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The working from home thread

I've been obsessed by my step count , try to average at least 15000 a day (about 7 miles)
You've either got a longer stride than me or the terrain we're walking over is very different. 7 miles for me would be around 18,000 steps.

Not that I'm doing that everyday!

ETA: I started my daily walks before lockdown after my doctor said I need to get fitter. I've managed to lose 6kg so I'm back to my normal weight now.
Maybe Marty is using a FitBit, because they do overestimate steps. That’s not important at all though. It’s the consistency that counts— find the target that works for you and hit it every day.

ETA: immediately undermined by the above post!
Maybe Marty is using a FitBit, because they do overestimate steps. That’s not important at all though. It’s the consistency that counts— find the target that works for you and hit it every day.

ETA: immediately undermined by the above post!
It's the samsung app !
I've taken a closer look at my figures. It seems that if my walk is mostly pavement based I'm averaging roughly the same number of steps per mile as you. But, if my walk involves more rough terrain and hills then the steps per mile increases. My longer walks tend to be over rougher terrain with more hills :)
Not a lot of rough terrain in Hackney tbf , most of my walks are on the marshes, we have several to choose from, Tottenham,Walthamstow, Leyton, Hackney.
Not a lot of rough terrain in Hackney tbf , most of my walks are on the marshes, we have several to choose from, Tottenham,Walthamstow, Leyton, Hackney.
As you can see from my photos in your "State sanctioned exercise" thread it's a bit different out here in the Surrey Hills :D

But as kabbes says it's more about meeting your targets. I'm finding that difficult at the moment as I've added cycling into the mix so I'm doing fewer longer walks.
In our weekly team calls, I have one person who doesn’t turn on video whilst the rest of us do. It’s fine — their choice. It does feel slightly weird though, like they’re spying on the rest of us. It takes some of the friendliness out of the interaction, somehow.
i refuse to be stared at for no reason, unless I'm wearing something fabulous. Never goes on video for me and I even have no photo for the skype convos.
i don't put the video unless special occasion. for a start as my webcam is on my laptop and i normally have it docked and at an angle which wouldn't work, it would require the setup to be dismantled. secondly i couldn't easily carry on working through the meeting. thirdly, i can't be arsed.
I mostly do have the camera on but sometimes switch it off for any or all of the above reasons (bad connection, want to get some actual work done, hide eye rolling and/or inappropriate hysterics, just sick of looking at myself).

Our CEO almost never has his camera on. I'm convinced he's not there half the time.
i refuse to be stared at for no reason, unless I'm wearing something fabulous. Never goes on video for me and I even have no photo for the skype convos.

My manager told us in our group Ms Teams chat that he had a managerial meeting with the head of the department. He assumed the head hencho would want a video meeting so he turned the video on. However, the head of dept didn't follow suit so he was stuck in video mode. he felt very awkward and said it was too late to change to audio only. :D
I started turning off my camera when I realised being at home and not in person made it far more likely for involuntary facepalms and eyerolls to happen in meetings.

I'm not looking forward to going back. I don't know when that will be. I have to log in on Thursday morning to see what's expected of me during enrolment season; that's going to be ok. But going back to work proper I'm dreading. I've been put in a different department for no reason I've had any explanation for which means I no longer have an office. My own space for students to come in and talk candidly was so important. Now I'm going to have a desk in a staffroom.

Do I wear a mask? I'm going to have to take the bus for a while as Mrs SI won't be going back yet, and I had a bad dream last night about me and a bus driver getting started on for asking people to mask up.

I know a lot of it is Stockholm Syndrome esque but I'm really not happy right now.
They've turned off the aircon in the office as a covid prevention measure.

It's really hot in there. Another reason for me to stay at home

they've turned off the AC in our office too. but with the windows open & fans on it's still a lot cooler & more comfortable than my flatshare.
I'm occupying a whole open plan normally for 20+ staff to myself for now. it's eerie.
Imminent redundancy from the shit dead end job I hated.
At the other job, we're being mandated to go back into the office part time (most people are working from home or going in for an afternoon here and there when necessary). Problem is, the work from home rules weren't new for coronavirus, and a lot of people have multiple other reasons why they can't come in. Someone's already handed in their notice. Trying not to let it get under my skin but the reason people are wanted in the office is so we can entertain and babysit others rather than do our jobs.
My manager told us in our group Ms Teams chat that he had a managerial meeting with the head of the department. He assumed the head hencho would want a video meeting so he turned the video on. However, the head of dept didn't follow suit so he was stuck in video mode. he felt very awkward and said it was too late to change to audio only. :D
The traditional method is "oh, my bandwidth has gone a bit - I'll turn my video off so I can stay online" :D
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