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What's your work status now? Back at work? Furloughed? Working from home? Or bugger all?

Are you back at work?

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Bugger all work for six months, so I've been using the time for homeschooling and writing. Hopefully got a new contract starting shortly. Literally running on fumes at this point!
Same here expect for the homeschooling and writing 😁
I have been lucky in that I have been full-time WFH since the start. I was just wondering about putting in a request to work part time in the office, just to stay connected, and now this, back to full-time WFH again. Not complaining, very lucky to be in a sector less economically damaged.
Subject to references and what not I have a job! Just posting to give some positivity to proceedings rather than to be showy or wanky.
Really pleased to hear that Mogden cos it's tough out there right now.

My other half has finally landed a job as well after weeks, months of applications. It's not great and the pay is dire but at least he's working again. Starts on Monday.
I am so so lucky that I've been in work non stop, albeit from home. Im going back into the office one day a week from 1st October - full PPE here i come...
Other half was asked if interested in going forward for a two-year gov contract from November, but he's hoping to start hawking the software he's working on around then. No particular further news at work today - I haven't had 1:1 with my boss yet.
Where I am, for those who (like me) come into work, there've been very strict distancing rules/one-way-systems and ultra-strong hygiene measures, with divisions that have been installed between desks for ages, and more recently (early-ish September or so) take your mask off ONLY while at the desk, etc etc.

Plus a surprisingly large proportion of colleagues (mainly managers, but not all!) continue to work from home.

All I've been hearing around me this week is gossip about further lockdown-wards changes in Wales.
Fuck knows where they're getting these guesses from, possibly just from general news about sharply increasing infection numbers in South Wales ( :( )

I'm sceptical about full or near-full lockdowns to the point of workplaces shutting, for now, but I still wouldn't entirely rule out myself and others being sent home again at some point in October (???) :confused:
Wife was told on Thursday she's being made redundant in a month....
But she has an interview on Friday, and awaiting a call on Thursday from another company.

Call came through yesterday and they've offered her a job :) really pleased as she was thinking of going there even before she was made redundant. Terms aren't as good as her previous job but they sound like good people to work for. Very relieved!
Office is now not reopening this week!

I have a catch up with my manager tomorrow where I'll get to ask her some questions about the restructure. Poor woman sounded absolutely frazzled today - her role is actually safe, but she's going to have to juggle everyone else and inevitably break bad news to some people. I have been an interim manager for the last year, but fortunately for the purposes of the consultation period I am not being called upon to act as one, which I am relieved about.
After a few false starts being offered and starting jobs which weren’t right for me (and leaving after a few days) I’m starting a temp role a few miles away tomorrow. 3 months but could well go permanent if the person off sick doesn’t return.

Unlike almost everyone else I know I “need“ to work in an office - partly because Internet speed is so slow at home and also as I have found it very depressing starting a job when working remotely as it has meant I haven’t had a face to face conversation in months.

My sort of role is much easier done in an office too.
Manager catch up was OK - she's fairly confident about our immediate team, officially there are enough roles for everyone in it though we are officially 'pooled' as one is a new role. The assumption is that we want to stay in role but I guess if any of us moves (there are some new roles which may be interesting, job descriptions next week) and one of the wider team who are more at risk has an expressed an interest, presumably they'll come in and fill the gap. I'm still not quite sure how or if they can make this game of musical chairs pan out so that no one misses out on a chair because of bad timing/applying for job A instead of job B etc, but we'll see.
I started a new job yesterday after six months. Working for a lovely guy, small but successful business. Within a few hours he'd told me has terminal stage four cancer and has months to live. That's really really shit. He's a good man. But me and the other guy he hired are a little confused. Why is he hiring now. He's also a smart man so I can only assume he has a plan here. He's got a young family, he's only early 50s himself. So maybe I'm part of his succession plan? No idea. Bonkers way to start the new job anyways. Spending two hours on a zoom chat with pretty much a total stranger talking chemo.. That was not in the job spec!

He also said don't be surprised if he falls asleep on zoom calls as the treatment really nails him. I feel fucking awful for him.

Hmmmm.. ok. I quit this job. It was too fucking weird. My other half is an oncology nurse. Another job offer came along and she's obviously more cold-hearted than me and said given it's a one man band he's running it's really not in my best interests to stay there. I do feel terrible about it. But the work itself was not the kind of thing I do anyway, I'm not sure if the drugs he's on clouded his judgement when he hired me.

