Ah, yep, it's tomatoes which does that to me,
iona. Have got a couple of oddities this year including a true species type (L.humboldtii) as well as the absolutely stupendous millefleur. I grew these a coupla years ago, on a whim (I am usually immune to hype in the vegetable world), but they turned out to produce quite astonishing 2ft wide trusses with hundreds of cherry size yellow tomatoes which all the kids were mad for. Let me know if you fancy having a go, iona and I will pop a few in the post. Have also got 'Matt's Wild Cherry' 'Skykomish' and a hopeful cross between a supposedly original 'Gardener's Delight' and the really flavoursome 'Dr.Carolyn' (Gardener's Ecstasy). Plus a coupla F1s for customers ('Cocktail Crush' and 'Crimson Crush') as well as my own personal favourite, Chadwick Cherry. I don't grow black tomatoes anymore because they always have leathery skins, but I capitulated over an almost totally black one from Real Seeds (name escapes me). Have also given up on potato-leaf types such as Bloody Butcher and Matina...which I used to grow as blight avoiding earlies but am doing a greenhouse grow again so not bothering with 55day transplants.
I went to a potato day, a few years ago, and came home with over 2 dozen potato varieties (and immediately lost the labels) but these days, I tend to stick with first and second earlies, (my favourite Kestrel, Red Duke of York and a salad (have Casablanca this year). I only grow a few maincrop Pink Firs as I don't get my potatoes in until the end of April or even mid-May (because frosts) while irrigation is always a struggle in my sandy soil, so I want a 10 week cropping.