May was weak, pointless, dithered, and negotiated an agreement with the EU nobody was even slightly interested in. She's done everyone a great service in totally fucking up the tories, so I see her departure as a sadness. With her in charge, the whole Brexit thing was doomed to the dustbin of history and she would eventually have destroyed their party for years.
You might not like the runners for the leadership, but there are strong people in there with a lot more about them than May could even imagine she could manage.
BJ might well be a total wanker, but he's a total wanker with support and a popular policy regarding the EU. Much as he's a dick, he's a dangerous dick.
I agree they're all unacceptable for so many reasons, but one will emerge, and that might very well be a strong leader with popular policies, at least as far as Brexit goes.
We've already had a serious spanking from the electorate over Brexit, so assuming the new PM will be a pointless dick that will last five minutes is poor strategy.
I'll happily agree whoever it is will be crap from my point of view, but it would be extremely silly to simply assume they're be as crap as May, then wither and die after a few months.
A strong leader with direction could well bring them together and breathe a whole new life into what May fucked up, at least as far as Brexit and the post exit restructuring of Britain goes.
The new leader can't be simply dismissed because we assume they'll be as shit as the last one.