Well-Known Member
I don't believe the science I have quoted is 'questionable', indeed I have yet to read a convincing repudiation of Blanchard's typology (including Moser, Serano, Veale and Nuttbrock). If you know of one I'd love to read it, I'm always open to have ideas challenged.
'Misgendering' is more a reflection of reality, however as I have said I view that identifying an adult male as a man is a now a revolutionary act. Acquiescing to pronouns is an act of submission.
Critiques of Blanchard have been provided; you don't accept them.
A reflection of your reality. A 'reality' that asserts the ideology that 'man' means biological male. Other realities are available.
I agree that enforced recognition of preferred pronouns is an act of domination (though, not so, the voluntary usr of them, of course). But that works in both directions. You can take an ideological position about which is to be preferred, of course. But don't pretend it's (their) ideology versus (your) reality or science.