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Totally Unemployable

I basically have the option for a family member to help me move there, and in a pinch they would probably pay for me to move back to the UK if it were a completely unmitigated disaster.

I'm more concerned that it's an awesome way to raise the bar on my failure levels to dizzying new heights.

Moving back to the UK isn't going to be cheap.

If we want to move back we'd be looking at 7 grand minimum to move our stuff, our cat and ourselves plus the deposit and first months rent and some money to see us through (poss another months rent) until we found jobs. I appreciate it might not be quite so much for you if you aren't taking a lot of stuff with you and you wouldnt need to rent a whole flat but it's still going to a considerable amount of money to come back and start again. The anxiety of being financially fucked in a new country isn't fun. Its not as simple as just getting a flight back, you need to finance somewhere to live as well. That's a big ask on a family member. I'd tread carefully if I were you. Btw I'm not saying this to be a Debbie Downer, I'm saying it from experience. If I needed to come back to the UK at the moment, I just couldn't afford it. I'm pretty lucky that I'm happy being over here rn.
Moving back to the UK isn't going to be cheap.

If we want to move back we'd be looking at 7 grand minimum to move our stuff, our cat and ourselves plus the deposit and first months rent and some money to see us through (poss another months rent) until we found jobs. I appreciate it might not be quite so much for you if you aren't taking a lot of stuff with you and you wouldnt need to rent a whole flat but it's still going to a considerable amount of money to come back and start again. The anxiety of being financially fucked in a new country isn't fun. Its not as simple as just getting a flight back, you need to finance somewhere to live as well. That's a big ask on a family member. I'd tread carefully if I were you. Btw I'm not saying this to be a Debbie Downer, I'm saying it from experience. If I needed to come back to the UK at the moment, I just couldn't afford it. I'm pretty lucky that I'm happy being over here rn.
I'm in the UK. I'm thinking of moving to the US.

I have financial help to do this.

We may both move to Scotland instead. Really pissed off about this Brexit shit.
Yes I understood that. I'm responding to the part of your post where you said your relative would pay for you to come home to the UK if it when tits up.
I suspect they would. Chances are we would be renting out a house here that I could, with a bit of warning, move back to.

Looking at the regulations, keeping a property here would also be a good way to prove I really wanted to be back in the UK to the government, thus resolving a lot of other issues.
I suspect they would. Chances are we would be renting out a house here that I could, with a bit of warning, move back to.

Well that's great if you have relatives to rely on. I'm suggesting that it's a big ask and you might not want to rely on family to finance a new life and then have them pick up the pieces if it doesn't work out for you... It's not going to be a small amount of money. If you have relatives who aren't going to have to make sacrifices in order to support you brilliant but if not you might want to consider the impact on them before you embark on your new adventure.
Well that's great if you have relatives to rely on. I'm suggesting that it's a big ask and you might not want to rely on family to finance a new life and then have them pick up the pieces if it doesn't work out for you... It's not going to be a small amount of money. If you have relatives who aren't going to have to make sacrifices in order to support you brilliant but if not you might want to consider the impact on them before you embark on your new adventure.
They're the ones who have offered it. I didn't suggest it - they did.
You didn't say whether or not you had asked for interview feedback, stuff_it.

It's by no means certain that there will be a second referendum, so don't pin your hopes on that. Also, although the majority voted to remain in the EU it's again not certain how that would happen.
Someone has offered me a free* franchise opportunity for their dog walking business. Should be a way to pay the bills while I work on my other freelance stuff.

Wish me luck.

*I'll have to do a basic website for both of us in exchange
Well I'm still unemployed. Have failed six interviews since I last posted on this thread, applied for around 120 jobs, and managed to claw in around £80 in freelance work. I failed my HGV retest twice as well.

I've now moved to a different area of the country to escape my violent ex, and have been forced to move back in with my mum, who as many of you will know isn't the easiest woman to get along with.

My mum has very kindly offered to pay for some private career coaching, which I start next week. I'll be amazed if it works, but I'm willing to try pretty much anything and everything.

