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Tory ex-Minister arrested on suspicion of rape

Can't they? Surely if you are informed of a crime by a victim, you are advised to inform the relevant authorities, even if the victim asks you not to. That is what we have had drilled into us as part of our safeguarding training.
You can certainly be arrested for a crime of violence even if you're victim hasn't made a complaint or if they have made and withdrawn a complaint. That's what happened to Caroline Flack.
Can't they? Surely if you are informed of a crime by a victim, you are advised to inform the relevant authorities, even if the victim asks you not to. That is what we have had drilled into us as part of our safeguarding training.
I've only really heard 'safeguarding' discussed in reference to children and vulnerable adults, and even then my understanding is disclosure is only advised where you've judged there to be an ongoing risk of further abuse. Do you work with children or vulnerable adults?
I've only really heard 'safeguarding' discussed in reference to children and vulnerable adults, and even then my understanding is disclosure is only advised where you've judged there to be an ongoing risk of further abuse. Do you work with children or vulnerable adults?

I sometimes teach under 18s but mainly adults who have come to the UK to study. The training has mostly focussed on the former group, although we were told at one point that our adult students as non-nationals are vulnerable adults. I would that think lowly assistants, in reality, working in a hierachical workplace like Westminster are also vulnerable adults. As to judgements of ongoing risk, it's made clear that it is not our role or indeed that of the school's to make them. If there are allegations of criminal activity, they have to be reported. We've been told very clearly in every training event I have attended that we are not allowed to guarantee confidentiality about any allegation.
It will make it easier to identify him, and therefore identify the woman who's accused him of rape.

I suppose that was more or less inevitable in a case where there is such a high level of public curiosity.
Those that might want to be so cultish as to publish her name already know it. I suspect most folk are more interested in the identity of the slime vermin rapist.
It will make it easier to identify him, and therefore identify the woman who's accused him of rape.

I suppose that was more or less inevitable in a case where there is such a high level of public curiosity.
I think she's said she doesn't mind if in identifying him, she might be identified.
Unfortunately, there isn't the mechanism to VoNC an MP who is no longer a minister. That only happens at GEs. The recall provision, OTOH...
So we can presumably expect, pretty well as soon as he's identified, that someone in his constituency will start a recall petition? That's an interesting possibility, because I imagine he won't have been convicted of any offence by that stage...
So we can presumably expect, pretty well as soon as he's identified, that someone in his constituency will start a recall petition? That's an interesting possibility, because I imagine he won't have been convicted of any offence by that stage...

Only possible to recall if they’ve been convicted and sentenced to prison, or been suspended from the house for at least two weeks, or been convicted of expenses fraud.
Unfortunately, there isn't the mechanism to VoNC an MP who is no longer a minister. That only happens at GEs. The recall provision, OTOH...
Think the idea is that everyone would have to attend for a VoNC in the gov, and so he would be the only one not there. Probably he would just turn up, though, because what does a promise mean at the end of the day?
Think the idea is that everyone would have to attend for a VoNC in the gov, and so he would be the only one not there. Probably he would just turn up, though, because what does a promise mean at the end of the day?
ahh..see what you mean, didn't read that into Brogdale's post. My bad:oops:
Think the idea is that everyone would have to attend for a VoNC in the gov, and so he would be the only one not there. Probably he would just turn up, though, because what does a promise mean at the end of the day?
Yes, he'd turn up. and they'd cover up.
Apparently the (alleged) beast has agreed to not return to work next month, which should make it easy enough to identify him by a process of elimination (I'm sure a lot of people know already but I've resisted the temptation to search):
Edit: ah, as said about 3 hours ago. :facepalm:
Apparently the (alleged) beast has agreed to not return to work next month, which should make it easy enough to identify him by a process of elimination (I'm sure a lot of people know already but I've resisted the temptation to search):
I dunno, if you watch it on BBC Parliament even Pre-Covid loads of the fuckers never seemed to be there
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