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Shit 7 ukrainian soldiers killed according to the ukrainian army :(
The fighting in the countryside to the west and south of Slavyansk and Kramatorsk area continued. Interesting that the 6 dead soldiers were announced by the Ministry of Defense, as paratroopers, rather than Ministry of Internal Affairs, who head the National Guard. It seemed to be a mix of the Guardists and professionals.

The Ministry of Defense announced today that the operation to annihilate the 'terrorists' in that rural area was a success, with no more military casualties, and with three prisoners. They did not announce the death toll on the opposition side, but there is video of a few corpses in the fields.
[edit - but this article claiming that the southern blockade of Slavyansk, and heavy shelling in the western countryside is continuing, was posted much later than the army announcement. Itar-tass. The English language versions generally appear later.]
This operation was also the beginning of the Great United Nations Helicopter Scandal! Where troops were apparently landed from a white, UN-emblazoned helicopter. Maybe an old spare the military couldn't be arsed to repaint...

It was also reported that in that region, while troops were massed, three civillians were shot dead by the National Guard when they opened fire on cars. The government deny it.

But on a lighter note, here's some fun and games in the Rada, courtesy of Batkivschina deputy chairman and Yatsenyuk's 'right hand man,' Andrey Ivanchuk:

The vote was on a bill to amend the law relating to presidential elections during unusual circumstances, such as war.
edit to add: and there he's appearing to persuade buddy there to vote on all 4 or 5 voting terminals at his seat, while he himself votes on 5 vacant terminals...
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Workers Take to Streets to Calm Tense Ukrainian City

"MARIUPOL, Ukraine — In what could represent a decisive turning point in the Ukrainian conflict and a setback for Russia, thousands of steelworkers fanned out Thursday over the city of Mariupol, establishing control over the streets and routing the pro-Kremlin militants who seized control several weeks ago.

By late Thursday, miners and steelworkers had deployed in at least five cities, including the regional capital, Donetsk, though they had not yet become the dominant force there that they are in Mariupol, the region’s second largest city and the site just last week of bloody confrontations between Ukrainian troops and pro-Russian militants. "



However, a Donetsk People's Republic leader in Mariupol was party to an agreement with steel plant directors and local police on improving security in the city and vacating separatist-occupied buildings, according to a Metinvest statement. That could indicate that Akhmetov, through his companies, could play an influential role in the crisis.

Have you not heard of it? It's a serious debilitating disease among British youth that causes people to dress bad, develop a bad attitude, turn to drugs and join the BNP. Those kids are all in serious need of some hard core Jeremy Kyle life coaching. Anyway I must be getting old as people don't really use the word any more, since I hit 30 I couldn't keep up with the new cool-words that the kids are using these day.

something you need to understand about urban land . Apparently on here those lumpen anti working class elements ..you know those vaccuous devoid of solidarity and basic morality cunts that make life an absolute misery for us in working class areas, that most of us in working class districts just call dirtbags ,scumbags and scrotes because we have to live beside them, drink deside them..walk home at night among them...,that others call hoodies and chavs depending upon local custom . And that Marx and Engels called lumpen proletariat..useless, anti social, devoid of solidarity, rob your house, kick your face in for nothing and stab you bastards to you and me .
yeah well..if you dare call them chavs on here you get filleted. By middle class anarchists . Theyll shout class at you, very loudly, watch yourself . Up there in your gold plated ivory tower...with your helipad, sushi bar, camomile tea and all hanging out of you like Nigella Lawson at the Queens garden party .

