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This one wasn't:

Donetsk workers fail to answer call to rally against separatists

"“Ninety-nine per cent of the workers are against the Kiev authorities,”
said Vladimir Sadovoy, the head of the factory’s workers’ union, noting
that at least one of the men in his 600-person-unit had taken voluntary
leave to work with the pro-Russia militiamen.

“Some want to be part of Russia, others want to be part of Ukraine, others want to be independent. But everyone is against the Kiev authorities, absolutely.”

Related, ish.


Organised workers in eastern Ukraine are urging action to stave off the looming civil war, making their voices heard against bosses of all nationalities.

The Krivyi Rih branch of the mineworkers’ union has issued a statement, not only supporting a workers’ pay campaign at the Russian-owned multinational steel company Evraz, but alsodenouncing “interethnic confrontation that is fuelling a hysterical mutual hatred between workers of different nationalities”.

The statement calls for “workers’ self defence” to “prevent the escalation of violence in Ukraine” and ends: “Long live international workers’ solidarity! By preserving the peace in Ukraine we will preserve the peace of Europe!” It has been published in English by RS21, a socialist group, with a call for a demonstration in London on Friday at the Evraz group’s headquarters. I hope this appeal gets a good response, not only on Friday but in the development of a solidarity movement with Ukrainian working people in western Europe.

Solidarity means listening to people and trying to understand the situations they face. And to that end I am publishing here (1) some comments on employers’ influence on trade unions in Ukraine, and (2) reports from friends in eastern Ukraine about workers’ views of the Donetsk and Lugansk “people’s republics”.
Damn, hadn't noticed it was on ft, all i have now is this, don't know how much of it it is :

Donetsk workers fail to answer call to rally against separatists By
Courtney Weaver in Donetsk

"Afterwards, workers milling around said they had come to the meeting
voluntarily but most said they did not share their boss Mr Akhmetov’s views on the militants.

"“Akhemtov is a businessman. He is looking after his business interests,
it’s natural,” Stas, a worker said. But he added that Mr Podkorytov had
been wise to steer away from putting a “political accent” on the rally.

"“Ninety-nine per cent of the workers are against the Kiev authorities,”
said Vladimir Sadovoy, the head of the factory’s workers’ union, noting
that at least one of the men in his 600-person-unit had taken voluntary
leave to work with the pro-Russia militiamen.

“Some want to be part of Russia, others want to be part of Ukraine, others want to be independent. But everyone is against the Kiev authorities, absolutely.”

"Mr Sadovoy said the factory’s managers had been holding meetings regularly with the insurgents and their people’s mayor who had taken control of Yenakiieve, the town where the plant is based.

"Mr Sadovoy said the factory workers had been alarmed by the new Kievbauthorities’ initial announcement that they would remove Russian as one of
Ukraine’s two official languages. Workers were also concerned at the
economic direction the country was taking, he added."
A couple of Donetsk P.R. militia patrols almost blast each other accidentally (from 3:25).

God almighty. Who'd want to get caught between this lot and the national guard?

Here's a channel whose "выпуск новостей" are worth watching for concentrated footage from Donbass, just for images sake alone. Telekanal Donbass - seems to be a pro-Kiev channel, and also gives a lot of airtime to Rinat Akhmetov related themes, and the Voice of Donbass thing of his. So much airtime that occasionally you might think he even... ...oh wait, yeah. He does...

Nevertheless, in today's Donbass roundup, the first section is on the fight between - supposedly of course - the 'Vostok' battalion of the DPR, and "black men" 'Donbass' pro-Kiev battalion in Karlovka. A high casualty event between militias outside of the state structures [ed. officially 9 wounded in hospital, without comment on the dead. But mention of up to 6 corpses]. From 3:30 some coverage of the Semyonovka shelling by the national guard. Worth noting as well is the section from 17:20 of footage seeming to show DPR militia holding-up and raiding a local council Electoral Commissioner's office, and fucking off with election-related materials. The news roundups also tend to have an almost comical, daily weather-report style graphic (18:30) of the day's proportion of administrative centres occupied by DPR/LPR militia. Today's forecast is 12/22 for Donetsk oblast, 8/12 for Lugansk oblast. The suggestion seems to be that these administrations will therefore not be able to participate in Sunday's elections.

