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Some stuff on Bandera, including email correspondence with his grandson Steve.

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This is a piece of commentary relating to the Winter Olympics at Sochi:


relevant because it reflects my experience of the news coverage. Initially it seemed to be complete western spin, but it wasn't as complete as it has been in the past - there were different narratives, and over time these have created confusion for the news networks as how to present their story. Interesting.

Whats struck me about much of the news coverage is the personalisation of it, bordering almost on racism. Theres no ideology to criticise or scaremonger against now, just a nationality .

We can see the way Liz Wahl has now become an American and to an extent British media heroine. Yet if you read what shes actually saying its a complete load of bollocks. Ive actually seen some western media coverage actually edit out the US military jingoism in her statement, because the hypocrisy of her stated loyalty to injured US occupation troops is just too glaring .

So while some are editting that hypocrisy out I dont see any of them taking her to task on it despite how obvious it is. As well as that her pronouncement that all of a sudden she realised RT pushes the Russian take on things and says nasty things about the United states that arent true , and it made her sick to realise she was working for them....thats just laughable beyond belief, utterly ridiculous. But pushed as a credible media line and not once questioned in the west.

And now its become apparent that the basis of her supposed road to Damascus is demonstrably bollocks too. She claimed that her interview with arch libertarian Ron Paul on Americas role in events in Ukraine was heavily editted because RT didnt like the line it took. Ron Paul however is saying thats a complete load of bollocks and the interview aired put accross everything he was saying on the subject to his complete satisfaction
The programming yesterday, as all other ones, I thought was very fair. I listened to the replay of the whole thing....I didn’t think it was slanted in any way. I thought what they reported was exactly what I said...
“I would say that it essentially all got in there in a fair and balanced manner but she implied they edited something I said that might have benefited her position. I don’t recall any of that. I thought the report and the essence of what they put on TV was exactly the message I was trying to get out.”


At the same time we have Larry Kings syndicated show which is aired on RT coming under serious media pressure in the United states to stop broadcasting. Which is basically a call for all out media boycott and censorship. Yet Kings show habitually puts out a very pro American line and with strong criticism of Russia and Putin, which King maintains is never censored or editted out.


In fact I remember king being interviewed by Abby Martin during the Snowden stand off, and he was adamant Snowden was a traitor who should be extradited and tried for betraying his country . While Martin herself has been highly critical of Russias actions but just as adamant shes never censored or told to take a particular line .

But what we have coming from the west is a virtual media war, journalists excoriating other journalists for going off message . Reached a new low the other day when CNN published an RT screen grab showing coloured areas of the Ukraine map . The yanks claimed RT was calling for the annexation by Russia of the big yellow bit . In actuality all RT was showing to its viewers was the extent how much of the country spoke Russian and was affected by the language issues.

So what Im struck by then is the extent to which a lot of western media are concentrating their attacks not on Russian policy per se but upon other media which is contradicting the narrative. And utilising glaring falsehoods to do that.
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Looks like the same kind of faulty human pattern recognition that we often see in the 'visual evidence-based' conspiracy theories is at work:


Is this the same woman? Some social media users in Ukraine seem to think so.

The woman has appeared in interviews in cities across Ukraine under different names, spreading an anti-protest and pro-Russian message. It's led to a deluge of videos and pictures being shared on social media platforms as people try to spot the woman.

Anne-Marie Tomchak from #BBCtrending investigates whether this is the same woman and discovers a trend of spotting 'fakes' in #Ukraine.
its some different middle aged chunky women who while slightly similar in appearance patently are not the same woman. That BBC are even giving credence to that is pretty disgraceful. But then again their record has a lot of similar instances
its some different middle aged chunky women who while slightly similar in appearance patently are not the same woman. That BBC are even giving credence to that is pretty disgraceful. But then again their record has a lot of similar instances



I assume the allegation is that a UFO descended and she was whisked away for plastic surgery?
heres an interesting summary from his facebook page of what Boris Filatov, one of Kievs newly appointed governors in the south east reckons should happen next .


all sounds nice at the beginning, saying they made a massive mistake over the language thing, reneging on agreements on so forth . Crimea should have autonomy, Russian language upheld...his facebook is in Russian so his Ukrainian must be dodgy. Some other stuff weighing up whats going on generally. He warns heavily against any provocations from the Maidan, no armed provocations or extremist statements. In fact he says all manner of concessions promises and guarantees should be given to their opponents in an attempt to keep Ukraine stable and united. All really nice liberal and conciliatory, responsible stuff.

