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two worlds

fela fan

sunny thailand
There are two worlds:

The World of Is


The World of Should Be

Which one do you mostly inhabit? And i would suggest that if your answer is the latter one, then you're in very good company. I would also further suggest that the more you can live in the first world, the better it will be for your all-round health, and most certainly for those around you!

Try it.
I don't believe there are only two worlds. There is only one. The world of is/was/could be/might have been/should be/should have been but wasn't. I only wish I lived in it.
Some people get pissed off and angry about the world of is precisely because they can imagine a world of should be. So pissed off and angry in fact that they do something about trying to change the world of is into something closer to the world of should be.

These people are fools, evidently. We can't change anything ever.
Oh wait, that obviously isn't true is it?

Or is the OP just saying that we should try a bit of meditation?
Some people get pissed off and angry about the world of is precisely because they can imagine a world of should be. So pissed off and angry in fact that they do something about trying to change the world of is into something closer to the world of should be.

These people are fools, evidently. We can't change anything ever.
Oh wait, that obviously isn't true is it?

Or is the OP just saying that we should try a bit of meditation?

At the moment all the OP has said is contained in the OP. However, you, for one, have started to presume what i've said!

Come back when you've thought more about it mate, and when you read what i've said, rather than presume what i've said.
I've read what you've said and thought about it. My considered opinion is that it is a turgid cliché. Maybe I should read it again.
At the moment all the OP has said is contained in the OP. However, you, for one, have started to presume what i've said!

Come back when you've thought more about it mate, and when you read what i've said, rather than presume what i've said.
You've said nothing. I was trying to add some meat to respond to.

Just sticking to the words, I would say that it is trite bullshit. I don't know if you've read threads on this forum much, but the level of abstract thought is normally much more sophisticated and nuanced.
You've said nothing. I was trying to add some meat to respond to.

Just sticking to the words, I would say that it is trite bullshit. I don't know if you've read threads on this forum much, but the level of abstract thought is normally much more sophisticated and nuanced.

Okay, you've made your (rather condescending) point. I'll wait to see if the thread runs a bit yet before i add anything.

And yes, this is a forum i've frequented more than any other in my time here on urban. It's fucking lightweight these days, and i thought i'd see what happened here. So far it's going according to expectation, but who knows, something worthwhile might turn up.
There are two worlds:

The World of Is


The World of Should Be

You're not getting away with this lazy shit. This is a philosophy forum so define your fucking terms, man.

Why do you choose the word 'world'? Do you mean separate states of existence, something physically tangible, a particular configuration of neurones? What?

Did Marx ever fully achieve the annihilation, though, or was he stuck in a mystical Hegelian dialectic between the is and the ought?

He certainly believed that he achived it, and with the help of the historical hegelian dialctic. There's some stuff for you to get stuck into fela with your noble quest to get this flippuin' forum back on goddam track.
You're not getting away with this lazy shit. This is a philosophy forum so define your fucking terms, man.

Why do you choose the word 'world'? Do you mean separate states of existence, something physically tangible, a particular configuration of neurones? What?

Well, at least you're asking now instead of projecting. Even if it's not exactly polite...

What i mean is that we spend our entire time in either one of those worlds. We either accept what is happening to us in our lives, or we try and reject it, or change it. The accepting mode is the World of Is, the trying to change it mode is the World of Should Be, because that's what we think something should be. We don't like something, so we try and change it. Now, if we can convert what we see as wrong into what we see is right, then fine, perhaps it's worth going for the change.

But if we can't change what we see as bad, then it's better for our health to accept it.

Of course, we will need to have a reasonable grasp of what we could change so that we know it's worthwhile fighting.

But anyone who's fought something because they think it's wrong, but could not change one thing about it, will have experienced the angst within their bodies from the failed fight.

So, rather than simply inhabit the ideal world (which you initially presumed i was saying), ie the world of is, my idea is to better know oneself the fights in life one can get a win of some sort, and to better know the fights one can never win. Accept the shit if you can't change it. Fight it if you think you can.

It's a balancing act either way.
Well, at least you're asking now instead of projecting. Even if it's not exactly polite...

What i mean is that we spend our entire time in either one of those worlds.
No we don't.
We either accept what is happening to us in our lives, or we try and reject it, or change it.
No we don't.
The accepting mode is the World of Is, the trying to change it mode is the World of Should Be, because that's what we think something should be. We don't like something, so we try and change it. Now, if we can convert what we see as wrong into what we see is right, then fine, perhaps it's worth going for the change.

But if we can't change what we see as bad, then it's better for our health to accept it.
This is the cliché bit.

Of course, we will need to have a reasonable grasp of what we could change so that we know it's worthwhile fighting.

But anyone who's fought something because they think it's wrong, but could not change one thing about it, will have experienced the angst within their bodies from the failed fight.
This is the turgid bit.

So, rather than simply inhabit the ideal world (which you initially presumed i was saying), ie the world of is, my idea is to better know oneself the fights in life one can get a win of some sort, and to better know the fights one can never win. Accept the shit if you can't change it. Fight it if you think you can.

It's a balancing act either way.
And this is the trite bullshit.
Fela, what do you think of Marx's anihilation of the Kantian dualism between the is and the ought?

I just don't give a toss mate. I don't come here to rabbit on about this or that philosopher. Others can do that. I come here to talk about and share my own experiences. I don't want to waste my life getting stuck into books that just fucking rabbit on about how they approached life, as if this will lead to some kind of holy grail.

One of the better things about urban is that you can often come across people who talk about their own experiences in life, rather than parrot others'. You are patently not one of those, and that's fine. But since you often rub your intellectual snobbery into my postings, i feel obliged to answer.
That's exactly what I thought you were saying, Fela. It's been said before, you know:

Accept what you can't change, change what you can, and have the wisdom to know the difference.

Maybe if you DID read a bit of what great thinkers have thought and written about this stuff in the past, you wouldn't post turgid clichés here under the guise of great wisdom?
He certainly believed that he achived it, and with the help of the historical hegelian dialctic. There's some stuff for you to get stuck into fela with your noble quest to get this flippuin' forum back on goddam track.

See, this is the trouble with you book snobs. You're forever trying to analyse what people are saying. I have no 'noble quest' over this forum. I was rather just seeing if it could simply raise a reasonable thread. But with the likes of you and your sneering style coming along, that seems unlikely.

How many names do you know? Is your dick bigger than mine? Pathetic really butchersapron, and the wonder is why you even come anywhere near a thread i start based on all your usual guff about the thread being ruined. Have you nothing better to do with your time? Go and dive into a book man.

Or, continue to try and ruin this thread. Fine, whatever.
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