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This week in your Kitchen Garden.

Check the variety - Papaver somniferum is what you want. Beautiful flowers, and make a nice tea, too... :)
First harvest of the year!

Spring cabbage - picked and eaten yesterday with butter garlic maple syrup and mustard. Delicious :)
Bloody chickens managed to get on top of the coop and munch all the leaves on my strawberry plant :(
They are now confined to barracks until I can make a larger run and Im wondering what the hell to do with the strawberry planter.... Do people think more leaves will grow? Its just starting to flower
Two butternut squash plants repotted and put outside today (though under cloches for now, until it warms up a bit).
Also repotted some courgette plants from seed tray to small pots.
Hurrah! The peppers I'd given up on have miraculously sprouted in their mulitudes overnight! I think every single seed I sowed in the tray has germinated - maybe I overdid it slightly....:oops:

Everything else is going on pretty well at the moment - 2 french bean plants lost to the slugs, but I had replacements at the ready.

!!!! :eek:

Having said that, I spent an HOUR today digging out a fucking BRICK that some thicko had dumped in the bottom of the flower bed, only to discover even more...ARGH (gave up when Bob next door came out to attend to his own veg and told me about the inept bloke who owned the house a few years back who did a load of really dodgy building work and we decided it was down to him and there was probably bundles of shite down there and that I'd be better of ignoring it :D ).
Would possibly have been ever so slightly relieved to have been blown to pieces, instead. :mad:

Very annoying cos I'd decided to stick some extra veg there and it means it's very shallow, but other than adding a load of compost, it's impossible to do much about it now with the bulbs still in, so I'm just going to give it a go anyway.

Anyway.....did the job I'd been avoiding for ages (or rather, doing very small bits of at a very slow pace) and weeded the whole lot (it had got out of hand slightly while I was doing the rest :facepalm: ) and have put in beetroot seeds and sprout and sweet pea seedlings.

Going to stick a romanesco cauli into the other spare gap too.
Looks like sprouts and caulis are both quite shallow rooters, so fingers crossed, but I'll bung some more in the veg patch too if I have room and see what works.
Might build the border up next year if it's a big failure.

My tomato seedlings are a complete embarrassment (BOOOOOOOO!)...clearly not got the hang of them yet.....but I bought two seedlings from the pound shop hehe, so will try those and squash, sweetcorn, melons and courgette seeds all seem to be doing well.

Aubergine seedlings seem to be flagging somewhat. All in individual pots now and still indoors, but just look a bit limp - any ideas? Over-watering, maybe?

Going to pot the cauli seedlings up tomorrow, too.

Everything else - dwarf beans and peas, parsnips, rasps, redcurrants, strawbs, lettuce, blueberries, pear and peach trees doing fine so far.....<fingers crossed>

So just the front to weed now (On MAN, it's bad!) and a bit on the veg patch, too - not too out of hand, just a hassle cos I'll have to remove and then put back the netting I've put over (more to stop the fucking cats shitting there than to stop the slugs, tbf).

Hurrah! The peppers I'd given up on have miraculously sprouted in their mulitudes overnight! I think every single seed I sowed in the tray has germinated - maybe I overdid it slightly....

I planted my sweet pepper seeds way too late and the two that have 'come up' are PATHETIC! :D Think I'm going to have to give up on them, but you've slightly convinced me now that it might be worth repotting* and seeing what happens!

*If I remember!
Sheo, you've been well busy!

Prunus- beautiful cabbage sir!

Weather was to awful here for me to be tempted outside.
Aubergine seedlings seem to be flagging somewhat. All in individual pots now and still indoors, but just look a bit limp - any ideas? Over-watering, maybe?

I planted my sweet pepper seeds way too late and the two that have 'come up' are PATHETIC! :D Think I'm going to have to give up on them, but you've slightly convinced me now that it might be worth repotting* and seeing what happens!

Only repot if they've made use of the compost in the original ones.

Any chance of a photo ?
Congratulations on your first harvest Prunus - when did you sow the cabbages?

Sheo - you have been busy. Just reading your post made me feel tired :D

BoatieBloke put the frame up for the beans last weekend and we were planning on planting the runners out this weekend. We held off in the end because of the frost threat.
I'm glad we did as the frame was next to where we'd planted 2 rows of shallots and, according to gardeners question time yesterday, onions and beans don't grow well when next to each other.
It was pure chance I heard it as I'd only popped in to make a cuppa and flicked the radio on while the kettle was boiling.

So... bean frame now moved!
I never knew that.

I have to say I'm hesitant to plant my French Marigolds directly in the greenhouse bed - not only do they deter whitefly, they definitely have root exudations that affect competing plants.
Congratulations on your first harvest Prunus - when did you sow the cabbages?

Why thank you all :D

It (and its brethren) were sown last September (at the beginning) and planted in place in October when they were about 4" high. I kept them covered with fleece all through the winter and they're just starting to be ready now. They're in last year's bean trenches, and the beans will be going back in them in a month or so when all the cabbages are gone. Continuous culture ftw :)
Night time temp is forecast to be 4'c until Thursday. :(

I want to start planting out my beans and courgettes.

Has anyone been brave enough to plant out already?
My beans have been out since easter - doing ok except for the stealth slug attack on 2 of them:mad:.

Courgettes are still in the greenhouse - i'm gonna give them to the end of the month unless the start crawling out all by themselves.
I've planted out some squashes to join my sweet peppers - the squashes are under plastic cloches made of 2L coke bottles with the bottoms cut off.

The sweet peppers are now tough enough to manage without, I reckon.

(squashes under cloches, lol)
Ahem. My daughter has been laughing her head off at me cos I said 'well done' to my potatoes for showing their little green shoots, and told my tomatoes they were looking damn fine.

She thinks I'm mad - I consider talking to my garden quite normal. Do you all chat to your plants?
Your mistake was doing it while someone was watching :hmm:

I didn't know I WAS being watched - and listened to. Well, not until I heard the gales of laughter from her bedroom followed by the phrase' Mother, you're a nutter' out of the window.:oops:
I mostly coo at robins and blue tits, telling them how very pretty they are. And curse at cats.

I havent spoken to my veg. Yet.
Night time temp is forecast to be 4'c until Thursday. :(

I want to start planting out my beans and courgettes.

Has anyone been brave enough to plant out already?

Hell no! I'm going to wait another couple of weeks I think; everything's just going to be late this year. Fingers crossed for a long tail end to summer.
My french beans died a death...... :(
I have runner beans ready to plant out ( we started them off indoors so DS could watch how they sprout and so on. Im going to put them in and probably start off some more french beans and courgettes and carrots today
Hell no! I'm going to wait another couple of weeks I think; everything's just going to be late this year. Fingers crossed for a long tail end to summer.
I guess I'll hang on for a bit more then! Im sooo impatient!

LMHF- That is so sad. How did your beans die?
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