Class....claass ..cllllllaasss !!!


the no drugs, exercise and clean living thing is about the only thing I dont disagree with the fascists on. Pioneers were big into it, Cubans are too . Fuck knows what middle class anarchists make of though . Downward jazz hands all round most likely.
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I'm not going to follow your example of spewing vast amounts of verbiage at every news story and twisting and inventing words until they fit a narrative. I'll let people read the links for themselves and make their own minds up what they think they say.

your links said one thing and you said they said another . You were talking shite . I hope thats concise enough .
something you need to understand about urban land . Apparently on here those lumpen anti working class elements ..you know those vaccuous devoid of solidarity and basic morality cunts that make life an absolute misery for us in working class areas, that most of us in working class districts just call dirtbags ,scumbags and scrotes because we have to live beside them, drink deside them..walk home at night among them...,that others call hoodies and chavs depending upon local custom . And that Marx and Engels called lumpen proletariat..useless, anti social, devoid of solidarity, rob your house, kick your face in for nothing and stab you bastards to you and me .
yeah well..if you dare call them chavs on here you get filleted. By middle class anarchists . Theyll shout class at you, very loudly, watch yourself . Up there in your gold plated ivory tower...with your helipad, sushi bar, camomile tea and all hanging out of you like Nigella Lawson at the Queens garden party .

Class....claass ..cllllllaasss !!!


the no drugs, exercise and clean living thing is about the only thing I dont disagree with the fascists on. Pioneers were big into it, Cubans are too . Fuck knows what middle class anarchists make of though . Downward jazz hands all round most likely.
Except a Chav is not the same as your Scumbags et al. I don't particularly like friends of mine being written of because they dress a certain way. They may not fit with your notion of an idealised clean living working class but I've appreciated the times in the past when they've pulled me out of the shit, taken a punch for me and fed me. Not all Scumbags are Chavs but all Chavs are Scumbags I guess.
something you need to understand about urban land . Apparently on here those lumpen anti working class elements ..you know those vaccuous devoid of solidarity and basic morality cunts that make life an absolute misery for us in working class areas, that most of us in working class districts just call dirtbags ,scumbags and scrotes because we have to live beside them, drink deside them..walk home at night among them...,that others call hoodies and chavs depending upon local custom . And that Marx and Engels called lumpen proletariat..useless, anti social, devoid of solidarity, rob your house, kick your face in for nothing and stab you bastards to you and me .
yeah well..if you dare call them chavs on here you get filleted. By middle class anarchists . Theyll shout class at you, very loudly, watch yourself . Up there in your gold plated ivory tower...with your helipad, sushi bar, camomile tea and all hanging out of you like Nigella Lawson at the Queens garden party .

Class....claass ..cllllllaasss !!!


the no drugs, exercise and clean living thing is about the only thing I dont disagree with the fascists on. Pioneers were big into it, Cubans are too . Fuck knows what middle class anarchists make of though . Downward jazz hands all round most likely.

Some of those you're branding as "middle class anarchists" are actually working class, and just like you, live in working-class "districts" or on council estates, and are well-acquainted with the shite you're talking about. That doesn't mean it's acceptable to apply a label with specific derogatory social connotations to people, just because you happen to think that they're all of them irredeemable stabby scum.
You're doing the boss class's work for them, you mug.
Oh, and excellent reading of Marx and Engels! :facepalm:

I give the Ukrainian far right one thing their anti-drug, anti-alcohol, healthy living lifestyle result's in them not developing the Chav look.
...lumpen anti working class elements...dirtbags ,scumbags and scrotes...useless, anti social, devoid of solidarity, rob your house, kick your face in for nothing and stab you bastards...
Casually Red can you explain what it is about the 'look' of the people in this video that makes you think they'll rob houses or stab people?
Except a Chav is not the same as your Scumbags et al. I don't particularly like friends of mine being written of because they dress a certain way. They may not fit with your notion of an idealised clean living working class but I've appreciated the times in the past when they've pulled me out of the shit, taken a punch for me and fed me. Not all Scumbags are Chavs but all Chavs are Scumbags I guess.

