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What's your work status now? Back at work? Furloughed? Working from home? Or bugger all?

Are you back at work?

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After some info and not sure where to post regarding the confusing to me anyway rules regarding self isolation and fines etc
Was furloughed until 7 or so weeks ago then agency finished me been on universal credit since with couple of very short bits of work .
Another agency found me a place to start tomorrow PM shift on Friday which was looking forward to starting.
As luck would have it woke up yesterday with a cold sniffle and a little cough now and then but very run ny nose etc not sure how it will be tomorrow and not sure at all legally what I should be doing Ive no temperature and do not have a persistent cough yet anyway

Anyone any idea of self isolation rules and what would happen to my universal credit payment if I didnt or couldnt turn up for my first day now really piddled off by this as been healthy all through lockdown and my furlough but guess its cold and flu season now does seem like just a cold at moment anyway , been very careful too , masking up and distancing only been shopping really
Woah is me etc etc :)but seriously Im confused as to what to do if its not better tomorrow and looking like a pratt either way turning up or not turning up on first shift new place and of course the new fines etc :(
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After some info and not sure where to post regarding the confusing to me anyway rules regarding self isolation and fines etc
Was furloughed until 7 or so weeks ago then agency finished me been on universal credit since with couple of very short bits of work .
Another agency found me a place to start tomorrow PM shift on Friday which was looking forward to starting.
As luck would have it woke up yesterday with a cold sniffle and a little cough now and then but very run ny nose etc not sure how it will be tomorrow and not sure at all legally what I should be doing Ive no temperature and do not have a persistent cough yet anyway

Anyone any idea of self isolation rules and what would happen to my universal credit payment if I didnt or couldnt turn up for my first day now really piddled off by this as been healthy all through lockdown and my furlough but guess its cold and flu season now does seem like just a cold at moment anyway , been very careful too , masking up and distancing only been shopping really
Woah is me etc etc :)but seriously Im confused as to what to do if its not better tomorrow and looking like a pratt either way turning up or not turning up on first shift new place and of course the new fines etc :(

I think you get fined if you have been told to self isolate by the test and trace people (those that don't sem to be able to do just that) or because you came back from a country not on the travel corridor list.
Check your symptoms against the lists of known one and make a judgement from there.
Can you call the agency/placement place and talk to them to ask them what they think you should do if you just have the sniffles?
After some info and not sure where to post regarding the confusing to me anyway rules regarding self isolation and fines etc
Was furloughed until 7 or so weeks ago then agency finished me been on universal credit since with couple of very short bits of work .
Another agency found me a place to start tomorrow PM shift on Friday which was looking forward to starting.
As luck would have it woke up yesterday with a cold sniffle and a little cough now and then but very run ny nose etc not sure how it will be tomorrow and not sure at all legally what I should be doing Ive no temperature and do not have a persistent cough yet anyway

Anyone any idea of self isolation rules and what would happen to my universal credit payment if I didnt or couldnt turn up for my first day now really piddled off by this as been healthy all through lockdown and my furlough but guess its cold and flu season now does seem like just a cold at moment anyway , been very careful too , masking up and distancing only been shopping really
Woah is me etc etc :)but seriously Im confused as to what to do if its not better tomorrow and looking like a pratt either way turning up or not turning up on first shift new place and of course the new fines etc :(

would like to think that both employer and DWP would be sensible about it all, but i'm not sure i'd like to bet on either...

hope you feel better soon
Still nothing, applying for at least 6 jobs in IT a day, had a couple of phone and video interviews , some from agencies and some from direct employers.

I understand not hearing back from agencys if you havent got the job, but I'm not used to not hearing back from direct employers even after sending follow up emails :(
Still nothing, applying for at least 6 jobs in IT a day, had a couple of phone and video interviews , some from agencies and some from direct employers.

