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Totally Unemployable

No one but US presidential candidates are totally unemployable. I fall into the same camp that stuff_it does which is the one that means having to put in more work than others to get hired. I got laid off right at the beginning of the recession and it took a long time to get noticed. It starts to play with your mind and you begin to doubt yourself. The thing to understand is that very often it comes down to superficial things that gets someone hired. Sometimes you're no better on paper than the others but you have something in common with the hiring manager and they see themselves in you.....so you get hired.
We have to take photocopies of all documents, that includes degree passport teaching qualifications. Also a passport sized photo to go on each application.
i've worked for a couple of big companies and it was standard practice to take photocopies of your passport and exam certificates on acceptance of the job along with providing references.
i have a feeling i even had to bring in A level certs as well as degree. luckily i kept them safe!
As I wasn't in the workshop last week, as I said, I need to talk with t'boss, but I don't run the payroll.
Um. The guy's really gone out on a limb for you - that's a bit rude. I'm not saying be eternally grateful but if someone has done you a massive favour, a little thanks goes a long way.
I'm not going into too much detail here
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I change my CV for every job I apply for. You're meant to. Blag em. They're trying to rip you off, play the game and get what you can.
this, and ensure that you include an brief outline of how you meet every criteria of the job description. Make it easy for the recruiter to tick the boxes they need to tick in order to put you in the interview pile and not the reject pile. It really is a box ticking exercise at the CV stage.

I think I've been interviewed for nearly every job I ever applied for when approaching the applications in this way. Spend 2-3 days on a single application you really want and get the interview rather than banging out 10 in the same time would be my advice.

I've also been on the other side of that fence quite a bit, and there really is some absolute dross churned out by people taking the approach of applying for everything they can, so a carefully thought out, well written application that clearly and concisely leads the recruiter through all the boxes they need to tick to be able to recommend someone for interview really stands out.

Also, cover letters / emails are vital, not like this one I had a few weeks back.

Hi its xxx I rang earlier about any jobs goin and was asked to send cv but haveing trouble up loading it so thought would send email. I have over 2 years experience fittin solar (roofing side) commercial and residential. Im currently working for xxx but work is queit at the minute and been told no work. Im able to come for interview or nedting asap
Which unfortunately is one of the better job application emails I've had, some people really don't have a clue how to make a good first impression. If they can't be bothered to at least get someone to proof read their email, then I can't be bothered to read their CV. First impressions matter.
sent stuffs another pm this morning (I'm doing a massive tender and this post is over my coffee break - I don't have time to mess about today, or even this week).
Need to sort this out, but as I said, I don't do the payroll.
I've tried to be an intermediary here and helpful to everyone, but job/not job are t'boss's prerogative, and not my decision.
this, and ensure that you include an brief outline of how you meet every criteria of the job description. Make it easy for the recruiter to tick the boxes they need to tick in order to put you in the interview pile and not the reject pile. It really is a box ticking exercise at the CV stage.

I think I've been interviewed for nearly every job I ever applied for when approaching the applications in this way. Spend 2-3 days on a single application you really want and get the interview rather than banging out 10 in the same time would be my advice.

I've also been on the other side of that fence quite a bit, and there really is some absolute dross churned out by people taking the approach of applying for everything they can, so a carefully thought out, well written application that clearly and concisely leads the recruiter through all the boxes they need to tick to be able to recommend someone for interview really stands out.

Also, cover letters / emails are vital, not like this one I had a few weeks back.

Which unfortunately is one of the better job application emails I've had, some people really don't have a clue how to make a good first impression. If they can't be bothered to at least get someone to proof read their email, then I can't be bothered to read their CV. First impressions matter.
They might be dyslexic and might not have anybody who can proofread. It's not the worst one I've ever seen.
They might be dyslexic and might not have anybody who can proofread. It's not the worst one I've ever seen.
it's far from the worst I've seen as well, just the first I came across in my emails. In the age of spell checkers there's not much excuse for that though IMO from someone who's supposed to be wanting a job.

I'm sure Stuffits doing the applications a damn sight better than that, just posted it up as an example of how bad some people are when just banging applications out.
jc+ advisors and job search directions can have the result of people being forced (under threat of sanctions) to make a specified number of "applications" per day/week, naturally this could bring quantity not quality into the equation.
jc+ advisors and job search directions can have the result of people being forced (under threat of sanctions) to make a specified number of "applications" per day/week, naturally this could bring quantity not quality into the equation.
People actually have written an app for that. Weirdly enough if people are sent to sit in a place and apply for jobs the computers there are notoriously un-useable.
Fat chance of course. Have given up even trying to get employment, rather thancontract or freelance.

Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
Stuff_it is going to be fine.
Well I'm still unemployed. Have failed six interviews since I last posted on this thread, applied for around 120 jobs, and managed to claw in around £80 in freelance work. I failed my HGV retest twice as well.

I've now moved to a different area of the country to escape my violent ex, and have been forced to move back in with my mum, who as many of you will know isn't the easiest woman to get along with.

My mum has very kindly offered to pay for some private career coaching, which I start next week. I'll be amazed if it works, but I'm willing to try pretty much anything and everything.

I'm also considering emigrating to the USA, since I have nationality there, and someone may be confounded by my Englishness into giving me a chance.
Well I'm still unemployed. Have failed six interviews since I last posted on this thread, applied for around 120 jobs, and managed to claw in around £80 in freelance work. I failed my HGV retest twice as well.

I've now moved to a different area of the country to escape my violent ex, and have been forced to move back in with my mum, who as many of you will know isn't the easiest woman to get along with.

My mum has very kindly offered to pay for some private career coaching, which I start next week. I'll be amazed if it works, but I'm willing to try pretty much anything and everything.

I'm also considering emigrating to the USA, since I have nationality there, and someone may be confounded by my Englishness into giving me a chance.

Sorry to hear about the HGV :(

The USA has always struck me as an awful place to be on a low income!
I guess provided you chose carefully where you moved to, accepted it may not work out and keep funds aside to get home you could treat it as an adventure, regardless of weather it worked out. :)

I basically have the option for a family member to help me move there, and in a pinch they would probably pay for me to move back to the UK if it were a completely unmitigated disaster.

I'm more concerned that it's an awesome way to raise the bar on my failure levels to dizzying new heights.
Well I'm still unemployed. Have failed six interviews since I last posted on this thread, applied for around 120 jobs, and managed to claw in around £80 in freelance work. I failed my HGV retest twice as well.

I've now moved to a different area of the country to escape my violent ex, and have been forced to move back in with my mum, who as many of you will know isn't the easiest woman to get along with.

My mum has very kindly offered to pay for some private career coaching, which I start next week. I'll be amazed if it works, but I'm willing to try pretty much anything and everything.

I'm also considering emigrating to the USA, since I have nationality there, and someone may be confounded by my Englishness into giving me a chance.
Did you ask for feedback from the interviews? It can be helpful.

What might you do in the US? have you started looking at potential jobs there?
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