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That's the right sector turn up, tell them what to do, get a load of their own to blow themselves up and get dredged off as war casualties rather than the door that they're after blowing up and still set inside ablaze. All within a minute. Then in the next 30 seconds the OB march in then out.
Not so thankfully Yarosh has announced hes travelling to Slavyansk to personally oversee the operation there . Looks like an all out assault
Yarosh doesn't have any kind of government position so what 'operation' is he going to 'oversee' exactly?

Oh my mistake, this from RT: http://rt.com/op-edge/156524-sleboda-ukraine-odessa-violence/

RT: Do you expect to see further violence in eastern and southern Ukraine?

MS: We've already gotten reports of further encroachments in Kramatorsk and Slavyansk, and Dmitry Yarosh, the leader of the Right Sector, has just announced that he will personally go to Slavyansk to oversee the final stages of the operation, as he put it.

Skynews reporter Stuart Ramsay just described the molotoving of the building as "an accident"
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Yarosh doesn't have any kind of government position so what 'operation' is he going to 'oversee' exactly?

Oh my mistake, this from RT: http://rt.com/op-edge/156524-sleboda-ukraine-odessa-violence/

RT: Do you expect to see further violence in eastern and southern Ukraine?

MS: We've already gotten reports of further encroachments in Kramatorsk and Slavyansk, and Dmitry Yarosh, the leader of the Right Sector, has just announced that he will personally go to Slavyansk to oversee the final stages of the operation, as he put it.

To be fair Arkan and co and their equivalents on the croatian side didn't really have government positions in the Balkan wars so its not beyond the realms of possibility that he could be intending to do some very nasty stuff there with government backing
That's the right sector turn up, tell them what to do, get a load of their own to blow themselves up and get dredged off as war casualties rather than the door that they're after blowing up and still set inside ablaze. All within a minute. Then in the next 30 seconds the OB march in then out.

That video is fucked :(

Kiev Post reporting that 10 civilians in Sloviansk were killed and 40 injured after forming a human chain to block a Right Sector motorcade who then opened fire on them. Probably some truth in this, but the only source is from the rebels themselves. Either way - things are looking really ugly.

i thought classic dish had explained to the class , repeatedly over numerous pages now, that Right Sector have basically no members, no authority, no presence, no responsibility for anything and are largely a figment of my imagination. Please try and keep up .
Oh god, learn how to read even slightly critically:

Last night people in the village of Andriyivka (a suburb of Sloviansk) went out to obstruct the road to a Right Sector motorcade. They formed a human chain, but Right Sector fighters opened fire, killing more than ten people as a result," Sloviansk "people's mayor" Viacheslav Ponomariov told Interfax by phone on Saturday.

A gcse class on how to examine sources could make some use of this. ffs
Bearing in mind the footage of a Maidan-side man apparently shot in the head early on in the daytime events in Odessa - here is the first footage I've seen from the anti-Maidan side, the kolorados, showing a man taking pot shots down the street with an AK.

The blue shirt pistol shooter from the long ground level footage? Here he was earlier, Sotnik 'Mikola', amongst police, on the phone about the situation, while his men seems to want to be let through. The kolorados blockaded "our" office, whoever they are.

The long footage cameraman seems to suggest on the union building lawn that they're pravy sector. And that they probably (?I think) arrived on the Odessian police buses. I just want to know who the guy in the suit is. He is still wandering about while the fallen people are being dragged away.
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Not at all. I had been arguing with sunny jim over whether the Kiev government represents the state in western ukraine turning fascist (a claim he made with CR like confidence). Just because I said it wasn't fascist doesn't mean I don't think there is anything to worry about (there is and I do). If I didn't think there was anything to worry about, or if I thought the Kiev government was really ok I would have said so. Do I need to end every post with a qualification that says I don't like the Kiev regime? Aren't my previous posts on this thread (which you can easily view via search function) sufficient?

So, now i've finally been able to actually look at the row you'd had with sunny jim and within that context I have to say I'm with him.

The way the coup took place, the appointment of Yarosh (irrelevant that he then later relinquished the post - probably stepped down so he can now go on to do enough damage outside the legal framework), the push east with the military, national guard/right sector ultras bussed in and, most importantly the deathly silence from anyone in the current kiev regime voicing any opposition to the military engagment on Ukrainian citizens (pro russian or not), all hurriedly done before any elections. All this should giveus enough of an indication on how this "fascist involved" government is operating.