I understand not hearing back from agencys if you havent got the job, but I'm not used to not hearing back from direct employers even after sending follow up emails :(
I don't know if it's still the same thing, but I do know that a lot of employers were being hugely overwhelmed with all kinds of inappropriate candidates applying for any post that was advertised, thanks to the Universal Credit box-ticking exercise whereby they had to apply for x jobs a week. It wouldn't surprise me if the volume was such that they gave up notifying people who hadn't made the cut.

It's still shit, though.
Had 2 days off. Back to work tomorrow tho not looking forward to it as peak routes started today.

Had a look at some of the routes that went out today and they were around the 270 parcel mark :facepalm:
Changed vote to back in office full time, the commute is just walk BB2 to school, then cycle through the high street and in to the office. But there is very little work to do, it's really quite boring and I've been getting in to a bad habit of nipping out for pints, so have signed up at the local pool for a three month swim membership and am aiming to go every day to swim 1km, it's just under a 2 mile cycle each way to the pool, so that five days a week should hopefully stop me being tempted towards the pub and see me a bit fitter and that. Would much rather be busy enough at work not to need these distractions though, but must count what blessings I do have and feel desperately sorry for all those who's industries and therefore their lives are on hold. Many of my fellow travel agents are out of work having not issued any tickets since March, so at least I have something and should hopefully still be around once things are allowed to get going again.

Good luck everyone.
A good few people at my workplace are convinced that Wales will be in lockdown again very soon, in a circuit-breaking way over half-term
(HT is due next week in most areas I think ;) )

But workplace gossip isn't detail, and I haven't been able to Google anything properly useful.

Mark Drakeford will most likely have The Big Announcement to make this coming Friday (his usual day).

How comprehensive any lockdown will turn out to be remains to be seen.

Workplaces ;) :p :oops: ??
And schools?
As well as pubs, etc.?

Who the fuck knows?? :confused:
So then they become judge and juror, and inevitably they target who? The most beaten down by said shoddy and institutionally vindictive system. Breakdowns ahoy, or there's always prison.
Supermarket cashier, work pattern unchanged throughout, but gloomily seeing Christmas puddings, cards and wrapping paper on display, ads promoting the loyalty-linked credit card, and thinking Christmas on credit will be the reality for a lot of people if they’re determined to compensate for all kinds of awfulness by buying more... stuff.
I'm still employed and my company hasn't said anything about making people redundant. Very lucky under the circumstances. The local council - who I used to work for - is getting rid of 200 jobs. They're so shit to work for that they asked if anyone wanted voluntary redundancy and over 600 people said yes. :eek:

Working from home situation is sort of in limbo since the last government u-turn: officially offices open, (and are safe, I've been in a couple of times and was genuinely impressed) and we were being encouraged to pop back for a day or two to see what it was like/ get used to it. Longterm idea is by January we'll be 'hybrid working' which is 2 days office/3 days at home.

But now the infection rates are soaring again I'm not going in unless it's absolutely necessary. Nobody's forcing anyone to do anything I'm pleased to say so I'm sticking with working from home for the foreseeable future. Suits me: I can do 90+% of my job from home, I save 150 quid a month on petrol and I get an hour and a half commuting time back to myself.

So I'm counting my blessings really. I wouldn't be surprised if after Xmas we get some bleaker news - we do seem to have got off quite lightly compared to some.
Will be on the new short-time working scheme from November, plan is to be in 3 days a week on (as far as I can work out) about 85% of normal salary.

This month was going to take some of my furloughed days as paid holiday days - as you get full pay for them under the current furlough rules & am not sure how that translates under the new rules.

But thinking really I should hoard some holidays instead, in case I have to self-isolate at some point? Rather than use SSP. I know I can carry unused holidays over to next year, so that will help.
Still working, had a slight increase to my hours over the last few weeks so I'm now on 21 hours per week. In practice I usually end up doing a bit more than that.

A huge part of my work relies on stuff like Black Friday to make money so I am really hoping it's not a complete shitshow as last weeks was the worst on record and some people ended up leaving.
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