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The working from home thread

it'll also fuck us all up now people are shoving so much business waste in their residential bins, bin collection is outsourced by the council and eventually whoever's collecting it will realise they're, god forbid, collecting rubbish they might not be contractually obligated to pick up, with ensuing chaos
Just had a teams message from one of our 3 supervisors - telling us the other two are either off sick or on holiday this week.

“I’m all on my own this week so please try to resolve queries yourself before asking me as a last resort”.

Thanks a bunch. I’m pretty disgusted by the message but as a temp I don’t have anyone I can push this to.

Oh fuck off. I don't give a shit about office politics or culture or whatever other bullshit. I'm one of those "young, single types" who supposedly hate working from home according to the dipshit who wrote the article, but in actual fact I would continue working from home full time if I could. Meanwhile my supervisor who has children to pick up from school is probably spending the most time in the office out of all of us.
I note that Apple were absolute shitfucks last week, telling all their staff they expect them back in the office for at least three days a week from September. So I am pleased to read that there has been a backlash.

We’re expected in three days a week from June 21. I’m not going to and nobody I’ve spoken to intends to either unless they are somebody that would prefer to work in the office full time anyway. It’s all very cat and mouse at the moment but I expect some fireworks at some point. Or possibly for the government to change its position, thus kicking this whole can further down the road.
We’re expected in three days a week from June 21. I’m not going to and nobody I’ve spoken to intends to either unless they are somebody that would prefer to work in the office full time anyway. It’s all very cat and mouse at the moment but I expect some fireworks at some point. Or possibly for the government to change its position, thus kicking this whole can further down the road.

Yeah at a minimum I rate the chances of the pandemic mood music changing within the next week as high.
Haven’t worked in the office since March last year, email today saying expect current arrangements to continue till September.

Its going to be so weird going back in eventually
I went to Reading for a lunch/catch up thing with colleagues last week, It was very weird. Getting the train, seeing people in the flesh, after 15 months of Teams calls. I was first to the pub (quelle surprise) - a couple of colleagues turned up in masks and sunglasses - I wasn't sure enough it was them to wave. I expect actually going into work will be really weird. Not sure I want to now.

We had lunch in a pub within sight of the office.

Someone left the lights on in one of the meeting rooms.
i am getting slightly more used to it (i was working somewhat more than full time in the office until about october when there was a covid outbreak and we more or less got turfed out of the building)

now back on going in maybe one day (or one afternoon) a week if that.

have got in to the habit of working an (overall) longer day with lunch break and stopping the proverbial clock for afternoon tea break as well.

haven't yet got as far as naps...
I've been to the office and collected my belongings - first time since 11 March 2020. :thumbs: I'd forgotten how hot and noisy it is, with all the humming of air con and other stuff, even with no people there.

WFH has been good for us for recruitment - being in the sticks, we struggled to get young creatives in particular. Over lockdown, we've taken on 12 shiny new people based all over the UK, who have successfully integrated into remote teams.

A few of my colleagues who have left now have highly paid London jobs, without having to travel there more than a few times a year.

We surveyed all staff worldwide - approx 750 - as to whether they wanted to return to the office. Around 30% want to go in, but only for around 30% of the time. It'll be interesting to see how it pans out.
work's telling everyone to go in at some point to clear their desks, etc. whole place is being reconfigured into a new layout before we ever reopen properly.
our manager sent a meeting invite for tomorrow for the whole team to go in together. I've said no since I only started after covid and don't actually have a desk to clear. but really don't understand why the rest of them aren't saying they'll go in another day instead of crowding in together.
I have to attend the office tomorrow to do some laptop sorting out business with IT who have helpfully advised me to attend in the “AM”.

Not sure if anyone else is going to be in, everyone is quite comfortable at home. Personally I feel quite disconnected still.
I'm going in tomorrow and will probably do 2 days a week from now on. From this week it was supposed to be all staff returning for 50% of the time over 2 weeks, with departments/teams deciding their own rotation. There's 4500 in our office across 2 buildings - but this has been put back until the July date, if that happens.

I can't wait to get back in to be honest but tomorrow isn't going to be productive at all I imagine.
Bit of a first world problem especially as I have spare monitor anyway but work have offered kit for people who will be wfh regardless of what happens. The monitors they provide have no stands. Result is I'll probably just buy my own.
We’re expected in three days a week from June 21. I’m not going to and nobody I’ve spoken to intends to either unless they are somebody that would prefer to work in the office full time anyway. It’s all very cat and mouse at the moment but I expect some fireworks at some point. Or possibly for the government to change its position, thus kicking this whole can further down the road.

We'd set september as the earliest we'd be going back. Luckily the boss who is keen to get everyone back is leaving before then. Hopefully potential replacements with that view will be weeded out before being taken on.
Went in for a day today. My main conclusion was that it’s actually more comfortable and convenient to work from home, although it does impair the service we offer to our employees given we can’t send out letters or answer the phone.

I’d prefer to be in the office I think, but only if others are. I think this is now a 2022 decision, and by that point people will have worked at home for nigh on 2 years and the changes will probably be irreversible. I will just resign myself to not forming any close work friendships which sucks a bit.
There's some weird shit that's started happening on my work Teams, where when someone shares their screen it immediately minimises my Teams window. I had Windows updates yesterday and this morning, so I'm guessing that's the culprit.
I've noticed something similar - I often take notes in a word doc, reduced to a small window on top of the teams call, and when someone shares their screen in a call it minimises the doc. Annoying.
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