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The working from home thread

Bosses are still trying to chivvy workers back into the office. Seems like the workers are having none of it! As a remote worker myself, I'm in absolutely no rush to get back in the office. Fuck the bosses and fuck the commercial property landlords who are no doubt trying their hardest to protect their parasitic "livelihoods".
I reckon, when I am next looking for a job I will look for one that has some working from home already so that I don’t have to be pleading for it
This is a bit of a luxury I know but our work place are adjusting so we go a bit back to normal, in terms of personal time management as was pre covid. At least when we're not scheduled to or needed to take calls / answer emails.

Take lunch when you like, do what you want as long as you get the work done. I could, theoretically go to the near by gym / cafe taking my lunch hour when I know it will be quieter. Or you know, just stick the laundry on, do some other boring household thing you'd otherwise have to do after work.
Susan, a model developed by job search engine DirectlyApply, psychologists and fitness experts, of what someone could look like after 25 years of homeworking, shows that the health impact of staying away from the office could be severe.

No, no, no, no no! :mad:

What it shows is the impact of being a recluse, not doing any exercise or interacting with people. It has nothing to do with not going into the office.
They really are fucking desperate, aren't they? "In two and a half decades, you'll be old and fat!", as if people weren't already experiencing ageing and obesity before the pandemic.

More depressing when you realise this is the same as what they expect to happen in the office

More depressing when you realise this is the same as what they expect to happen in the office

Aye, and it was page-filling guff back then too.

What's that, a lack of exercise and a poor diet can make you look like shit? Well thank fuck we've got the modern news media with their fingers on the pulse, tirelessly giving us the latest bleeding-edge developments in the science of health. All those doctors and nutritionists dieticians (nutritionists are largely quacks) must be complete fucking idiots for having missed out on such clues for decades.
Looks like we are being directed back to the office by September.

Mixed feelings about this

I have had my second jab. Office is quite hot and airless and don’t want to be in it over the summer. Quite like not having to wear trousers socks and shoes in hot summer. Not enjoying working from home as it’s very isolating. Would be better for mental health to go in now I think. Am very scared of covid still and not really sure I want risk of being in office. Particularly as no one useful from a job / team perspective is there.
My contract ends in September and while it may be extended I’m having mixed feelings about if I want to stay there as I don’t feel very supported, everyone seems to work in silos and I don’t have the confidence to ask for help.
So, I have been going in more although we are still expected to work from home. My team used to have an office we could just rock up every morning , but just before Lockdown, asbestos was found during repairs so we were shunted to another office. Now they are planning to sell that office and we will be able to go to another office when we have to go to the office again.

However, we have 7 desks for 20 of us 🤣 so we will have to book a desk 😀. We can go to HQ where there is a bank of desks for about 30 folk (if all restrictions go) but there is potentially maybe a hundred folk for those spaces. It was fine today as only 4 others were in.

Looks like WFH will be the norm for a long time to come.
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