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Tory ex-Minister arrested on suspicion of rape

I don't know this for sure, but it may be down to the discretion of the judge,depending on certain variable factors (need for anonymity of the victim etc). However, I'm no lawyer, so I'm not the best guide on this!
Yes, a judge can do that but he'd have to go before the judge first. So if there were a bail period between charge and court, you could argue, he could be named.
Yes, a judge can do that but he'd have to go before the judge first. So if there were a bail period between charge and court, you could argue, he could be named.
I don't suppose he's been before a magistrate yet. And with the great backlog in cases it could easily be 2022 before this case is concluded
Yes, a judge can do that but he'd have to go before the judge first. So if there were a bail period between charge and court, you could argue, he could be named.
There are specific and totally unambiguous rules about the naming of victims and the publication of information which could lead to their identification, and you couldn't argue that he could be named at all, so stop it.
Yes, a judge can do that but he'd have to go before the judge first. So if there were a bail period between charge and court, you could argue, he could be named.
Give it a fucking rest. Stop obsessing about naming this person on here. If you persist in this I will report you because the risks to urban are too great.

Go obsess on Facebook or whatever. Not here.
Yes, a judge can do that but he'd have to go before the judge first. So if there were a bail period between charge and court, you could argue, he could be named.
In general terms, and with due regard for editor's blood pressure, I don't think we should even be hinting at gaming the system. Urban doesn't need to be first-with-the-news on this one, nor should it be. Leave that to organisations with bigger pockets to keep their lawyers in.

ETA: snap, equationgirl :D
fwiw I don't think speculation here is ever likely to cause any problems for the site or for any trial etc further down the line, just commenting on the legalities and what's actually 'arguable'. Plus it's really dull having sneer bring this up every other day.
fwiw I don't think speculation here is ever likely to cause any problems for the site or for any trial etc further down the line, just commenting on the legalities and what's actually 'arguable'. Plus it's really dull having sneer bring this up every other day.
I don't think collectively we should even be thinking about speculating and editor has made it quite clear the site could be put at risk. We just can't say 'it's unlikely to cause problems down the line' because we just don't know that for certain.

You're right about the constant raising of the topic and looking for loopholes being seriously fucking dull though.
Also I don't believe the victim has waived her right to anonymity at this point, so any speculations about naming the MP could lead to her a) being identified and b) being hounded by the media, and that's absolutely not on.
not 'any speculation'. that's just plain wrong. there's a group of 22 people who fit criteria which have been made public and yer man is almost certainly among them. it's when someone gets down to the 'ooh i reckon it's charles clarke' or 'my money's on it being robin cook' level of naming people that you're on dangerous territory. not that it is charles clarke or robin cook, i hasten to add.
The important issue here isn't the legal position or risks to the site, or what's actually allowable as far as speculation goes - it's that there's a woman who's been raped who's right to anonymity is put at risk by the speculation. That's why we shouldn't be doing it, not because there's some infinitesimal legal risk to the site should he be named here.
The important issue here isn't the legal position or risks to the site, or what's actually allowable as far as speculation goes - it's that there's a woman who's been raped who's right to anonymity is put at risk by the speculation. That's why we shouldn't be doing it, not because there's some infinitesimal legal risk to the site should he be named here.
Fair enough. That makes two reasons why those intent on playing with the idea of identifying the (alleged) perpetrator shouldn't.
And, to be fair, pretty much everyone isn't speculating in any way.

Imagine going to work knowing the man who raped you is there and you will see him, possibly even have to have meetings with him, be in a small room with him. It would be horrific
And, to be fair, pretty much everyone isn't speculating in any way.

Imagine going to work knowing the man who raped you is there and you will see him, possibly even have to have meetings with him, be in a small room with him. It would be horrific
And, while this is probably rather unfair of me to say so, the Conservative Party hasn't exactly covered itself in glory around issues like this - or even this specific case, given the apparent lack of urgency about referring the matter on - and I can well imagine some Party grandee giving it the old "what's she got to worry about?" routine.
unfair to say so? they ignored it for 4 months hoping she wouldn't go to the police and when she did they refuse to suspend him. i don't think you're being particularly unfair there...
unfair to say so? they ignored it for 4 months hoping she wouldn't go to the police and when she did they refuse to suspend him. i don't think you're being particularly unfair there...
Well, I am rather broadly stereotyping the entire Conservative Party, and I am sure even such a gang of unrepentant reactionary scumsuckers has a few naive and clueless people amongst its membership who don't subscribe to the "well, she must have done something to deserve it" mindset so popular amongst a certain sort of person.
Since there's precious little to be said, other than speculation / legal loop holes etc, perhaps it's time to lock this thread until such time as it can be discussed?
The alleged victim has said that she's happy for his name to be released, as she never worked for him and doesn't believe it could lead to her being identified. This is not an argument in favour of speculating here, btw; more that the party should have suspended him.
Speculation is our meat and drink while unfounded allegations against Tory MPs may lead to the high court

Tho I cannot think what worse things could be said about Tory MPs than what is said in public already without actions for defamation
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