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two worlds

No, fela, don't go -- bless us some more with your learn'd wisdoms, gained through hearty experience in the school of hard knocks.
That's exactly what I thought you were saying, Fela. It's been said before, you know:

Accept what you can't change, change what you can, and have the wisdom to know the difference.


The 'next' is mate, assuming there's nothing new for you to learn here, is to bugger off to a thread that you find worthwhile. Perhaps others might be able to come here and find it worthwhile, although at the moment with the usual jibes and pathetic one-liners that seems unlikely.

'Next' my arse. Go and find someone your intellectual equal and stop wasting your time mate.
It's dangerous to reach conclusions and spring them on the world as new revelations. Others have usually reached those conclusions before you.

I don't want to have a go too much – I probably already have tbh – because I think it is good to want to talk about your ideas. I've made the mistake before – saying what I thought was a great revelation to discover that it wasn't really. The lesson is usually that a little humility is wise.
Because I am excessively negative.

ETA: Actually, I preferred fractionMan's response. Pretend I said that instead.
It's dangerous to reach conclusions and spring them on the world as new revelations. Others have usually reached those conclusions before you.

I don't want to have a go too much – I probably already have tbh – because I think it is good to want to talk about your ideas. I've made the mistake before – saying what I thought was a great revelation to discover that it wasn't really. The lesson is usually that a little humility is wise.

Dangerous? To life and limb?

Probably just about everything i've thought about from my reflections has been thought about by others before me. It seems incongruous to to think i can even come up with one new idea. But then again, so what? That's their life, this is mine. I prefer to live my own life from my own filosofizin, not base it on what others have said, even if they do have gloriously famous names in the world of bullshit, sorry, philosophy. There's something innately more satisfying finding something of truth out for oneself rather than being told what it is.

Philosophy forums are surely for debating, talking, discussing? Not about being right or wrong, clever or stupid. But this forum don't half attract some petty and pathetic one-liners. Not yourself, but there again you came on to my thread in rather a negative mindset towards me. But at least you're bothering to discuss things. I would have thought if you want to have a go at someone (and this seems a peculiarly british trait), then do it in the politics forums? After all politics is the basest form of life where we engage in negative barbs towards our brethren. I though philosophy was supposed to be conducted in a somewhat more civilised manner, no?

And what i said here is not any kind of great revelation in my thinking. Interestingly when i put this idea forward in the context of my work, it provokes much reflection upon people. However, i guess posters here on urban already know everything...

As for humility, yes, there's room for that at times for sure. But yet again, the old british disease of rejecting what is perceived as intelligence or arrogance rears its ugly head man. In britain one is not allowed to talk oneself up (even though i wasn't doing that) without a whole heap of people coming down on you like a tonne of bricks. So mate, if you wish to practise humility, fine do so, but don't be so unhumble as to suggest i should do the same! If you are really practising your own humility, you would not be telling me to do anything. Humble people don't do that...

And finally if you think it's good for people to want to talk about their ideas, then just have a look at your posts on this thread. You hardly created the right kind of climate to discuss.

I think, if i've got it right, you have spent too much time projecting onto my posts your own ideas of life and of the 'fela fan' that comes to urban. That is indeed dodgy territory for proper filosofizin... 'dangerous' even??
There are two worlds:

The World of Is


The World of Should Be

Which one do you mostly inhabit? And i would suggest that if your answer is the latter one, then you're in very good company. I would also further suggest that the more you can live in the first world, the better it will be for your all-round health, and most certainly for those around you!

Try it.

bet you're a right laugh at parties
This one almost got to ten posts before breaking down into bickerage and backbiting. Is this a record for the TPH forum?
This one almost got to ten posts before breaking down into bickerage and backbiting. Is this a record for the TPH forum?

I do recall though far better times for this forum. However, most of the decent contributors seem to have gone off to other pastures, to be replaced with idiots whose currency in language is petty one-liners reflecting rather sorry individuals who seem to gain fun out of trying to mentally hurt other human beings. But it is, of course, their own loss, and one hopes they might one day wake up and decide to get a life.

The quality here ain't what it used to be, for sure.
There are two worlds:

The World of Is


The World of Should Be

Which one do you mostly inhabit? And i would suggest that if your answer is the latter one, then you're in very good company. I would also further suggest that the more you can live in the first world, the better it will be for your all-round health, and most certainly for those around you!

Try it.

I liked the OP. It's a straight truth.
You either accept the real world or not.
That's not to say the world can't change but there is a far cry from accepting what is real and assuming that your version of what you would like is shared by others.
Tooting popular front anyone?
No pain no gain !

I'd say I'm a big fan of balance and learning lessons even if the lesson is that there isn't one at all or you knew the fuckin thing anyway, because it all goes in the bank at the end of the day imho. You got to think on your toes lots these days so you need all the lessons you can learn to be make correct decisions hopefully. A work colleague who paid brasses to tie him up and dunk him in a bath of water was well upset when Diane (my mate's friend) cancelled their monthly session for £80 but she just said she was in a bad mood after a bad day at work so she might drown the cunt.
It's not all obvious like 'un bon vin blanc' imo .. if you understand that you know a lot of french mister :rolleyes:
I'd say I'm a big fan of balance and learning lessons even if the lesson is that there isn't one at all or you knew the fuckin thing anyway, because it all goes in the bank at the end of the day imho.

Yep, nice way of putting it, in the bank!

Learning lessons is a pretty good default to live life by. I was thinking the other day (perhaps in reaction to the dross postings that appeared on this thread, can't recall) that there are three stages to be gone through in life:

knowing stuff, then understanding that stuff, then realising that we're back to not knowing...

An open mind is of course a prerequisite for learning lessons, and i'm not sure how open at all the mind can be when residing in the World of Should Be... hence the need to live in the Is as much as possible.
I liked the OP. It's a straight truth.
You either accept the real world or not.

Yeah. I started the thread because i have found for myself that being conscious of these two worlds means that whenever i've strayed into the World of Should Be, i quickly realise and do my best to hop back into Is as soon as possible. It works well for me, so i thought i'd share it.

I won't hold my breath, but now the thread's got to page 4 it seems to have moved on from the dross that came hurtling the way of this thread at the start.
The world of is. And by the age of 40 one should have easily accepted this fact. The definition of madness being doing the same thing over and over expecting different result.

A fool at 40 is a fool indeed!
The world of is. And by the age of 40 one should have easily accepted this fact. The definition of madness being doing the same thing over and over expecting different result.

A fool at 40 is a fool indeed!

But there's an awful lot of insanity about, so perhaps loads of people have not digested this fact properly!
But there's an awful lot of insanity about, so perhaps loads of people have not digested this fact properly!

Well there's nothing wrong with keeping on trying but of course there is that line between sense and no-sense that we all inevitably need to be aware of when we start to cross it...

"A criterion of truth is that it works even if nobody is prepared to acknowledge it" - Ludwig Von Mises
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