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Tory ex-Minister arrested on suspicion of rape

I think she did that as she was getting nowhere with the Chief Whip and internal party procedures. From the content and tone of their articles, they are supporting and helping her.
she should be wary of them, never trust a journalist is an adage i have kept by since the one time i did trust a journalist they nearly (metaphorically) shafted me. and that they didn't wasn't down to any skill on my part but that they drank about 15 pints before writing their story. these were (pre-guardian) observer journalists, someone or other harrison iirc and his photographer chum.
she should be wary of them, never trust a journalist is an adage i have kelp by since the one time i did trust a journalist they nearly (metaphorically) shafted me. and that they didn't wasn't down to any skill on my part but that they drank about 15 pints before writing their story. these were (pre-guardian) observer journalists, someone or other harrison iirc and his photographer chum.
agreed, raisesd the question of who to trust less, journoes or Tory pols!
having said that, Time magazine (I assume Plhillm really means Time, not the Times) have an industry rep for noth ethics and high quality journalism.
she should be wary of them, never trust a journalist is an adage i have kept by since the one time i did trust a journalist they nearly (metaphorically) shafted me. and that they didn't wasn't down to any skill on my part but that they drank about 15 pints before writing their story. these were (pre-guardian) observer journalists, someone or other harrison iirc and his photographer chum.
Sure and these are News International ones to boot...
agreed, raisesd the question of who to trust less, journoes or Tory pols!
having said that, Time magazine (I assume Plhillm really means Time, not the Times) have an industry rep for noth ethics and high quality journalism.
Given that the link posted in the same post was from The Times, I suspect he did mean the UK Murdoch-owned rag, not the respected US publication.
agreed, raisesd the question of who to trust less, journoes or Tory pols!
having said that, Time magazine (I assume Plhillm really means Time, not the Times) have an industry rep for noth ethics and high quality journalism.
I'm pretty sure he meant the Times seeing as it was a Times article he C&P'd.
ahhh....I didn't see that C&P, my bad.
In that case, the poor woman really is caught between a rock and a hard place.:(
2a: serves me right for skim-reading. I really should have seen that C&P :oops:
Yeah, the Times I took out a free sub for a month just to take a peek over the paywall - not worth the eye-watering 26 quid a month they want for it.
I'm not sure this is really a suitable subject for what I think is intended as a "joke".

This post, combined with your earlier speculation about the ID of the accused and your "trolling through life" tagline are all combining to create a bit of a bad smell about you, as far as I'm concerned.

Yes I accept was in poor taste - the trolling comment came from years ago when there was an active JBishop thread and I've never bothered to update my profile. I certainly don't wish to intentionally offend anyone here far from it I'll leave it up to shame myself and consider it a lesson learned in thinking before posting :(
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I'm not sure this is really a suitable subject for what I think is intended as a "joke".

This post, combined with your earlier speculation about the ID of the accused and your "trolling through life" tagline are all combining to create a bit of a bad smell about you, as far as I'm concerned.
I think post 284 is in even worse taste than that - given that Carrie Symonds herself is a rape survivor.
I think post 284 is in even worse taste than that - given that Carrie Symonds herself is a rape survivor.
I'd forgotten that, TBH, but you're right.

And it's not my intention to get into "shaming", phillm, just a suggestion to think before you post...
If this was a sticky at the top of each thread we'd have about 6 threads in total and none totaling more than 7 posts.
Agreed, but no one is suggesting it should be a sticky atop each thread, or anything even remotely like that.
FTR: the only reason why I posted that is because the subject matter has to do with ongoing and very serious legal proceedings involving a criminal matter, and absolutely the last thing this site - or anyone connected with it needs - is for either m'Learned Friends or inspector Knacker to come crawling over these baords.
There are laws of Contempt.
Agreed, but no one is suggesting it should be a sticky atop each thread, or anything even remotely like that.
FTR: the only reason why I posted that is because the subject matter has to do with ongoing and very serious legal proceedings involving a criminal matter, and absolutely the last thing this site - or anyone connected with it needs - is for either m'Learned Friends or inspector Knacker to come crawling over these baords.
There are laws of Contempt.

is it a matter of contempt at the moment, or more a case of getting in trouble for naming the wrong person? Just curious as I don’t know what the legal situation is regarding the reporting of an arrest - whether something specific to this case or in general. Also aware that there is a moral case for not naming names as it can lead to identifying the alleged victim.
is it a matter of contempt at the moment, or more a case of getting in trouble for naming the wrong person? Just curious as I don’t know what the legal situation is regarding the reporting of an arrest - whether something specific to this case or in general. Also aware that there is a moral case for not naming names as it can lead to identifying the alleged victim.
I reckon it probably comes down to how big your lawyering budget is.

But perhaps a more important consideration is to ensure that some slippery cunt (well, he IS a senior Tory :hmm:) isn't able to claim that he didn't get a fair trial. There'll be plenty of time to drag his name through the mud after conviction...
I reckon it probably comes down to how big your lawyering budget is.

But perhaps a more important consideration is to ensure that some slippery cunt (well, he IS a senior Tory :hmm:) isn't able to claim that he didn't get a fair trial. There'll be plenty of time to drag his name through the mud after conviction...
His name should be dragged through the mud now, not simply as the perp in this instance but because of the misery he has helped inflict on the country. There's 22 people who fit the info released, so all of them should have their public misdeeds aired.
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