In saying that. Well. The new job. I didn't really research who the fuck they are. So umm... well. I now seem to be working for the tory party. Though not by name. One of their dodgy PR offshoots. I honestly did not know this at any point during the interviews or when accepting it. Im flat broke and havent paid rent in 2 months. Am I a bad person for not immediately pulling out once I found this out? There are no jobs at all going. I get to fleece the tories for a bit. I know. I know. In normal times it's a flat no. But.
I've been working from home throughout, but go in once a week or so to see a client or pick up some papers.

I don't miss anything at all about going to the office and I wouldn't care if I never saw any of the people again. Most of the work can be done remotely. One downside of being at home is that I seem to work more hours than before as I tend to start much earlier. I need to stop doing that
I've been working from home throughout, but go in once a week or so to see a client or pick up some papers.

I don't miss anything at all about going to the office and I wouldn't care if I never saw any of the people again. Most of the work can be done remotely. One downside of being at home is that I seem to work more hours than before as I tend to start much earlier. I need to stop doing that
Can you note all the hours you're doing and have time off in lieu?
Hmmmm.. ok. I quit this job. It was too fucking weird. My other half is an oncology nurse. Another job offer came along and she's obviously more cold-hearted than me and said given it's a one man band he's running it's really not in my best interests to stay there. I do feel terrible about it. But the work itself was not the kind of thing I do anyway, I'm not sure if the drugs he's on clouded his judgement when he hired me.

In saying that. Well. The new job. I didn't really research who the fuck they are. So umm... well. I now seem to be working for the tory party. Though not by name. One of their dodgy PR offshoots. I honestly did not know this at any point during the interviews or when accepting it. Im flat broke and havent paid rent in 2 months. Am I a bad person for not immediately pulling out once I found this out? There are no jobs at all going. I get to fleece the tories for a bit. I know. I know. In normal times it's a flat no. But.

Needs must sometimes. Become the enemy within and screw things up for them. Just remember not to be even remotely competent at your job or you’ll stand out...
Am I a bad person for not immediately pulling out once I found this out? There are no jobs at all going. I get to fleece the tories for a bit. I know. I know. In normal times it's a flat no. But.

Depends what role you're in, IMO - if you're doing admin or whatever then yeah, if it wasn't you, it would be somebody else and probably better that it's someone who hates the Tories, who knows, you might stumble across some damaging information you can share.

If you're an exceptionally skilled PR person who will be devoting their talents to helping the Tories get their message across more effectively and fool people into thinking that they're the people who deserve to be running the country, then you don't need us to tell you that isn't right.
Depends what role you're in, IMO - if you're doing admin or whatever then yeah, if it wasn't you, it would be somebody else and probably better that it's someone who hates the Tories, who knows, you might stumble across some damaging information you can share.

If you're an exceptionally skilled PR person who will be devoting their talents to helping the Tories get their message across more effectively and fool people into thinking that they're the people who deserve to be running the country, then you don't need us to tell you that isn't right.

Hmm... um. I'm not in PR per se. But it's not admin really. I will be involved in some of their messaging I think. But I'm at the wall - havent had a steady job in almost a year with one thing or another. I honestly cant pay the rent right now, so ironically these bastards can bail me out. I of course will do my absolute best to fuck them over from the inside and still spend as much of my time doing the voluntary work I've been doing. On their dime.
I will hear Monday week if I've been successful in the 'pooling' process later next week - officially my team was in a pool for the same number of roles, just one's a slightly different role - but I know people from other teams who are dropping roles have unsurprisingly asked to be added to our pool. There is some points system in which skills match is a part, and I expect there is a leaning to keep people on their roles, and no one in our team has an competence or behaviour black marks, so I very much doubt they'd swap people out for anyone outside the team as it would be a PITA to have to retrain more than one or two people. I have updated my CV in case there is an upset though, and have spotted at least one new role I could apply for if I don't make the pool (maybe even if I do - it's more money) - there's probably another few as well but frustratingly they haven't put up the job description though, so no one knows quite what they are (they involve the word 'content', but no indication if that's written content, video/graphic/podcase content etc)
I will hear Monday week if I've been successful in the 'pooling' process later next week - officially my team was in a pool for the same number of roles, just one's a slightly different role - but I know people from other teams who are dropping roles have unsurprisingly asked to be added to our pool. There is some points system in which skills match is a part, and I expect there is a leaning to keep people on their roles, and no one in our team has an competence or behaviour black marks, so I very much doubt they'd swap people out for anyone outside the team as it would be a PITA to have to retrain more than one or two people. I have updated my CV in case there is an upset though, and have spotted at least one new role I could apply for if I don't make the pool (maybe even if I do - it's more money) - there's probably another few as well but frustratingly they haven't put up the job description though, so no one knows quite what they are (they involve the word 'content', but no indication if that's written content, video/graphic/podcase content etc)

