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This Morning. Phillip comes out as gay.

Andysays is right. I'm currently watching his coming out on youtube because curiosity got the better of me. It's all a little cringey in the way these things are. Holly on his behalf reads out the statement that it has been "a conflict he's been living with for a really, really long time" and he claims that he's been open with his wife along the way.

In my experience it is very rare in a Western, reasonably liberal society that a man would not have been aware of his sexuality at his age. The truth usually is that they've been aware of being gay for a long time, but struggled with it due a variety of reasons. In his case it may well be that he loves his family and that was more important to him.
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I'm really shit at this and have no idea but clearly they are just trying to cause trouble. On this thread at least.

I think they're quite young, strident, everyone's not quite left or politically sound enough for them, - in that annoying way some politically aware people can be, esp when young. They've made a twat of themselves and rather than own it, they're just lashing out. :D
Andysays is right. I'm currently watching his coming out on youtube because curiosity got the better of me. It's all a little cringey in the way these things are. Holly on his behalf reads out the statement that it has been "a conflict he's been living with for a really, really long time" and he claims that he's been open with his wife along the way.
In the end, it doesn't matter that much whether he has known for many years or whether it was more of a gradual realisation he's finally come to.

I was just surprised to see KillerB state it in that definite way, because it didn't seem his statement was that definite
I've reported a sample post and hinted that a thread ban might be in order. A thread like this doesn't need cuntitude like that.
Sad twat. What I posted is a perfectly normal and common viewpoint. Anyway, I'm not wasting anymore time on this bullshit, I've got better things to do than bicker about Philip fucking Schofield all fucking day long, obviously you guys haven't.
Disruptive Conduct
Not acknowledging or engaging with posts about him being a banned returner is classic AW though. I'm in two minds now.
I'm not a banned returner and it's pure paranoia to assume that I am. I know about this site through a friend of mine. Anyway, like I say, I've got other things to do now so bye bye. I'll let you all continue obsessing over Philip Schofeild's sexuality since it's such a vital topic.
I feel like my whole life up until now has been a meaningless shell, carrying on in blithe ignorance when all the time Philip Schofield was gay.
For many straight people this may be totally irrelevant, but the more people who are in the public eye come out of the closet, the more being LGBT+ becomes normalised. It’s not like we are living in a society free of homophobia and prejudice, there still is a lot of homophobia about. This may be a joke to anybody who has never suffered homophobia, to someone struggling with their sexuality right now, it may be a lifeline.
Don't know. Questioning myself now. But then I seem to be in a tiny minority of people who didn't know that PS was gay either so what do I know!
Same here - I've obviously seen him on telly over the years, but never paid a great deal of attention to him - never been interested in breakfast or daytime telly. I don't think I've ever given consideration of his sexuality.
I'm heterosexual but outside of my bedroom (and occasionally living room if the kids are out) my sexuality is completely irrelevant because I'm monogamous.

sorry, and i don't want to make this sound like a personal attack, but no it's not.

being heterosexual is the 'normal' / default assumption from early childhood onwards.

straight people don't 'come out' because there's no need to, society in general just assumes people are straight.

straight people don't often get discriminated against / get turfed out of their parents' home / lose jobs / get duffed up for being straight or being perceived as straight.

doing 'normal every day' things for a straight person (like mentioning or being seen with your partner) are things that are an act of 'coming out' for a gay person - and things that gay people have generally tended to avoid or at least think twice about doing. just one personal angle - i was in my 40s before i held hands with someone in the street. when i was in my late teens / 20s, there would have been a high chance of getting duffed up or nicked for it.

yes, all of the above is better in the UK than it was in the 80s, and i've no personal knowledge of what it was like in the 50s when gay male activity was still a criminal offence. or of countries where you can still get locked up or worse...
Aww good for him. It sounds like it's been a very painful secret and I hope he feels better now he's spoken of it.

He's clearly a very loving and loved person. It must have been so hard for him to tell his wife and family.

It must have been so difficult to live without the possibility of ever sharing chemistry, attraction, passion, sensuality, lust or indeed romantic love with someone.
sorry, and i don't want to make this sound like a personal attack, but no it's not.
I was, perhaps clumsily, trying to separate sexual behaviour and sexual identity. A celibate but openly gay person is in more danger of being physically attacked than a married man with children who discreetly frequents cruising spots or watches gay porn.
For many straight people this may be totally irrelevant, but the more people who are in the public eye come out of the closet, the more being LGBT+ becomes normalised. It’s not like we are living in a society free of homophobia and prejudice, there still is a lot of homophobia about. This may be a joke to anybody who has never suffered homophobia, to someone struggling with their sexuality right now, it may be a lifeline.
Basically this. And if a 50-something yr old daytime tv presenter coming out has any meaningful impact on the universe its probably only going to be for other people of his sort of age who have lived through decades of totally unchecked homophobia and not felt able to say anything for decades. To anyone else whats the relevance really so good, him doing this might be of some help to people who have been through real shit.
Aww good for him. It sounds like it's been a very painful secret and I hope he feels better now he's spoken of it.

He's clearly a very loving and loved person. It must have been so hard for him to tell his wife and family.

It must have been so difficult to live without the possibility of ever sharing chemistry, attraction, passion, sensuality, lust or indeed romantic love with someone.
Well, surely he did with his wife, for a time. A long time. Still, life happens. Changes happen.
It's wierd all the sympathy and celeb fawning. People seem to be assuming he sat with legs crossed celebate for 30 years, for all the love he appears to have he probably has been shagging away all this time. This could be his wife saying Im divorcing you we raised the kids but I'm done. It feels like a load of BS you get from a celeb who's on a damage limitation mission. Fuck all to praise
I'm not sure how he can come out on TV while simultaneously comforting his crying wife at home ? Are you suggesting this was the first she'd heard of it ?
He didnt come out on TV. He came out on Instagram, then went on TV almost immediately afterwards.

He could have made the announcement and then done the mawkish interview a few days later once the public had digested the news. That would have enabled his wife to weather the inevitable media storm with him rather than watch his very public catharsis from afar.
Still a scab. I remember him getting irate about a british airways staff strike 'people's holidays ruined' etc, while comrade Willoughby said she supported them.
He didnt come out on TV. He came out on Instagram, then went on TV almost immediately afterwards.

He could have made the announcement and then done the mawkish interview a few days later once the public had digested the news. That would have enabled his wife to weather the inevitable media storm with him rather than watch his very public catharsis from afar.

you’re seem to be assuming that the two of them didn’t discuss this at all and agree together how they’d handle it before he made the public announcement
maybe I’m naively looking for the best in people, but that seems more likely to me than he just sprung this on his family yesterday
you’re seem to be assuming that the two of them didn’t discuss this at all and agree together how they’d handle it before he made the public announcement
maybe I’m naively looking for the best in people, but that seems more likely to me than he just sprung this on his family yesterday
Maybe the whole process was all agreed, but it doesn’t alter the fact that this chronology has done her no favours. His bit is done; the story now becomes more about her and how she is coping.

By positioning himself ahead of the story he’s, inadvertently or not, forced his wife into the position of victim.

Why not let her announce they’re separating and then taking ownership of the fallout himself?
I've been thinking...the more people who come out as gay or queer or wherever they are on what is becoming clear is a whole spectrum of gender and sexuality, the more the old fashioned men vs. women gender stuff becomes irrelevant. The future will be gender neutral and sex discrimination will become a nonsesne. Not in the way I thought it would but in a better way because we will all become...just humans who can express ourselves however we like. And that is a world I really want to live in.
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