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UK employers struggle with worst labour shortage since 1997

The people that have left Britain to go back to their own countries, because of Brexit, their jobs, that companies are trying to fill, are terrible wages and conditions. The problem at the end of it all. is the rich. The problem is greed. The song remains the same.
Thats pure cheek for it to be said that there is a labour shortage. Why are the Unions so quiet??
I suspect post furlough that figure will change a little.
I'm not actually sure about this - I suspect a lot of employers are simply using furlough to top up their wage bill rather than all those million staff being truly furloughed, and the workers will mostly be absorbed back into the workforce. I could be wrong but think the end of furlough might be less of a bump than expected. I guess we'll see soon enough though.
The last job I had (self employed contracted to qubegb) we got after probation £129 per day, cool eh?

Then you have to pay £120 a week for rent of van and tools, pay you own fuel unless you do over 75 miles a day then they give you 16p a mile over the 75 , £1000 excess on the van for any accident , if you got a blow out, £235 to fix, contracted to do 9.5 hours a day, but you have to take an unpaid lunch of 30 mins taking it up to 10 hours a day, when we joined were told never working in a Sunday, then they changed that to one in 6, then you have to pay tax and ni, some weeks you work 60 hours with no over time rate and you end up earning less than min wage but as you’re self employed you can’t do fuck all, I’ve said this on other threads but I went off for 13 weeks with back issues so I couldn’t drive and they still charged £70 a week for the van I couldn’t use, then terminated my contract when I asked for fuel to get out and do my route.
And... for the first 9 months you are tied in to pay for your training £1000 until 3 months, £600 until 6 months etc

so exploitation is still at large now and I’m 50....

utter utter cunts , quite relived when they fired me tbh
In the late 80s I went for a few telesales gigs (I was shit at it tbf) one early job offer was working at the Observer. I asked about pay during the 6 week training period I had to do before actually started work, I was told they would lend me the money to cover my expenses for the 6 week period I wasn't working 🤔 . So I said, I have to borrow £1500 (can't remember the exact figure) and at the end of the 6 weeks training, you could just let me go & I have no job and I owe you money ? They said yes, I said no. Ended up temping as a theatre Porter at Charing Cross hospital for a few months at £7 an hour and left not owing them money.
I'm not actually sure about this - I suspect a lot of employers are simply using furlough to top up their wage bill rather than all those million staff being truly furloughed, and the workers will mostly be absorbed back into the workforce. I could be wrong but think the end of furlough might be less of a bump than expected. I guess we'll see soon enough though.
Travel industry alone is predicting 20%+ redundancy
In the late 80s I went for a few telesales gigs (I was shit at it tbf) one early job offer was working at the Observer. I asked about pay during the 6 week training period I had to do before actually started work, I was told they would lend me the money to cover my expenses for the 6 week period I wasn't working 🤔 . So I said, I have to borrow £1500 (can't remember the exact figure) and at the end of the 6 weeks training, you could just let me go & I have no job and I owe you money ? They said yes, I said no. Ended up temping as a theatre Porter at Charing Cross hospital for a few months at £7 an hour and left not owing them money.
That's got be illegal surely, otherwise they could basically swap their entire workforce out every 6 weeks and not pay em a thing.
Sure, lots of people are predicting allsorts of things. Maybe the direst predictions will come true - I'm predicting more modest job losses though.

So am I. The longer run question is what are the outcomes and conclusions drawn when people start reflecting on the achievements of the furlough scheme and the political questions it raises. Adam Tooze has been regularly quoting Keynes statement, "that anything we can actually do, we can afford" about the state and economy. The Furlough proves the truth of Keynes statement.
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Travel industry alone is predicting 20%+ redundancy

A friend who works in travel has just been made redundant. The company didn't want to lose her and held out for as long as possible but the situation is so gloomy within that industry. The knock on effects for hospitality is probably equally as gloomy.

It seems to me that the squeeze at the moment is that there are those without a job and there are jobs available but the skills people have do not match up to the jobs available. There is probably no quick fix to this but if you want to be optimistic there is hope UK companies may go back to actually training people up instead of just getting a cheap Eastern European who was suitably qualified.

The company I work for has just given all our HGV drivers a pay rise to keep them as they are in demand so that's already a positive that's come out of all this. I'm hopeful more good things can come out of all this but at the moment its pretty shit for anyone who's skills are in an industry which the pandemic has hammered.
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That's got be illegal surely, otherwise they could basically swap their entire workforce out every 6 weeks and not pay em a thing.
This was in 1989 tbf , but yes, and it is comfortably the worst job offer I've ever had . I later got a job at the Independent , they offered £11k a year, training included, plus commission. I left after 6 months, I was eased out tbf, earning about £300 commission in that time 😀 colleagues managed to get £3-400 a month in commission, possibly more.
That's all you're worth. Dan.
You are a bully.
Summing up someone’s worth in some shitty forum. For the gratification of your peers. Bully.
And specifically to dehumanise them by calling them some trope name (I’m not called Dan). You are a bully.
You need to take a look at yourself, you aren’t as tolerant as you’d like to think.
You are a bully.
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