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What's your work status now? Back at work? Furloughed? Working from home? Or bugger all?

Are you back at work?

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After a long period of low paid self employment and a longer period of even lower paid unemployment I am back at the coalface.

Feels odd but financially a massive massive relief. Still a long way off what I was earning in events before this shitshow started but a damn site more secure and WFH full time on a a three year contract :)

After a long period of low paid self employment and a longer period of even lower paid unemployment I am back at the coalface.

Feels odd but financially a massive massive relief. Still a long way off what I was earning in events before this shitshow started but a damn site more secure and WFH full time on a a three year contract :)

That's great news, congratulations! :)

After a long period of low paid self employment and a longer period of even lower paid unemployment I am back at the coalface.

Feels odd but financially a massive massive relief. Still a long way off what I was earning in events before this shitshow started but a damn site more secure and WFH full time on a a three year contract :)

Most excellent news
Not directly work status but as a postman I'm entitled to a free flu jab. The only problem is my voucher from Royal Mail is only redeemable at Lloyds pharmacy and they don't have enough stock to give me one.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
Does not bode well for the eventual 'C19 vaccine' does it? :(
Still working on site every day, thanks to a combination of the university continuing with face to face teaching (using the concert hall as a lecture theatre) and me working as a video engineer supporting “virtual” events.

Positive covid cases on campus have actually gone down over the last few weeks which is encouraging.
Good luck with the new job! My daughter’s partner installs and fixes cable broadband, enjoys it but it means going into the homes of people who sometimes don’t understand distancing, nor his insistence that he will wear a mask even if they won’t!
Excellent news Badgers :cool:

We were being gently encouraged back to the office before the latest government U-Turn but that's out the window now, I'd imagine. Yet to get the official word but I doubt I'll see the inside of an office this year.
Back on furlough as of tomorrow! Mixed feelings. Gotta admit, I called several things completely wrong. I did not expect non-essential retail to close right until the Friday night announcement broke. On a company level, I also expected there to be vastly more people kepf off furlough for the mail order side of the business, but here we are...
I'm freelancing in publishing, which is usually quite badly paid, and now I'm getting around 25% of the fees I used to get. I might follow the ballerina footsteps and retrain next year. 😭
I'm a teacher and teacher trainer. Terrible time to be freelance. I've clung on since March with online teaching and training and some short term contracts with universities. Everything was starting to dry up, and I was about to go into schools as a cover supervisor (plenty of demand, agency very keen) but changed my mind. Thankfully a few new opportunities have presented themselves this week.
frogwoman - any news?

Well, starting to reap the whirlwind of 'consultation' at work - just heard of a few people who have left for other jobs who I don't think were particularly at risk, but I guess had had enough of the bullshit. I'm sure plenty more are looking elsewhere, especially the editors who have had no meaningful assurances that there less work coming their way despite being halved as a team.
No furlough this time round, the uni is - in the face of all sanity and reason - ploughing ahead with having face to face teaching available if students want it.
Some of us in office will wfh, I won't be able to and would rather be in office anyway

It's only a temp job and once I've sold my house and have the money in the bank I will feel happy to ditch it, ideally for one of the perm jobs I've applied for
Had a slightly odd day on my own in the office today - there are a few things I couldn't do from home, and needed to fetch some papers as a project i thought was dead (so didn't bring stuff home) is showing signs of being undead.

There are normally 6 of us there - we have been told if we do need to go in, to arrange among ourselves that only one of us is there at a time.
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