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This week in your Kitchen Garden.

I love this thread - so much useful information :)

I have a veg patch at last:


We've taken the turf off and the soil underneath doesn't look too bad, but I suspect that I'm going to need to add stuff to it before I start planting. I'm going to go to my local garden centre on Friday and talk to the old boys who run it to see what they suggest.
Flipping bloody Boatie!!

That looks like it was a heck of a lot of work?! How is your back after digging that lot over?

Will you be putting in raised beds?

If you have any stables or a city farm near by- its worth getting a few sacks of poo.
Leave them for 6 months to fully decompose and you would have some lovely cheap fertilizer and soil conditioner.
Cheaper than the garden centre certainly.
My back is fine thanks - BoatieBloke did most of the digging :D

I think we're just going to edge it with scaff planks rather than going the raised bed route - it would cost us too much in topsoil!

We live in quite a horsey village so manure is a distinct possibility. I could get some and dig it in and delay planting until next year but I'm far too impatient for that. I've waited years and years for a garden and I want it all NOW :mad::D
oh my god, I HAVEN'T KILLED MY SEEDS!!!! The excitment this morning when i checked the pots and saw tiny little sprouty courgette seeds.... god I think only other people who grow vegtables can understand this excitment and thrill :D
Twenty courgette seeds planted last night.

Borlotti bean sprouts are just starting to break/raise the soil above them.

My outside sweet peppers are doing well - I put the plastic cloches (made from 2L coke bottles) on overnight to protect them from the worst of the cold, and uncover them in the morning to get the full benefit of the sun.
oh my god, I HAVEN'T KILLED MY SEEDS!!!! The excitment this morning when i checked the pots and saw tiny little sprouty courgette seeds.... god I think only other people who grow vegtables can understand this excitment and thrill :D

I share your joy - great isn't it? :D

I'm planning on planting out my cucumbers this weekend (I've been hardening them off for the last week), but I'm a little concerned that it might be too early.

Here are my baby cucumbers:


and I'm planning on growing them up this mesh:


So I'm thinking that I could cover them with fleece or something if we do get another cold snap.

I'm not going to kill them all am I?
I won't be putting my cucumbers in my cold greenhouse for weeks yet.
I have a couple of tomato plants in a tent in there to "test the water".

Mine are still seedlings - 2 weeks old and about to get potted on...
By the looks of it I'm too early and may well be sowing again ....

Planting out

* If growing indoors, plant two cucumbers in a growing bag at the end of May and support with a garden cane attached to the ceiling of the greenhouse.
* If your greenhouse is heated, plants can go into bags from March.

* Plant outdoor cucumbers in early summer. A week or so before planting, acclimatise plants by putting them in a cold frame.
* Alternatively, stand in the shelter of a shaded wall and cover with fleece.
I'm glad to have slow-growing plants at the moment as I'm a way off being ready to put them outside.

Having my own miniature indoor garden makes up for it.

Lots of different growth patterns - like a bonsai forest. :)
I saw some on a market stall last weekend and I was more than a little bit jealous. They were £2 each though so I consoled myself at the thought of saving loads of money. I'm going down t'allotment this afternoon so I'll have to make sure they leave space for some beans :cool:
I'm going to water them and pout them in a sunnier place in a minute.
The cat found my seed tray.
Dirty little bastard :D

My melons have sprouted . As have most things ive planted.
Courgettes seem a bit slow though.
Hmmm I planted french bean seeds and potted them on when they got big enough but then the leaves started to go brown and brittle and die. The shoots seem to be going on a bit more
Ive planted the strongest 4 into a tub with canes to support them.... Anyone got any thoughts on whats wrong and whether they will be ok?? Can I feed them with anything?? Its new compost etc they are in....

Ive planted runner beans in seed pods. Am going away next week so Im not sticking anything else in at the mo I dont think because I have to rely on others to water etc. Last year my mate forgot entirely even though she has her own allotment! shame cos I wanted to plant my carrots in old loo roll holders cut down - any way I can ensure they are watered?? a tea towel soaked underneath them maybe??
Hmmm I planted french bean seeds and potted them on when they got big enough but then the leaves started to go brown and brittle and die. The shoots seem to be going on a bit more
Ive planted the strongest 4 into a tub with canes to support them.... Anyone got any thoughts on whats wrong and whether they will be ok?? Can I feed them with anything?? Its new compost etc they are in....

Ive planted runner beans in seed pods. Am going away next week so Im not sticking anything else in at the mo I dont think because I have to rely on others to water etc. Last year my mate forgot entirely even though she has her own allotment! shame cos I wanted to plant my carrots in old loo roll holders cut down - any way I can ensure they are watered?? a tea towel soaked underneath them maybe??
Any chance of a photo of the poorly beans ?

I wouldn't plant anything in loo rolls (the one time I made newspaper pots, they went mouldy) - and surely carrots need the full length. ?

I suppose watering them with a makeshift capillary mat is all you can do really - if you'd planted them in plastic pots they wouldn't dry out so fast.

I've never used peat pots for the same reason.
Any chance of a photo of the poorly beans ?

I wouldn't plant anything in loo rolls (the one time I made newspaper pots, they went mouldy) - and surely carrots need the full length. ?

I suppose watering them with a makeshift capillary mat is all you can do really - if you'd planted them in plastic pots they wouldn't dry out so fast.

I've never used peat pots for the same reason.

well the suggestion online and in the book I have is that you start em off in the loo rolls and then it means you dont need to disturb the seedling, you jut plant the pot.. no base means the carrot, once sprouted just carries on growing down into the soil aparently it also helps prevent carrot fly if you leave a little sticking up out of the ground:confused: Never done carrots before though so Its a "dunnnooooo" from me on that one.

HMMM something has been effin muching the leaves on my beans this morning... no sign of any caterpillars etc.... Im gonna put some mesh round them, worked for the strawberry plants which were nibbled on and now are ok....:(

The new leaves/shoots are looking good this morning so Im hopeful now they will be ok
I successfully grew parsnips in loo rolls last year. Sowed the seeds in them and started them off. Then planted them, tubes and all, into the ground. It didn't take long for the rolls to rot away :)

The fact that the rolls are filled with stone-free compost means that the roots are less likely to fork too.
Maybe I need to have another go.

I got put off about 25 years ago when my newspaper "pots" went mouldy ...
Nothing wrong with bringing plants on early. You've reminded me I need to get some strawberry plants organised for the greenhouse.

I potted up some salad last night, but I really don't have room in my seed-raising cabinet, so they will have to go out into the greenhouse within a greenhouse - from whence they can't come back indoors for fear of bringing gremlins with them ...

I also can't justify the 100 watts of lighting - 30-40p per day ...
Unless its REALLY cold they will be fine outdoors. Mine are growing well now. If its cold enough for frost cover them over with a black bin bag and take it off next day and they will be fine.
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