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The working from home thread

Tom Tugendhat on the Today programme was quite amusing this morning, as you could hear Mishal Husain compete for his attention with his pre-school daughter.
Seeing as I'll be working from home for the foreseeable, I've bought a new significantly bigger monitor. Works a treat, like being at the pictures. Now tempted to buy a proper office chair rather than using a kitchen chair.
I bought a 4K 32 inch monitor at the weekend. It’s brilliant :thumbs: £200, which I found incredible because I‘ve not had to actually buy a monitor since the days when we all had 15 inch CRT ones and my mate pushed the boat out for a heavy as fuck 17 inch one for £1000.

I also have an Aeron chair and a proper work desk because the kabbess used to walk full time from home. So I’m well set at this point.
Worse thing for me is the weight gain - getting on for 3KGs
13lbs gain for me. Have completely stopped training, started drinking far too much daily (haven’t had a sup since Sunday and we’re only going to drink (less) on Friday and Saturday) + have been eating biscuits and ice-cream aswell as usual breakfast, lunch and dinner. I plan on starting training again next Monday and maintaining the 5 days no booze.
Since we’re collecting the data: I’ve lost 2lb since lockdown, and lockdown came at a point where I’d just finished a session of the 5:2 diet that had already lost me 8lb. Being at home has meant more walking, some regular resistance training and generally much healthier eating. No going out to pubs has certainly helped a lot. I have a rule to never drink alcohol except when with friends, so I’ve drunk very little indeed these past 18 weeks, albeit a bit more in the last 2.
My weight seems to have stayed the same - I'm snacking a bit more, but then I am also exercising every day (it's only 20mins of that, plus a long walk every few weeks and a shorter one or two per week) so it's keeping things in check.

I'm not imagining I'll be going back to the office this year, and nothing else I could do could cut down contact with others as not commuting - there's no reason for me to have that extended, close contact with dozens of people every day of the week given I can work from home.

I do fucking hope the kids can stay in school next term, but my money's on them making it to half term at best before they have to shut down.
Over the last couple of days things have gone mental. I'm going to have to log on tomorrow and possibly Sunday to do some stuff, because I know that next week will be similar.
I think I heard Johnson is going to reverse the advice to work from home where possible, so some of us might find our employers asking us to come back into the office.
I think I heard Johnson is going to reverse the advice to work from home where possible, so some of us might find our employers asking us to come back into the office.
The current expectation at mine is we'll be working at home at least for the next two to three months. Some staff have to be in the office, but my team and many others can work remotely indefinitely. It just wouldn't be possible to bring everyone back given the need to distance people from each other.
I think I heard Johnson is going to reverse the advice to work from home where possible, so some of us might find our employers asking us to come back into the office.
My workplace said last month they'd shut the office until at least end of September and they have confirmed people on furlough will be staying there until end October. TBH I doubt they will force anyone to come in and I'd hope places where they are managing OK from home will do the same, especially if getting there requires public transport. They reckon they can only get about 25% of the workforce in safely, and seeing as we are expecting massive loss of income it would probably be cheaper for them not to open the offices (our London HQ, unusually, actually belongs to the organisation)
My shitty Citrix fob stopped working on my Chromebook on Thursday.

I phoned IT and they told me to wipe all the files and cookies from my Chromebook and re-install.

I laughed and told them that I wasn't about to wipe ANYTHING from my Chromebook. It's my Chromebook. They can fuck the fuck off.

Now I have to actually go to the office, where absolutely no one is following social distancing requirements, until they can get a company laptop to me, which will probably be August.

For a massive company, they are really, really terrible.
For a massive company, they are really, really terrible.
I heard at work there has been a massive spike in demand for laptops nationally, as a result of loads of people suddenly working at home. But it should have settled down a bit now so hope you get a new laptop sooner than August.
The third party company I'm working with put out several reminders at the beginning of lockdown to get people and teams to hand in unused laptop stock and chargers. No effective asset register and staff who can't be arsed to return stuff to the IT dept in a timely manner.
Has anyone been doing online study/CPD during lockdown / WFH? Just looking at some FutureLearn and other courses, now my actual work is winding down a bit :facepalm: Would be interested to hear others' experience.
It's summer, the windows are open , you hear everything....

Who's had the all day angle grinder a few doors down :mad: :mad: :mad:
I've got a new bathroom going in later this week. I dread to think what the noise will be like. I may have to try working in the garden.
Re noise. I was trying to decide if it was more annoying people making DIY noise in the working day or after it. Decided after it as this is when I am likely to want to be outside.
It's summer, the windows are open , you hear everything....

Who's had the all day angle grinder a few doors down :mad: :mad: :mad:

All day angle grinder in the sideway between our house and theirs. Just when you think he's giving it a break for a couple of minutes it starts up again. Apparently he's cutting stones for his driveway that he's making a massive fuck-up of.
All day angle grinder in the sideway between our house and theirs. Just when you think he's giving it a break for a couple of minutes it starts up again. Apparently he's cutting stones for his driveway that he's making a massive fuck-up of.
Nightmare, can't the driveway wait till we return to the office? Massively anti-social anyway.
Nightmare, can't the driveway wait till we return to the office? Massively anti-social anyway.

He's just moved in and appears to be an inveterate potterer. Always something to fiddle with, whether it's using a cordless sander on his bench he made with pallets, or trimming his hedge with a petrol strimmer every week that the previous occupants cut once a year. He's at it 7 days a week so I think respite might only come if he has a sprog or two with his girlfriend and is consequently too tired to use an electric polisher on his window sills.
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