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Totally Unemployable

What happens when you try to get feedback?
Last time I got feedback they said they really liked me, then still vanished leaving me hanging, when from what they said I should have got a job offer. That is, unless I misconstrued themn telling the agency "we really liked her, and we'll get back to you later in the week". They didn't get back, they just stopped answering calls from either of us. This was from quite a large marketing agency, with over 100 employees.
That’s shit.
This is why I should probably ring up the ICO helpline and see if I've been blacklisted. Similar stuff keeps happening, and apparently having eager-looking potential employers repeatedly ghost you is a sign that you might be on the list. Shame I missed the compo payout date if I am on it.
This is why I should probably ring up the ICO helpline and see if I've been blacklisted. Similar stuff keeps happening, and apparently having eager-looking potential employers repeatedly ghost you is a sign that you might be on the list. Shame I missed the compo payout date if I am on it.
I believe the ICO is dealing with people blacklisted for being union members, a specific case within the construction industry, so it might not strictly apply to you.

It is possible to get 'blacklisted' by recruiters for a variety of reasons including being caught lying on a CV, exaggerating qualifications or experience, changing birthdate to shave a few years off, using multiple recruiters for the same job, wasting a recruiters time etc. Or it could be that references are doing more harm than good - can you absolutely rely on your referees not to stab you in the back?
You don't have to give birth dates these days, and surely stuff_it didn't get to the references stages yet as that is usually post offer.
Last time I got feedback they said they really liked me, then still vanished leaving me hanging, when from what they said I should have got a job offer. That is, unless I misconstrued themn telling the agency "we really liked her, and we'll get back to you later in the week". They didn't get back, they just stopped answering calls from either of us. This was from quite a large marketing agency, with over 100 employees.

If it's any help, stuff_it, both me and my partner have temped. This has a really familiar ring - the 'go to interview > 'they like you', > radio silence' thing. I think it's partly temp agencies being crap communicators (IMHE) and employers having an internal candidate lined up, or deciding not to recruit after all, or similar.

I haven't temped for a while, but this was a common experience when I did.

IMHO it is just shite communication and a failure to see that candidates want to know outcomes and have feedback.

It doesn't necessarily reflect on you. Good luck with finding something.
You don't have to give birth dates these days, and surely stuff_it didn't get to the references stages yet as that is usually post offer.
Some take up references prior to interview - as I found out when during an interview the interviewer started reading bits of the reference out to me, bits that contained confidential medical information I had not authorised the referee to release, and that had no business being in a reference anyway.

I didn't get the job.
My son has never had a job, it seems that he fell through the cracks. He asked on several occasions about going on a course for those who were long-term unemployed & under 25 but was always told they'd get In touch. My thought about this that they would only refer those who had a chance of getting a job & as he is a severe asthmatic & has a bad knee due to a tumour in the back of his knee caused by a massive growth spurt going from 5'2 to 5'8 in a year he has fuck all chance of getting one. He has had only 1 interview in all the time he has been applying & the reason for not giving him a job is that he was too sweet - what the flying fuck, this is a guy who could stop a massive fight by just having a chat with everyone what is sweet about that. Sorry for ranting but it just makes me so fucking angry that just because he's had a few health problems he's been written off by the DWP who are supposed to help him get into work. This is something I thought was supposed to be a thing of the past, yet another guy who is very intelligent who would be an asset to any organisation who has been thrown on the scrap heap before he's 30 :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
KeeperofDragons there is so much I want to say to this but it is late and I have to go to bed. Your son isn't unemployable (no one is) but he might well be getting bad advice about job hunting, the jobs market and perhaps the types of jobs he is approaching. I just wanted to say something, hopefully I can come back to this tomorrow.
KeeperofDragons there is so much I want to say to this but it is late and I have to go to bed. Your son isn't unemployable (no one is) but he might well be getting bad advice about job hunting, the jobs market and perhaps the types of jobs he is approaching. I just wanted to say something, hopefully I can come back to this tomorrow.
I don't think he's unemployable, he's a great bloke in so many ways. To give an example, he's working on a novel & what little he has told me about it I can't wait to read it. In many ways he's really upbeat despite the DWP writing him off which I think is a real mark of his personality which makes me really proud :D

Eta to keep getting his benefit he has to apply for every job even if it isn't suitable or he will get sanctioned. So even being between a rock & a hard place & the attitude from the DWP of 'here comes the guy with the limp' as far as getting into work he's seen by them as up shit creek without a paddle he has to go through the motions even though they think he has fuck all chance of getting into work & as far as helping him goes they think he has no chance & will never get a job
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KeeperofDragons the benefits system is a bit odd and I have no idea how it will work under Universal Credit. I see it as hoops you have to jump through to get your benefits. They "can" help with job hunting but don't always do so.

Job hunting can be a numbers game, you just have to keep making applications, redirecting your efforts to jobs you think you might have better success with, but basically ploughing relentlessly onward. I think it is harder to succeed if you are out of work, and sometimes harder if you are older. For this present job, for various reasons, I applied to 188 positions!

