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The author's just done a podcast interview:
i'm a little surprised and a little pleased to see that one bunch of trots has this postition

Them and the AWL, although that one's less of a surprise, the US SWP feel much more like they should by rights have a full on anti-imp/pro-Putin position.
There are a few Ukrainians round here and I'm friendly with one particular family whose children were born here. They are from the Donbas region and on the left . I was speaking to them about winter and the consequences of the Russians bombing the electricity and they told me that there was collection for portable generators and heaters. So a few of us have contributed to that for Xmas . Don't know if there are any similar schemes in the UK?
The latest on Ukraine-Russia from the CWO (Communist Worker's Organisation) :

Interview by IP (Workers' Initiative) from Poland with a member of the Independent Trade Union of Miners of Ukraine.

IJ: What is the attitude of your union members to the war now, what are they hoping for, what are they expecting?
YS: The majority of people are waiting for victory. We are hoping for victory, but we also have a class approach.

There are a few Ukrainians round here and I'm friendly with one particular family whose children were born here. They are from the Donbas region and on the left . I was speaking to them about winter and the consequences of the Russians bombing the electricity and they told me that there was collection for portable generators and heaters. So a few of us have contributed to that for Xmas . Don't know if there are any similar schemes in the UK?

There are a few Ukrainians round here and I'm friendly with one particular family whose children were born here. They are from the Donbas region and on the left . I was speaking to them about winter and the consequences of the Russians bombing the electricity and they told me that there was collection for portable generators and heaters. So a few of us have contributed to that for Xmas . Don't know if there are any similar schemes in the UK?

A twitter friend volunteers with these guys and they send gennies amongst other stuff.

"For the first time in 70 years, the Panzers are rolling East at a cost of a $3 billion bonanza for the military industrial complex, to distract from the allegations of ‘trickle up’ corruption uniting the Zelensky and Sunak regimes."

The tanks are being sent to distract from corruption? Not to fight a war against an occupation or anything like that?

To me there's also something quite dodgy making some link between a Nazi-era tank (Panzer) heading east again like they did 70 years ago in that article.

E2A: Actually isn't the illustration of an actual Nazi Panzer too?!
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Wondered if I was over reacting, but checked with 3 other people today and they actually though that article was more fucked up than I did.

Achtung Panzer! ffs.

This all OK with AnarCom? danny la rouge and any others from AnarCom?
The latest AnarCom Network article related to the situation with the war in Ukraine (and at home)

When in the 1950s did panzers roll east? And that is a really poor picture of a tank
"For the first time in 70 years, the Panzers are rolling East at a cost of a $3 billion bonanza for the military industrial complex, to distract from the allegations of ‘trickle up’ corruption uniting the Zelensky and Sunak regimes."

The tanks are being sent to distract from corruption? Not to fight a war against an occupation or anything like that?

To me there's also something quite dodgy making some link between a Nazi-era tank (Panzer) heading east again like they did 70 years ago in that article.

E2A: Actually isn't the illustration of an actual Nazi Panzer too?!

It's off the book from the opening quote (achtung-panzer!). Written by some bloke called Heinz Guderian.

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It's off the book from the opening quote (achtung-panzer!). Written by some bloke called Heinz Guderian.

Yeah, he was a Nazi so surely using that book and term and the language in the text is of no relevance unless you're trying to draw some similarities in Germany between what's happening and now what happened in the '30s? Happy to accept it was just some unthinking oversight rather than a clear decision or position though.
Yeah, he was a Nazi so surely using that book and term and the language in the text is of no relevance unless you're trying to draw some similarities in Germany between what's happening and now what happened in the '30s?

Yes, I was being ironic. One of the key tank generals of Barbarossa, difficult to make the comparison more explicit.
It's off the book from the opening quote (achtung-panzer!). Written by some bloke called Heinz Guderian.

The first seminal tactical manual on the use of tanks (or Panzers) so I'm told. At the time of writing the article the author was of the view that Guderian was a Prussian general and commander during the war, but also someone who was not convicted of war crimes and also not actually a Nazi himself. He may well be questioning that view now. The article has now been altered and the image for it has been changed.
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The first seminal tactical manual on the use of tanks (or Panzers) so I'm told. At the time of writing the article the author was of the view that Guderian was a Prussian general and commander during the war, but also someone who was not convicted of war crimes and also not actually a Nazi himself. He may well be questioning that view now. The article has now been altered and the image for it has been changed.

These 2 things are not the same. Loads of high and low level Nazi's weren't convicted of war crimes.

He was aware of war crimes and was a member of the Nazi party, he also "completed the total Nazification of the army general staff with a 29 July order that demanded that all officers join the party. He also made the Nazi salute obligatory throughout the armed forces." - from Wiki.

Perpetuating the myth of the "Clean" Wehrmacht is dangerous and ahistorical and I am glad to see the article has been changed.
TBF it is easy to write something quickly and with good intentions and make some mistakes with images and terminology. Glad it's been changed, and the fact it was shows AnarCom in a good light rather than anything else I think.
TBF it is easy to write something quickly and with good intentions and make some mistakes with images and terminology. Glad it's been changed, and the fact it was shows AnarCom in a good light rather than anything else I think.

I agree totally but the author's portrayal of Guderian is inaccurate.

eta: I suppose my last sentence could look like I was making the point about the article but I'm not. I'll leave that to the anarchists on here.
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