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This week in your Kitchen Garden.

Nearly finished my first 2m planter for next year .... I need to put in a weed liner to act as a wick , then heavy duty pond liner , then another weed control liner to act as a wick on the inside ....some drain holes in the pond liner along the centre line , then cap the top with 2x4 to make it a bit prettier..

Clematis Montana ....maybe two or three ....just before spring .....and thats it for this one

Going to build 3 more20181021_160602.jpg
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I'm weeks and weeks behind from being ill and then a hand injury but I'm counting on a long season (south Cornwall) and just doing everything anyway. Potatoes went in at last a couple of weeks ago, planted out shallots yesterday, the first runners, mangetout and French beans will go out this afternoon. It's slow going because we've had a dry winter and spring and I have to haul water up a very steep hill to the allotment to nurse the seedlings.
Carrots and lettuce in the courtyard and greenhouse, ditto cucumbers. Out of three courgettes, one has germinated. The tomatoes should be running away by now but I think they might be feeling the cold. Succession sowings of lettuce, radishes and spring onions today. The first strawberries are trying to ripen.
I love May.
Main greenhouse has over a dozen tomato plants, growing well and starting to flower ... even got a fruit on one of the tumbling toms.
The potted broad beans / peas are a bit leggy (inside because otherwise they get nibbled)
Small greenhouse, one of the courgettes has opened a female flower (they last just over a day or two) but no male flowers yet. It is usually then other way about. Also the strawberries are coping well if not growing huge, but I need to water them again. (reason ditto to beans).

Need to have a look at clearing out and rebuilding the herb bed, currently seriously overgrown with escaped mint, horseradish and a lot of weeds. Not today, although I am working from home, the weather is a bit wet.
Main greenhouse has over a dozen tomato plants, growing well and starting to flower ... even got a fruit on one of the tumbling toms.
The potted broad beans / peas are a bit leggy (inside because otherwise they get nibbled)
Small greenhouse, one of the courgettes has opened a female flower (they last just over a day or two) but no male flowers yet. It is usually then other way about. Also the strawberries are coping well if not growing huge, but I need to water them again. (reason ditto to beans).

Need to have a look at clearing out and rebuilding the herb bed, currently seriously overgrown with escaped mint, horseradish and a lot of weeds. Not today, although I am working from home, the weather is a bit wet.

Herb bed :hmm: ?

Mint if not contained , goes berserk .....
Here in Portugal it's now approaching the time when the cost of watering outweighs the cost of buying veg down the market . It's late 20s / early 30s most days and it hasn't rained for a month and it won't untill Octobet. got some tomato plants , some climbing beans , last of the Savoy cabbages and cucumbers going but can't see the point of sowing much more now untill September/ October.
Herb bed :hmm: ?

Mint if not contained , goes berserk .....

It was contained, but the period of neglect after a lot of rabbit damage and poor weather (mainly due to other demands on my time - work and an ill and very elderly father living 4 hours drive away) meant the mints escaped ...
Horseradish is pretty hard to clear out as well. Leave a bit of a root in and it's back up again.

I didn't plant it in the herb bed, it volunteered ! Good stuff, though. It will be "interesting" trying to clear it out again. I try not to use chemicals, so I foresee a lot of careful weed digging.
I didn't plant it in the herb bed, it volunteered ! Good stuff, though. It will be "interesting" trying to clear it out again. I try not to use chemicals, so I foresee a lot of careful weed digging.
Like an idiot I planted some in open ground many years ago and spent at least five years digging and sifting bits of roots out. All because I thought it would be good to make some homemade horseradish sauce
trouble is, I'm about the only one is this house that really likes horseradish sauce.

(You can use it to accompany more than just roast beef ...)
We planted some lemon balm out the back s few years ago.

It's unstoppable.
I just checked and mine has spread to the edges of my neighbour's hard-standing :)
I'm endeavouring to replace it with verbena bonariensis which seems to grow out of everyone's walls but mine.
I planted late this year. Dwarf beans just flowering now. Runner beans sprouting tendrils, Sage going well ( what do I use it for?), lavenders are slowly dying. 20190717_123522.jpg
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