And once thats done he says then hang them...hang the scum later :D

Thatll go down well in any negotiation process. why hes put that madness on his facebook page is anyones guess.
heres an interesting summary from his facebook page of what Boris Filatov, one of Kievs newly appointed governors in the south east reckons should happen next .


all sounds nice at the beginning, saying they made a massive mistake over the language thing, reneging on agreements on so forth . Crimea should have autonomy, Russian language upheld...his facebook is in Russian so his Ukrainian must be dodgy. Some other stuff weighing up whats going on generally. He warns heavily against any provocations from the Maidan, no armed provocations or extremist statements. In fact he says all manner of concessions promises and guarantees should be given to their opponents in an attempt to keep Ukraine stable and united. All really nice liberal and conciliatory, responsible stuff.

And once thats done he says then hang them...hang the scum later :D

Thatll go down well in any negotiation process. why hes put that madness on his facebook page is anyones guess.

This whole affair has put the WTF-ness knobs up to 11, but that has to be one of the weirdest things in the whole business. "Hang them afterwards". :facepalm:
Twas a cunning plan, worthy of dark arts and skullduggery theorist Machiavelli himself, like a Byzantine web of treachery and intrigue amongst the Borgias....until he put it on his facebook page. And became a Ukrainian Wiley E Coyote.
[. . .] RosyFuture[/USER] what do you think?
I think Spineless, emany, Greebo, & CR are bullies, troubled, & unable to be civil with peeps whose opinion they may disagree with.

A forum, if it is to be healthy, does not need to be convivial but it has to be civil. Otherwise it is abusive, &, unfortunately, that is what this thread has become.

Through acts of commission & omission this thread has degenerated. That may suit some, but not me.

Enlightening discussion can not take place in an atmosphere where some are abusive & irrational. I defer to their ignorance.
I think Spineless, emany, Greebo, & CR are bullies, troubled, & unable to be civil with peeps whose opinion they may disagree with. <snip>
I'd like to know exactly what I've done to you to deserve being described in that way. Interesting that you call me a bully and yet you resort to ad hominems, which I try to avoid. BTW messing about with usernames on urban is frowned upon, except when done with urbanites you know and like (or at least know and respect).

Adapt, risk being called somebody's sockpuppet (until you can prove otherwise), or piss off; it's entirely your choice.
I think Spineless, emany, Greebo, & CR are bullies, troubled, & unable to be civil with peeps whose opinion they may disagree with.

A forum, if it is to be healthy, does not need to be convivial but it has to be civil. Otherwise it is abusive, &, unfortunately, that is what this thread has become.

Through acts of commission & omission this thread has degenerated. That may suit some, but not me.

Enlightening discussion can not take place in an atmosphere where some are abusive & irrational. I defer to their ignorance.

You'll note that I was in fact very welcoming when you first turned up on this thread - I simply pointed out that you came across as a bit odd when you started posting weird shit about honkies and the proletariat.

And wtf has Greebo ever done to you?

You'll note that I was in fact very welcoming when you first turned up on this thread - I simply pointed out that you came across as a bit odd when you started posting weird shit about honkies and the proletariat.

And wtf has Greebo ever done to you?

And emanymton - he's only posted once on this thread, on 22 February, and even in that post didn't reply or refer to you.

You're not doing much to make me question whether I was right to call you a bit odd RosyFuture

Don't worry though, I won't report you for fucking about with my username.
I think Spineless, emany, Greebo, & CR are bullies, troubled, & unable to be civil with peeps whose opinion they may disagree with.

A forum, if it is to be healthy, does not need to be convivial but it has to be civil. Otherwise it is abusive, &, unfortunately, that is what this thread has become.

Through acts of commission & omission this thread has degenerated. That may suit some, but not me.

Enlightening discussion can not take place in an atmosphere where some are abusive & irrational. I defer to their ignorance.

At the risk of being accused again of obsequiousness, I don't think any of those you've accused are guilty as charged. Perhaps there's an element of you not yet being entirely familiar with the way discussions can be conducted here, which is less polite than some other forums, and which can sometimes look a little harsh to those not used to it.

Your posts were interesting to begin with, but there seems to have been a change which has made them less so, for whatever reason. But I agree that in some ways the thread in general has kind of deteriorated through polarisation and quibbling (just my perspective, other opinions are available) and a certain amount of what has been posted recently comes across as posting for the sake of posting. Maybe that's to some extent a result of the ways events on the ground and in the media have unfolded.
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