I'll call it fascist how ever much I like and no vocabulary pedantry will alter that. So let's just agree to disagree.
That's an interesting question and the kind of thing I think we should be discussing (shame lovedetective hasn't been able to post more on this thread cos he really knows his stuff when it comes to this). There's two ways of looking at it I suppose. I guess we could have an abstract academic discussion over whether he fits the various competing definitions of fascism.
Good, so we are in agreement that the head of the military is a fascist.
He was appointed that position by a spineless neo-liberal cunt without a whisper of opposition gfrom his cronies that also took seats - The fact that they werent even elected and, the legitimacy of this government being highly questionable, just rubs salt into all the open wounds of the "electorate" in the east of the country.
You may want to call Yatsenyuk a neo-liberal but he'll remain fully accountable for this appointment and subsequest actions. I find it fully justifiable to brand him a de-facto fascist (puppet or not).
But in case anyone is uncertain, I think the Kiev government are a bunch of cunts - neoliberals and far right cunts - as are those who have backed them via the EU, US foreign office and NATO. What I do take issue with is the uncritical way in which the other 'side' is viewed. For example, butchers just posted an uncropped version photo cr posted of that march. Beside the antifascist banner was a monarchist banner - a far right banner. It's not good guys vs bad guys. We need to get beyond these binaries and work out what's really going off.
After a serious look at what both sides represent people may choose still to take sides - but at least they'd be doing it from an informed position. I might decide (though I think it unlikely) that the pro-Russian side is worthy of support. But I'm definitely not going to do that while I don't know the facts and there are aspects of the pro-Russian side that are deeply worrying. The uncritical reposting of RT propaganda really doesn't help with that - it's people talking with an air of authority, as if they've taken an objective view, when really they're regurgitating what they saw on the Putin's propaganda mouthpiece.
I agree with most of that although I'd say the jury's still out on the "monarchist" flag thing. The symbology of the anti-kiev folk is nowhere near as disturbing as the wolfsangels, white power and SS symbols of the last days of the maiden (the uprising) IMO.
Yesterday this was sprayed on the Union building enterance. Kind of eery:
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In what way is monarchist flags being on display mean that the jury is out- i literally showed showed you their banners, their flags, their shields and their weapons.

It's getting a bit pointless when requests to not be a black/white idiot are met with pics of how black/white stuff is sold.

What a demoralising thread.
In what way is monarchist flags being on display mean that the jury is out- i literally showed showed you their banners, their flags, their shields and their weapons.
Is it really a monarchist flag?
DairyQueen made the following statement that nobody seems to have contested:
The black/yellow/white flag is the old flag from the Russian Empire days. No idea who is using it and its meaning beyond some allegiance to Russia (for example, who the far-right groups are that wiki is referring to)
That's why I'm saying the juy's out.
The fact that there are some armed people in those pictures means fuck all. Especially after yesterdays events I'd say it's vilified and fully justified. If that shit was happening in the city I lived in, I'd be armed too.
It's getting a bit pointless when requests to not be a black/white idiot are met with pics of how black/white stuff is sold.
You linked to the black/white image first (OK fair enough, there was a bit of yellow in it too).:rolleyes:
What a demoralising thread.
The whole chain of events in Ukraine is demoralising. What do you want? Pictures of left wingers with balloons?
What does that link from DQ say about the flag that you're unsure about?

Since the 1990s this flag is used by monarchists and some extreme right political groups.

Yes, it's a monarchist flag. Monarchist colours being used by monarchists.
Oh god, learn how to read even slightly critically:

A gcse class on how to examine sources could make some use of this. ffs

Ponomaryov the Powerless is good at making claims, not so good at backing them up. Thinks he's a political mover like Boris Johnson, is actually more like Boris Yeltsin.
Is it really a monarchist flag?
DairyQueen made the following statement that nobody seems to have contested:

That's why I'm saying the juy's out.
The imperial flag and a few variants of it have been popular with elements of the Russian hard right ("elements" because some of the Russian hard-right are anti-monarchist) since the Soviet Union dissolved. It's a signifier of support for "the good old days" of the empire (you know, the ones that either never actually existed, or were only good for the monarchy, the aristos, the Church and the Russian bourgeoisie).
if the anti junta protestors still have control of those 3 million guns theyd need to start handing them out sharpish. The fash are basically killing people by the dozen now.
There's only one place for a monarchist White army or any wanna-bes, and that's in ditches similar to the ones they ended up in, in Ukraine 95 years ago.

well im sure the fascists will be very happy to put them there alongside the communists and anyone else who gets in their way

im equally sure youll be deriving some satisfaction from that, and no doubt expressing it too
The imperial flag and a few variants of it have been popular with elements of the Russian hard right ("elements" because some of the Russian hard-right are anti-monarchist) since the Soviet Union dissolved. It's a signifier of support for "the good old days" of the empire (you know, the ones that either never actually existed, or were only good for the monarchy, the aristos, the Church and the Russian bourgeoisie).

Yep, they were imperial colours used in the 19th century and have been adopted by nationalist groups (not necessarily monarchist) since the dying days of the Soviet Union (the 'Black Hundredist' Pamyat in the 1980s).

The pogrom-inciting Movement Against Illegal Immigration (DPNI), which has been led by a former Pamyat member, used the colours.


The other flag has the Romanov imperial standard, along with 'Glory to Russia.'
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