I know it sounds bizarre. But I actually resorted to editing my CV to make myself look more inexperienced. Took any reference to the word 'senior' out. Ive decided I have to face up to the fact my career has gone back ten years. I know others who are doing the same.
I'm not senior - I do have have the word 'senior' in my job title, as my manager got to create it as a a step up for editors as there wasn't anywhere to go. I will lose that word from my title if I survive the pool, as we'll all be one level again (but will keep the extra pay). I don't have a lot of extra responsibility, aside from the fact I have been interim line-managing two other editors due to a more senior person's mat leave and subsequent furlough but I would lose that in restructure one way or the other and I haven't demonstrated tremendous aptitude in it (annoyingly lockdown happened 4 days before my introductory management training day that would have set me up for a long online training follow up!). I shouldn't have to step back in new structure - I'll either stay the same or go one up I'd have thought. Or not get anything, who knows.
We've been told that our Cardiff office will remain closed until March., when it will be reviewed again.
Still going into work, but still only 3-4 days a week, as the work just isn't there to bring us in full time.
(And that's with one of our team of four kept on full furlough so far as he's unable to come into work safely - health issues and only way into work is an hour long bus journey - the rest of us either walk, cycle, drive, or train - no tube or bus journeys).

So still on around 80% salary since March, which is increasingly tight, but do-able.

Not sure how the post-October scheme will work out for us - we will all be on it & it does seem like it will actually work for our industry - construction - as it's designed to support short-time working. I don't expect it to bring us up to full salary, but it beats finding another job at the moment.

Bit worried how it will work out for my colleague who's still on furlough, as I think we need to be employed at least 1/3 hours, I think the plan may be to let him WFH for those - we are all on the bare bones of the furlough scheme (no top-ups) but they really are trying not to let more people go.

Feels precarious but really could be a lot worse.
Still going into work, but still only 3-4 days a week, as the work just isn't there to bring us in full time.
(And that's with one of our team of four kept on full furlough so far as he's unable to come into work safely - health issues and only way into work is an hour long bus journey - the rest of us either walk, cycle, drive, or train - no tube or bus journeys).

So still on around 80% salary since March, which is increasingly tight, but do-able.

Not sure how the post-October scheme will work out for us - we will all be on it & it does seem like it will actually work for our industry - construction - as it's designed to support short-time working. I don't expect it to bring us up to full salary, but it beats finding another job at the moment.

Bit worried how it will work out for my colleague who's still on furlough, as I think we need to be employed at least 1/3 hours, I think the plan may be to let him WFH for those - we are all on the bare bones of the furlough scheme (no top-ups) but they really are trying not to let more people go.

Feels precarious but really could be a lot worse.

The new scheme from November looks quite expensive for the employer, so unless the people on it are doing meaningful work that brings in the money I think a lot of people will be out of the door next month.
Hmmmm.. ok. I quit this job. It was too fucking weird. My other half is an oncology nurse. Another job offer came along and she's obviously more cold-hearted than me and said given it's a one man band he's running it's really not in my best interests to stay there. I do feel terrible about it. But the work itself was not the kind of thing I do anyway, I'm not sure if the drugs he's on clouded his judgement when he hired me.

In saying that. Well. The new job. I didn't really research who the fuck they are. So umm... well. I now seem to be working for the tory party. Though not by name. One of their dodgy PR offshoots. I honestly did not know this at any point during the interviews or when accepting it. Im flat broke and havent paid rent in 2 months. Am I a bad person for not immediately pulling out once I found this out? There are no jobs at all going. I get to fleece the tories for a bit. I know. I know. In normal times it's a flat no. But.

Take their money - just don’t give them any back - that’s my method for working in the service of the Sith Lord Bezos.
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