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Simon Shuster saying that there's a TV report of the Russians ramming an airforce base's gates with a truck.

Might be a load of balls.
& in english?
I'm using a translation plugin sorry.

In Sevastopol, the Russian soldiers stormed the Ukrainian military unit A2355.

This was reported by the agency " Interfax-Ukraine "of the assistant on duty.

According to him, the Russian military army broke through the gates KAMAZ military unit seized a nearby house, and now burst to the command.

On the territory of the pieces are about 100 Ukrainian military, on the number of attackers is not the spokesman said.

In turn, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine said that at this time about 20 people stormed the tactical command post of the "Crimea" Ukrainian Air Force.

Among a group of attackers - "Cossacks", as well as local radicals with bits that throw stun grenades.

According to the information at this time commander and political officer got out of the command post and hold talks with the strikers. The personnel of the military unit barricaded himself in one of the barracks.
It will mean the United states missiles yet again right on Russias border, the noose around Russias neck being tightened . The United States went to the brink of nuclear war over Russian missiles stationed in Cuba, naval blockades and all sorts . Russias being quite restrained in comparison .

Word on da street is the Sovjets wanted to station nukes in Cuba in answer to the US basing nukes in Turkey.
Ukraine..or whats left of it mightnt continue . Without the eastern industrial belt theyre fucked . Even with it , without Russian gas discounts for the energy that runs them those industries will collapse. As they will without a Russian market and tax waivers for their products, which will happen if they join the EU . Which the Junta are determined to do .
And the eastern regions seem to be intent on maximum seperation from Kiev . Because theyre going to be economicaly destroyed if Kievs agenda triumphs , as well as being subject to massive austerity alongside that ruination. And thats before all the fascist and ultra nationalist stuff theyll have to deal with . Kiev needs them, they certainly dont need Kiev or western Ukraine . Or the EU for that matter .

I read somewhere (an article in Counterpunch I think) that Ukraine could have been involved with both economic blocks (the EU and Putins Eurasian Union roadmap) but Brussels insisted on the zerosum-game with countdown approach.
I read somewhere (an article in Counterpunch I think) that Ukraine could have been involved with both economic blocks (the EU and Putins Eurasian Union roadmap) but Brussels insisted on the zerosum-game with countdown approach.

exactly, it was an ultimatum and not an invitation . Yanukovich simply couldnt go the EU route, Ukraine would be completely ruined and him with it . Russia was repeatedly calling for tripartite talks on the issue, Ukraine, EU and Russia sitting down together to figure out a compromise . EU was having none of it , their way or else . Then they went in and cheered the rioters on, quite openly .

Before he learned about the decisions of the Rada and the Ukrainian government, the Russian president had clearly defined our position, which said that Russia would be ready to hold tripartite negotiations for elaborating and improving the modality of our trade and economic cooperation," Russian presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov said.


followed by

The EU-Ukraine association agreement cannot be elaborated in the EU-Ukraine-Russia tripartite format, European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso said.

He rejected as unacceptable the tripartite negotiations and the interference of a third country in the bilateral agreement and said there could not be a tripartite format in the elaboration of the bilateral agreement between the EU and Ukraine. Barroso made the statement at a press conference after the Eastern Partnership Vilnius summit

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I wonder what it could be about the Russians that the Ukrainians don't trust.


that's kind of a bit...

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But how many Russian's do you think know who he is? actually there not even many Westerners who know who he is.
Oh come on, he's one of the most well known American politicians after the president (and maybe the Clintons), and probably the most well known senator.
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I may b a lil dumb but I've just found out why Germany is soft on Russia:


And in the Brave New Ukrainian World there'll be no chance of bloody foreigners denying jobs to wholesome Ukrainian youff (& is that a Russian word that crept in there?)
anyways, it turns out Shusters report was another lie . No gates were rammed, no base was raided. A truck was parked outside a Ukranian bases gate, blocking it. Resulted in an argument. Arguments now over and truck has been moved.

Appears yet again this hysterical fable has originated from the Kiev propaganda department.

No 16000 strong invasion
No tanks
No ultimatum to surrender or die
No truck rammed through gate

all lies for western consumption, button pressing
The BBC News was claiming that Russian skinheads were marking Muslim homes with black marks, then ominously switched to a picture of a Russian helicopter. No evidence produced other than a single black mark against a single house. That reporting followed an interview with an elderly Tatar Muslim recalling the Tatars' expulsion from Crimea.

In the West of the country of course they managed to film neo-Nazi flags for week upon week without commenting on the political affiliation of the people flying them.

Honestly the BBC resembles a mirror image of RT on this stuff more and more.
anyways, it turns out Shusters report was another lie . No gates were rammed, no base was raided. A truck was parked outside a Ukranian bases gate, blocking it. Resulted in an argument. Arguments now over and truck has been moved.

Appears yet again this hysterical fable has originated from the Kiev propaganda department.

No 16000 strong invasion
No tanks
No ultimatum to surrender or die
No truck rammed through gate

all lies for western consumption, button pressing
& as Our Great Leader, The New Steersman, said,

No Russian troops.

Makes any rational person wonder what all the fuss is about.

Must be false flag or distraction - distraction from the continuing world capitalist crisis impoverishing the world's proletariat, peasants, & lumpen elements.

It's that simple, isn't it?
The BBC News was claiming that Russian skinheads were marking Muslim homes with black marks, then ominously switched to a picture of a Russian helicopter. No evidence produced other than a single black mark against a single house. That reporting followed an interview with an elderly Tatar Muslim recalling the Tatars' expulsion from Crimea.

In the West of the country of course they managed to film neo-Nazi flags for week upon week without commenting on the political affiliation of the people flying them.

Honestly the BBC resembles a mirror image of RT on this stuff more and more.
honky, he spake with forked tongue
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