border to supply Europe with gas to compensate for the loss of South Stream.

The head of Gazprom, Alexei Miller, later confirmed that the pipeline was finished.

"The project is closed," he told reporters.
Less than a year since I wrote that and the South Stream project is now officially dead.


Russia and Turkeys sign new gas deal...

The leaders of Russia and Turkey have signed a series of major trade and energy deals in the Turkish capital amid differences over the crises in Syria and Ukraine as Moscow copes with Western sanctions.

Vladimir Putin, Russia's president, said at a news conference in Ankara that Russia would reduce the gas price for Turkey by six percent, starting next year, and agreed to supply it with an additional three billion cubic metres.

Putin also announced Moscow was scrapping the South Stream natural gas pipeline project - that would avoid Ukrainian territory to deliver Russian gas to Europe - because of the European Union's opposition to it.

"Taking into account the fact that until now we have not received permission from Bulgaria, we believe that in the current conditions Russia cannot continue with the realisation of this project," Putin said.


looks a bit like this really...

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I imagine thats image he ( and his supporters)likes to push but his only real power is based on Russia's gas and oil reserves, very much a house of cards.

Quite right, all this "selling stuff they have a lot of" that Russia is engaged in won't last. As soon as Russia doesn't have anything to sell anymore, that dream is over. Thank fuck we stand aside from the crazy market-based system of bad Vlad and his ilk.
Quite right, all this selling stuff that Russia is engaged in won't last. As soon as Russia doesn't have anything to sell anymore, that dream is over. Thank fuck we stand aside from the crazy market-based system of bad Vlad and his ilk.
Oh he will be able to flog it to Turkey, China etc but I think the west has, belatedly realised, that relying on Putins Russia for its energy isn't a good idea.
Oh he will be able to flog it to Turkey, China etc but I think the west has, belatedly realised, that relying on Putins Russia for its energy isn't a good idea.

Yes, the plan now is to ship it in from North America or something like that. Russia was happy to sell us all the gas we could want to buy, needing a stable customer as much as we need a stable supplier, but all that aside thank fuck for the Indispensable Power.
Yes, the plan now is to ship it in from North America or something like that. Russia was happy to sell us all the gas we could want to buy, needing a stable customer as much as we need a stable supplier, but all that aside thank fuck for the Indispensable Power.
Your right regarding a stable customer, but Putin a "stable supplier"?
Your right regarding a stable customer, but Putin a "stable supplier"?

In my own opinion yes, I base this on the stuff he's said, the man does say what he means, seems to be his MO. That Valdai Club session for instance really was very impressive, you could tell there was no bullshit. Can you imagine the likes of Cameron fielding questions with detailed coherent answers for three hours from an audience of assorted journalists, with only one question not answered (to confirm or deny Russian Special Forces are active in East Ukraine iirc).

By the way it was a real education for me having watched all three hours of the Valdai Club session (in chunks) and then seeing how it was reported by the likes of the Gaurdian and Reuters. I 'knew' before that things are spun in the media but I'd never seen the process in action that starkly before. Scary really, in a creepy-monothought-clique sort of way.

Putin rants "We're Stonger than Everyone!!1!", dares West to av'a go, gropes Latvia.
Frack like nobodys watching :(

If the current low low oil prices are an attack on Russias economy, the harm they are doing to the fracking industry (which I approve of by the way, fuck fracking) doesn't bode well for the Americans skills when it comes to playing checkers, shooting themselves in the foot abit no? A bit like the European sanctions.

Maybe it's just a hit they're prepared to roll with, maybe Fuck Russia is the new ideological value that trumps all other considerations. Maybe it's just about the Saudi attacking the frackers. Who knows.
If the current low low oil prices are an attack on Russias economy, the harm they are doing to the fracking industry (which I approve of by the way, fuck fracking) doesn't bode well for the Americans skills when it comes to playing checkers, shooting themselves in the foot abit no? A bit like the European sanctions.

Maybe it's just a hit they're prepared to roll with, maybe Fuck Russia is the new ideological value that trumps all other considerations. Maybe it's just about the Saudi attacking the frackers. Who knows.

We'll have to see how it pans out. Many factors at work, and if the plan & price slide is to punish Russia with low prices then its certainly not without risk, but won't necessarily blow up in their face.

If the main factor was really just Saudi attacking frackers then I suspect we'd have seen more negativity pointed towards Saudi & OPEC in general by now.

Other factors I alluded to which complicate the picture is the entire demand (& future demand) picture right now, and the stage of development that US fracking is at. For example just one of many possible scenarios is that the giddiest of projections for US fracking etc oil and gas production isn't going to come true whatever happens, and it will be convenient to have a range of excuses lined up for future use. Especially given that various powers, economic ideologies and a range of people in general seem much more comfortable with narratives that blame human actions for fossil fuel output problems, rather than geological realities.
We'll have to see how it pans out. Many factors at work, and if the plan & price slide is to punish Russia with low prices then its certainly not without risk, but won't necessarily blow up in their face.

If the main factor was really just Saudi attacking frackers then I suspect we'd have seen more negativity pointed towards Saudi & OPEC in general by now.

Other factors I alluded to which complicate the picture is the entire demand (& future demand) picture right now, and the stage of development that US fracking is at. For example just one of many possible scenarios is that the giddiest of projections for US fracking etc oil and gas production isn't going to come true whatever happens, and it will be convenient to have a range of excuses lined up for future use. Especially given that various powers, economic ideologies and a range of people in general seem much more comfortable with narratives that blame human actions for fossil fuel output problems, rather than geological realities.

Agreed, even without the low oil prices it's my opinion that the whole fracking thing is a massive form of energy bubble, the average life-span of a frack-site is five years or something iirc. Perhaps this low oil price thing will pop the fracking bubble and Croydon won't become Britains bright new energy resource after all.
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