I've never recognised 'chav' as a legitimate working class subculture, either. It's something from the outside. Something bound up in middle social prejudices (and going down to those who, over the last few decades, have come to think they're middle class) and a fear of working class people generally. Notice working class is reduced to poor and dysfunctional.
The thing is, CR likes to spend his holidays hanging about with nazis and assorted trash connected to Berliner Dynamo FC, the right kind of violent racist scumbags. And they're more than fucking welcome to him.
Really informative piece from Mark Ames on firstly the dangers and problems of seeing this through and american framework/obsession and secondly outlines the long term contours of Putin's internal stratgey (this is the really good bit). Would love to hear what seventh bullet or others with knowledge of this think about the article. Longish, but well worth the time i think:

Sorry America, Ukraine isn’t all about you

This is a long background way of getting to the point that I want to make about understanding Putin by way of “all politics is local.” Putin lost the crucial big city yuppie class. They’re gone for good. There are a lot of ways an autocrat in a nominally democratic country can respond to that. Putin has chosen a new politics appealing to the Russian Silent Majority, and that means appealing to their resentments, heating up the culture wars between liberal Moscow and the slower, fearful masses in the rest of those eleven time zones. To exploit the huge differences between the Moscow liberals and yuppies opposed to Putin, and the rest of the country that resents them.

The Silent Majority has waited at least two decades for payback, and now it’s on, and it’s not pretty. It’s why Putin targeted Pussy Riot. We Westerners loved them; they were heroes to us, brave punk rock babes fighting the Man and getting jailed for being punk. In our world, that’s cool. But in Russia, Pussy Riot was completely despised by nearly everyone, across class and regional lines. One poll after they were jailed showed only 6 percent of Russians supported Pussy Riot; the poll could not find a single respondent who said they respected the jailed band members.

By exploiting Russian disgust for Pussy Riot and equating the opposition movement with Pussy Riot, Putin was able to conflate the liberal opposition with a decadent, alien art troupe whose purpose seemed to be to humiliate Russia and mock their culture. Nixon couldn’t have dreamed up a more perfect symbol of his opponents.

And two other pieces passed on without comment:

Inside East Ukraine’s Make-Believe Republics

There is no constitution ready, no idea about what the new country’s political system should be and nothing planned yet on how to draw up new laws to replace the Ukrainian legal system. Prior to the uprising no detailed thought had been given to this. There are no blueprints—despite the fact that the hard-core separatist leadership has been agitating for years and grumbling obsessively in apartments and dingy cafés about how things would be better, if only Donetsk oblast could a short-lived, self-declared republic from 1918 that lasted anarchically for one month before even the Soviets wearied of it

Local media silenced in Ukraine's rebel-held east

In Ukraine's restive eastern region of Donetsk, where separatists are in control of several areas and have declared a "People's Republic", local media are being shut down, taken over and intimidated.

The pattern is always the same, said Sergei Garmash, who runs the local news website Ostrov: "Armed men have gone to the headquarters of media outlets -- including ours -- and demanded that programming be coordinated with them."
And if the outlet refuses? The men threaten to "shut it down", Garmash said.

Here in Donetsk the wider information war between pro-Moscow and pro-Kiev media over coverage of Ukraine's crisis is playing out at the local level.
After taking over local media, the well-armed rebels have dismissed journalists, blocked access to offices and cut signals to Ukrainian stations -- which are quickly replaced by Russian ones.

There have also been reports of abductions, equipment seizures and break-ins as the separatists seek to silence opposition to their efforts to bring eastern Ukraine into Russia.
"Abduction by armed separatists remains a risk for both local and foreign journalists," the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) said in a statement this week.
Ames is a shit - not a prick, or a cunt, but an actual shit - but he also knows what he's talking about, and the comparison of Putin with Nixon is spot on in my opinion
Half of them look more like fucking Mumford and Sons than 'Chavs' anyhow.

The kid in the centre front row, with the Jewfro, is definitely some kind of neo-folkie though, with hair like that. Probably has Death in June's entire recorded output.
I've never recognised 'chav' as a legitimate working class subculture, either. It's something from the outside. Something bound up in middle social prejudices (and going down to those who, over the last few decades, have come to think they're middle class) and a fear of working class people generally. Notice working class is reduced to poor and dysfunctional.