If he doesn't have a great CV, it might be worth considering unpaid voluntary work. You can do I think 2 or 3 days a week voluntary work and it won't affect your benefits, (best check with his Job Centre), it gives you something you can put on your CV and also work experience to help you into a paid job. There are usually local agencies who can help and/or there is www.do-it.org/ which I have used. And in my experience, voluntary sector organisations are very happy to have volunteers.
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I don't think he's unemployable, he's a great bloke in so many ways. To give an example, he's working on a novel & what little he has told me about it I can't wait to read it. In many ways he's really upbeat despite the DWP writing him off which I think is a real mark of his personality which makes me really proud :D

Eta to keep getting his benefit he has to apply for every job even if it isn't suitable or he will get sanctioned. So even being between a rock & a hard place & the attitude from the DWP of 'here comes the guy with the limp' as far as getting into work he's seen by them as up shit creek without a paddle he has to go through the motions even though they think he has fuck all chance of getting into work & as far as helping him goes they think he has no chance & will never get a job
How old is he and what are his aptitudes/interests?

Does he have any qualifications?
What’s the DWP position on voluntary work nowadays? It used to be that you couldn’t do it as it would keep you from looking for paid work.
What’s the DWP position on voluntary work nowadays? It used to be that you couldn’t do it as it would keep you from looking for paid work.
I was on JSA perhaps 6 months ago, I was allowed to do certainly 2 days a week in a voluntary position. I don't know what the maximum permitted is/was though. I had to do my 35 hours job seeking on top of that.
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I believe the ICO is dealing with people blacklisted for being union members, a specific case within the construction industry, so it might not strictly apply to you.

It is possible to get 'blacklisted' by recruiters for a variety of reasons including being caught lying on a CV, exaggerating qualifications or experience, changing birthdate to shave a few years off, using multiple recruiters for the same job, wasting a recruiters time etc. Or it could be that references are doing more harm than good - can you absolutely rely on your referees not to stab you in the back?
Several people who I used to do road protests with are on it. They suggested I ought to check.
My son has never had a job, it seems that he fell through the cracks. He asked on several occasions about going on a course for those who were long-term unemployed & under 25 but was always told they'd get In touch. My thought about this that they would only refer those who had a chance of getting a job & as he is a severe asthmatic & has a bad knee due to a tumour in the back of his knee caused by a massive growth spurt going from 5'2 to 5'8 in a year he has fuck all chance of getting one. He has had only 1 interview in all the time he has been applying & the reason for not giving him a job is that he was too sweet - what the flying fuck, this is a guy who could stop a massive fight by just having a chat with everyone what is sweet about that. Sorry for ranting but it just makes me so fucking angry that just because he's had a few health problems he's been written off by the DWP who are supposed to help him get into work. This is something I thought was supposed to be a thing of the past, yet another guy who is very intelligent who would be an asset to any organisation who has been thrown on the scrap heap before he's 30 :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
That's fucking terrible. Can he get an apprenticeship in anything?
Yes, but don't celebrate until you've got the contract, just to be sure. If it isn't in writing, it doesn't count.
I don't have it. Have had to write a letter at the suggestion of the agency saying how much I want to work there as an employee.

Apparently they love me and want to hire me but I've been freelance too long for them to think I'll stay. "they don't want to clip my wings". What bloody wings I go hungry most months. :(
I don't have it. Have had to write a letter at the suggestion of the agency saying how much I want to work there as an employee.

Apparently they love me and want to hire me but I've been freelance too long for them to think I'll stay. "they don't want to clip my wings". What bloody wings I go hungry most months. :(
That's a common enough excuse about freelancers. All you can do is what the agency suggests and big up how much you want to make the transition to full time employee.
I don't have it. Have had to write a letter at the suggestion of the agency saying how much I want to work there as an employee.

Apparently they love me and want to hire me but I've been freelance too long for them to think I'll stay. "they don't want to clip my wings". What bloody wings I go hungry most months. :(
I don't know if these career memories will help cheer you up, but here they are:

I interviewed for a company in Inverness, who loved me and wanted to offer me a job. They were part of an American group, so super corporate, but I reckoned I could fit in enough. Anyway, turns out they didn't have any money to pay me, there was a hopeful suggestion that I would intern for free but I turned that gracious offer down.

Interviewed for a firm of patent agents that no longer exists. Interview went great, they sent a letter saying they would like to have a second conversation by phone, conversation not really about my competences but would I need a secretary, would I like to work full-time etc? Naturally, I became quite excited that I'd got a job. Never materialised, tried to chase by phone but calls never returned.

After a three hour interview of hard technical questions with a misogynist, he told me he'd let me know shortly. That was in 1998. I figured I hadn't got the job when I saw it readvertised a few months later.

And that's just the stuff I can remember - there's a thread on here about a shockingly bad interview I had with a medical devices company about 12 years ago too.

It's not just you. But it is shit.
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