Meanwhile, in Korez, "black men" assassinate a DPR activist and almost kill another in a quick attack on their HQ-office in Korez. Presidential candidate Lyashko congratulates them on facebook and refers to them as the 'Ukraine' Lyashko-Battalion
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While digging around for info on that Lyashko guy - read his wiki page - I found this... Kyiv Post (extremely pro-Western) basically begging for Western press/propaganda... (Remember that they have already banned Russian media)


The reason for the cuts is trivial: The U.K. government is trying to save on budget costs, including radio broadcasting. However, these trivial cuts of BBC language services will result in far more serious geopolitical consequences that the West would find much more challenging and expensive to fix. At the very least, this holds true for Ukraine.

One way to improve the current situation would be to encourage European and American publications and news agencies to establish or, in many cases, reestablish offices here.

These would not only help tell the world about what is happening in Ukraine, but also stimulate local media towards delivering high quality domestic product, and better integrate Ukraine into global processes.
That's been posted on here 3 or 4 times now - not seen any definite identification but apparently he's wearing what looks like a police uniform. Not sure we know enough to say he was an antifascist.
Sounds like the chocolate king won the election. At least Tymoshenko looks to have done amusingly shit.



Poroshenko captured 56 percent of the vote, according to a state-run exit poll, ahead of his main challenger, former prime minister Yulia Tymoshenko, who had 13 percent of the vote. A second TNS exit poll showed the rivals with 57 percent and 12 percent, respectively. Official results are not expected until Monday.
With the election results in Western Europe showing the far-right rise, do the Ukrainians understand that a large chunk of people in France, UK, and Germany do not want them to join the EU (certainly not be given freedom to travel)... ever?

I reckon there is a bigger chance a country like Bulgaria will be thrown out than a country like Ukraine being let in.
Have we had this yet?

Flights cancelled at Donetsk airport, after the place is stormed by 'separatists':


(SP Times is the English-language business paper in the former Leningrad).
May 26. Reuters
Ukraine launched air strikes and a paratrooper assault against pro-Russian rebels who seized an airport on Monday, as its newly elected leader rejected any talks with "terrorists" and said a robust military campaign in the east should be able to put down a separatist revolt in "a matter of hours".

Eight hours after it began, fighting was continuing after nightfall and had spread to residential neighbourhoods nearby.

"Fighting continues in the airport, with the use of planes and helicopters," said separatist leader Denis Pushilin. "It's a full-blown military standoff. I have no information on casualties. Our groups have destroyed one helicopter of the enemy."

At one point, three Ukrainian Mi-24 helicopter gunships fired rockets and cannon at the concrete and glass terminal. More plumes of black smoke shot up into the air as the helicopters fired at targets on the runway. The gunships threw out decoy flares as fighters shot at them from the ground.

Campaign against Western backing for the far right regime in Kiev and in solidarity with those resisting fascist repression in Ukraine.

London launch Meeting to build a campaign to support the anti-fascist resistance in Ukraine,

mostly the left, counterfire, CPB, but also Boris Kagarlitsky

have they got it wrong again?, supporting 'The Peoples Republic of Donetsk', etc?

btw, where do these people get the time?, surely the left is out there campaigning against the bedroom tax, benefit cuts, rogue landlords, etc.
i was cheekily referring to your protestations over the left not doing enough on home ground while writing reams about affairs oversea |(your inference, not mine)
I think he's probably had a breakdown of some kind after realising he has found common cause with counterfire - trendiest of humus eating trendy lefties.
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