Yep. "Subculture" implies construction from the inside-out (at least to begin with, before it gets commercialised), not conformity to an imposed template decided on by people who think that they're more socially-advanced than those they label.
Collections of articles - more on the academic front than anything - you can get a more political/formal groups type list here:

The battle in Ukraine means everything

Tomasz Grzywaczewski (Lodz): Re-building the Empire: The Right of Secession in Public International Law in the Context of Quasi States: The Cases of the Republic of Crimea and Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic (PMR). Ivan Katchanovski (Ottawa): Stalin and Bandera: Politics of Totalitarian Leaders in Contemporary Ukraine. Niccolo Leo Caldararo (SFSU): Ukraine Neither a State Nor a Country. While we praiseUkrainian restraint, Putin builds his neo-Soviet empire. Get real, Nick Kristof: Happy talk isn't going to help Ukraine and Moldova deter Vladimir Putin. The (dis)integration of Moldova: Walter Kemp on five scenarios for Ukraine's fragile neighbor. Which former Soviet state could be the next Ukraine? Linda Kinstler on how Russia says it has an obligation to protect Russian speakers everywhere, which could be used as an excuse to make additional landgrabs. Who will be the president of Novorossiya? A power struggle has broken out among pro-Russian leaders in Ukraine — they're fighting for control of a country that doesn't exist yet. Edward P. Joseph on how Putin could achieve all of his designs on Ukraine — without sending a single tank across the border. Why isUkraine's army so appallingly bad? Linda Kinstler wonders. The history of Jewish-Ukrainian relations hasn't been a happy one — but these days, the two sides are joining forces against Vladimir Putin. From TNR, Anne Applebaum on why nationalism is exactly what Ukraine needs: Democracy fails when citizens don't believe their country is worth fighting for; and Timothy Snyder on how the battle in Ukraine means everything: Fascism returns to the country it once destroyed. Jann Ingmire and Wen Huang interview Eric Posner and Stanislav Markus on the Ukraine crisis. Max Fisher on the speech Obama would give on Russia if he were brutally honest.
Collections of articles - more on the academic front than anything - you can get a more political/formal groups type list here:

The battle in Ukraine means everything

Tomasz Grzywaczewski (Lodz): Re-building the Empire: The Right of Secession in Public International Law in the Context of Quasi States: The Cases of the Republic of Crimea and Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic (PMR). Ivan Katchanovski (Ottawa): Stalin and Bandera: Politics of Totalitarian Leaders in Contemporary Ukraine. Niccolo Leo Caldararo (SFSU): Ukraine Neither a State Nor a Country. While we praiseUkrainian restraint, Putin builds his neo-Soviet empire. Get real, Nick Kristof: Happy talk isn't going to help Ukraine and Moldova deter Vladimir Putin. The (dis)integration of Moldova: Walter Kemp on five scenarios for Ukraine's fragile neighbor. Which former Soviet state could be the next Ukraine? Linda Kinstler on how Russia says it has an obligation to protect Russian speakers everywhere, which could be used as an excuse to make additional landgrabs. Who will be the president of Novorossiya? A power struggle has broken out among pro-Russian leaders in Ukraine — they're fighting for control of a country that doesn't exist yet. Edward P. Joseph on how Putin could achieve all of his designs on Ukraine — without sending a single tank across the border. Why isUkraine's army so appallingly bad? Linda Kinstler wonders. The history of Jewish-Ukrainian relations hasn't been a happy one — but these days, the two sides are joining forces against Vladimir Putin. From TNR, Anne Applebaum on why nationalism is exactly what Ukraine needs: Democracy fails when citizens don't believe their country is worth fighting for; and Timothy Snyder on how the battle in Ukraine means everything: Fascism returns to the country it once destroyed. Jann Ingmire and Wen Huang interview Eric Posner and Stanislav Markus on the Ukraine crisis. Max Fisher on the speech Obama would give on Russia if he were brutally honest.

That Timothy Snyder piece is disgusting.

Stuff like this:

Die Linke operates within the virtual reality created by Russian propaganda, in which the task of the European left (or rather “left”) is to criticize the Ukrainian right—but not the European right, and certainly not the Russian right. This is also an American phenomenon, visible for example in the otherwise surprising accord on the nature of the Ukrainian revolution and the reasonableness of the Russian counterrevolution expressed in Lyndon Larouche’s Executive Intelligence Review, the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity, and The Nation.

