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This Morning. Phillip comes out as gay.

He hasn't said he is. Why ?

Just wondering how this new dynamic will work.

Im assuming that publicly announcing you’re gay is something that would lead him to peruse a gay relationship? Where would his wife fit in with that?
The Boris Jonson/Jeremy Corbyn interviews solidified him as a nasty assed Tory boy and for that and that only he can fuck right off in to the sea
Just wondering how this new dynamic will work.

Im assuming that publicly announcing you’re gay is something that would lead him to peruse a gay relationship? Where would his wife fit in with that?

In any number of ways. You really are thick.
Fucking hell, you people are so fucking sad giving so much of a massive shit about all this, including what I post about it. You all need to get a life and get a fucking grip. Schofield is a bellend anyway, always has been.
Just wondering how this new dynamic will work.

Im assuming that publicly announcing you’re gay is something that would lead him to peruse a gay relationship? Where would his wife fit in with that?
I guess that's something only he needs to figure out.
Fucking hell, you people are so fucking sad giving so much of a massive shit about all this, including what I post about it. You all need to get a life and get a fucking grip. Schofield is a bellend anyway, always has been.
You're the one who started off on the ranty bullshit - most of the heat and light on this thread is people calling you out for being a cunt.
I’ve never liked his adopted persona but sympathise with his wife and kids. It spoke volumes of the man that he chose to be babied in a TV studio by his fake chums when the news broke rather than stay at home and support his wife during what must be the most humiliating time of her life.
I’ve never liked his adopted persona but sympathise with his wife and kids. It spoke volumes of the man that he chose to be babied in a TV studio by his fake chums when the news broke rather than stay at home and support his wife during what must be the most humiliating time of her life.
I'm not sure how he can come out on TV while simultaneously comforting his crying wife at home ? Are you suggesting this was the first she'd heard of it ?
Don't know. Questioning myself now. But then I seem to be in a tiny minority of people who didn't know that PS was gay either so what do I know!
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