I'm also considering emigrating to the USA, since I have nationality there, and someone may be confounded by my Englishness into giving me a chance.
Hang in there. I know what you're going through. Truth is a lot of it isn't you but some of it might be if you're doing the wrong things during an interview. It's hard to be cool when you have the weight of it bearing down on you. Interviewers are amateurs at interviewing most of the time. They tend to go with how you make them feel. The hard part for you is to come across as genuine and not rehearsed. I had to stop caring in order to be genuine. Then a lot of it is luck so it doesn't matter how well you do. If it's your time then it's your time. The best advice I got was to stop approaching the interview with the mindset that it was about me getting a job but instead to look at it as a training lesson where I go into it paying attention to how the interviewers respond to my answers and behavior. Going to coaching and the change in location are very good. Keep reporting back. It's important to me to know how you're doing with this.
Hang in there. I know what you're going through. Truth is a lot of it isn't you but some of it might be if you're doing the wrong things during an interview. It's hard to be cool when you have the weight of it bearing down on you. Interviewers are amateurs at interviewing most of the time. They tend to go with how you make them feel. The hard part for you is to come across as genuine and not rehearsed. I had to stop caring in order to be genuine. Then a lot of it is luck so it doesn't matter how well you do. If it's your time then it's your time. The best advice I got was to stop approaching the interview with the mindset that it was about me getting a job but instead to look at it as a training lesson where I go into it paying attention to how the interviewers respond to my answers and behavior. Going to coaching and the change in location are very good. Keep reporting back. It's important to me to know how you're doing with this.
I have asked stuff_it if they have had any feedback but they haven't said - I don't want to offer any suggestions for improvement without knowing what's already been said.
I have asked stuff_it if they have had any feedback but they haven't said - I don't want to offer any suggestions for improvement without knowing what's already been said.
Mostly the places willing to give feedback either say I don't have enough practical workplace experience to back up my technical skills, or that I ought to contact their corporate division.

I seem to have landed myself in a job hunting crevasse, unable to move forward or back, career-wise.
Now that you are a bit more settled location wise is there any way you would be able to volunteer in your preferred work area? Not every day of the week but a few hours here and there so you would have immediate and current practical experience to refer to.
Good idea, worked for me .. you could check out www.do-it.org
Mostly the places willing to give feedback either say I don't have enough practical workplace experience to back up my technical skills, or that I ought to contact their corporate division.

I seem to have landed myself in a job hunting crevasse, unable to move forward or back, career-wise.
Have you contacted their corporate division as recommended?
Have failed six interviews since I last posted on this thread, applied for around 120 jobs,

How are you applying for the roles? - tell me your MO for getting from "i see a job advertised" to interview.

Two things in the sentence above are poor & can be improved: a 5% conversion rate to interview & a 0% conversion rate once you're there. But it's only in the approach you make & the way that you sell yourself subsequently that you'll nail the role. So how are you doing these things? or is just press-send-and-hope?

and this isn't vacuous condemnation. i'm forever hunting new roles (and getting them, generally...), and am hunting again at the moment. happy to give you the benefit of my experience :)
I am a bit confused. If there are relatives that are willing to help you set up in the US and help you get back if it goes tits up why wouldn't you draw on that goodwill/financial support to help you here in the UK?
They will, but I'm not certain I want to stay in the UK.
How are you applying for the roles? - tell me your MO for getting from "i see a job advertised" to interview.

Two things in the sentence above are poor & can be improved: a 5% conversion rate to interview & a 0% conversion rate once you're there. But it's only in the approach you make & the way that you sell yourself subsequently that you'll nail the role. So how are you doing these things? or is just press-send-and-hope?

and this isn't vacuous condemnation. i'm forever hunting new roles (and getting them, generally...), and am hunting again at the moment. happy to give you the benefit of my experience :)
It's not even so much that I fail. I've had several interviews that went well in the last 6 weeks. One evem told the agency that arranged it how much they liked me. Cue compete blanking silence.

I never get a chance to get feedback for anything, and I always used to get every job I applied for. I'm starting to wonder if I should check that ICO blacklist.

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