'If you're not with us, you're with Putin and Lyndon LaRouche'. Fuck off, Snyder.
From the Snyder piece, towards the end:

seventh bullet - is there any truth in this at all?

ETA: In the case of Isvestia, apparently it is true:


No idea about the Holocaust thing on Russian telly, but the Hitler rehabilitation stuff looks like a shit attempt at smearing the Russian government re fascism again. It would be incongruent considering the at times selective celebration of the Stalin-era (minus Communism) in making Russia and its neighbours under Russian leadership a major power.

I haven't read all of the Ames piece butchersapon posted earlier (my phone is shit), but he seems to have got the divide and mutual distrust between the liberal (particularly Moscow-based) sections of the intelligentsia and those out in the provinces spot on. Although working class support for Putin isn't quite so simple as backward masses sticking two fingers up to a tiny urban social elite that despises them. I've had the misfortune to meet these types as a provincial myself, and they should be set on fire quite frankly.
No idea about the Holocaust thing on Russian telly, but the Hitler rehabilitation stuff looks like a shit attempt at smearing the Russian government re fascism again. It would be incongruent considering the at times selective celebration of the Stalin-era (minus Communism) in making Russia and its neighbours under Russian leadership a major power.

I haven't read all of the Ames piece butchersapon posted earlier (my phone is shit), but he seems to have got the divide and mutual distrust between the liberal (particularly Moscow-based) sections of the intelligentsia and those out in the provinces spot on. Although working class support for Putin isn't quite so simple as backward masses sticking two fingers up to a tiny urban social elite that despises them. I've had the misfortune to meet these types as a provincial myself, and they should be set on fire quite frankly.

This site (http://www.interpretermag.com/russia-this-week-hate-campaigns-against-anti-war-critics/#0300)
has this quote from that piece, but not a complete translation:

In order to depict the Russian authorities as offspring of hell, Zubov tries to make some dubious parallels of Russian actions in the Crimea with the policy of Adolph Hitler on the eve of World War II. I think that a historian, and also one loaded with degrees, should be more careful in his evaluations of what indeed happened in German history. We must distinguish the Hitler before 1939 from the Hitler after 1939, and separate the wheat from the chaff. The fact is that while Hitler was involved in gathering lands, then — as Zubov himself admits — he would be famous only for the fact that without a single drop of blood, he united Germany with Austria, the Sudetenland [parts of Czechoslovakia] with Germany and the Memelland [Klaipeda Region] with Germany, essentially completing what Bismarck failed to do. If Hitler had stopped there, then he would have remained in the history of his country a politician of the highest class.

However, he went down in history as the greatest evil-doer only because he set for himself and Germany the insane ideas of world domination, declaring entire peoples as inferior, trying to claim the superiority of the Aryan race over others less worthy, and setting his goal to destroy tens of millions Slavs, Jews, Roma and other ethnic groups. It was these insane ideas that led to the sad end of both Hitler and all of Germany. And all of that had no relationship to the unification of Germany and the gathering of the German lands. It must be said that not he alone was a hero of gathering lands. Besides Bismarck and Kohl, one other person must be noted who went down in history in that respect, and whose monument is carved on Mt. Rushmore in South Dakota. That is President Abraham Lincoln, glorified in the famous monument above all for the reason that he did not allow the American state to fall apart, and at the price of hundreds of thousands of victims and unprecedented suffering preserved its integrity. And it is no secret to anyone that the gatherers of lands in the history of every nation occupy an honored, important place in the national pantheon of heroes.
Here's a thing. The Merk still wants a long-term relationship with Russia:

No coincidence also that the day beforehand, Putin suggested Europe should pay Ukraines gas bill:
Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin wants the EU to take the gas debt of Ukraine to Russia. In an emergency, the EU's gas supply would be jeopardized.
The Russian energy supplier Gazprom increases the pressure on Ukraine: Alone for gas deliveries in June, the government in Kiev to pay $ 1.66 billion in advance.
What else should she say when the german economy's dependant on russian energy to the tune of 35% of its net consumption.
I doubt Europe would get the kind of discounts Yanukovich got, even considering economies of scale.
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