Quick update from my indoor herb growing (my kitchen garden is actually in my kitchen, I have no outdoors, can't even fit windowboxes outside)
- the salvaged basil cutting that I propagated and potted ended up doing quite well, and I think would have done better if we'd had any sun the last few weeks. As it is, I think I am still going to get enough pesto for a couple of meals out of it before it is over for the year in addition to the bits I have been using here and there in my cooking.
I know to get started on the basil cuttings earlier next year - it works on the south-facing kitchen windowsill just fine, main risks seem to be over watering or being eaten by mice
(the reason I ended up working from a cutting rather than splitting and re-potting what I got from the supermarket was because mice got to it overnight and I only had one sorry looking bit left). It was lovely having fresh basil for some of the summer though, will definitely do again (and scale it up a bit) next year starting in spring.
- the mint plant did not do as well as the one I had last year which got absolutely massive, I think again the poorer performance this year was due to lack of sun for part of the summer. It is fairly hardy though and survives most of my clumsy attempts to look after it, it is definitely not as fragile as the basil. I still got plenty of leaves from it though, and it is a pretty plant to have even when it looks a bit straggly (which I put down to not enough sunlight). I let it flower as I cannot keep it going indoors indefinitely - and I think mint flowers are very pretty to have in the kitchen. Will probably make some mint sauce to store.
- had no luck at all with the parsley cuttings, I think next year I should buy a plant early on and split/re-pot if I want to give it a go.
At least my attempts this summer have finally quelled objections from OH about "watching poor herb plants die" - now I have some bigger pots and a small bag of compost I am all set for next year.
I am wondering whether the small led grow lights are reasonable for small scale indoor kitchen herb growing or if they are just a waste of money?