I hummus, therefore I am ...
My first attempt at compost-grown "micro-greens" is underway.
It remains to be seen how much food I produce in the part of my system devoted to it - though I anticipate it will easily beat the watercress which is still looking like very expensive garnish rather than salad.
And I had to remove two frigging snails off it this morning - I'm going to deal with the gap in the window today.
So :-
green peas, sunflower seeds, broad beans.
They will be in the dark for a few days until they start to sprout.
the best sunflower seeds are reckoned to be the "black oil" variety - once I have my ozone steriliser set up, I will experiment with birdseed - which will also then be an option with hemp.
I have no intention to start growing wheatgrass -pretty though it would be - but I am planning to start blending green smoothies - if only to deal with inevitable gluts.
With regards the hydro watercress, I ordered an EC meter this morning to go with my PH meter and I should have some phosphoric acid waiting for me at work so I can start looking after the nutrients properly - not that there's any sign of imbalances or deficiencies yet.
I have no idea yet how long to use the nutrient solution before emptying and refilling ...
Though I'm not going to be able to keep both basil and watercress happy in the same tank ... my PH is currently around 7.
It remains to be seen how much food I produce in the part of my system devoted to it - though I anticipate it will easily beat the watercress which is still looking like very expensive garnish rather than salad.
And I had to remove two frigging snails off it this morning - I'm going to deal with the gap in the window today.
So :-
green peas, sunflower seeds, broad beans.
They will be in the dark for a few days until they start to sprout.
the best sunflower seeds are reckoned to be the "black oil" variety - once I have my ozone steriliser set up, I will experiment with birdseed - which will also then be an option with hemp.
I have no intention to start growing wheatgrass -pretty though it would be - but I am planning to start blending green smoothies - if only to deal with inevitable gluts.
With regards the hydro watercress, I ordered an EC meter this morning to go with my PH meter and I should have some phosphoric acid waiting for me at work so I can start looking after the nutrients properly - not that there's any sign of imbalances or deficiencies yet.
I have no idea yet how long to use the nutrient solution before emptying and refilling ...
Though I'm not going to be able to keep both basil and watercress happy in the same tank ... my PH is currently around 7.
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