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The war and "the left" - what do "we" do?

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You mean the media and ruling class that are entirely behind the defence of Ukraine?
Exactly, it is their hypocrisy I was highlighting. Which undermines their moral standing even if their support for Ukraine is the right call this time. The fact that they are responsible for similar in the past themselves undermines their moral credibility.
Notes from a talk Simon Pirani was due to give alongside the StWC, but it got cancelled.

Worth a good read, especially for some on here.

Notes from a talk Simon Pirani was due to give alongside the StWC, but it got cancelled.

Worth a good read, especially for some on here.

Great points, articulately written. Wonder if he'll get a response, would be surprised to see one written in good faith.

My only criticism is that he referred to the "former Soviet states" in the Caucasus, Central Asia and the Baltics yet didn't mention Belarus, despite its relevance to the war in Ukraine.
Sounds like Operation Solidarity has had a messy split - statements from ABC Dresden:
Solidarity Collectives (one side of the split):
The other side of the split, no new name yet:

No news yet as to whether either side will be applying for a stall at the London bookfair and who'll be granted one if so.
This Ukrainian anti-fascist has been captured by Russia, whose propagandists have been defaming him as "nazi".
This happened on June the 24th; at first his colleagues requested that this not be publicised, so as not to worsen his situation, but have now decided it's the right time to make it public.
His name is Maksym Butkevych.

[Maksym] was one of the important figures of the informal anarchist and anti-fascist movement of the 1990s.
Later he was a co-founder of the No Borders Project and has been helping refugees in Ukraine for many years.

There's a new article by Taras Bilous in Jacobin today.

Perhaps most striking about many of these debates about the Russian-Ukrainian war is the ignoring of the opinion of Ukrainians. Ukrainians are still often presented in some left-wing discussions either as passive victims who should be sympathized with or as Nazis who should be condemned. But the far right makes up a clear minority of the Ukrainian resistance, while the absolute majority of Ukrainians support the resistance and do not want to be just passive victims.

I’m a Ukrainian Socialist. Here’s Why I Resist the Russian Invasion.

Vietnam’s struggle did not just benefit Vietnam; the defeat of the United States there had a significant (if temporary) deterrent effect on American imperialism. The same is true with Ukraine. What will Russia do if Ukraine is defeated? What would prevent Putin from conquering Moldova or other post-Soviet states?
Petition to President Zelenskyy: Protect workers' rights!

Laws 5371 and 5161, were adopted by the Ukrainian Parliament on July 19. If signed by President Zelenskyy, these Laws would destroy Ukrainian workers’ rights and working conditions.They would legalise extremes of exploitation in Ukraine that would also endanger workers’ rights across the whole of Europe.

We call on President Zelenskyy to stand with Ukraine’s workers by exercising his presidential veto on both laws. They must be replaced with measures which would increase the security of workers and enable them and their families to survive the devastation of war and build a new and stronger Ukraine.

Please sign our petition!

Sign the Petition
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Not sure if this is the right thread for this but this is an informative article about wildcat strikes in Ukraine

Not sure if this is the right thread for this but this is an informative article about wildcat strikes in Ukraine

There has been some coverage of the recent anti trade union legislation implemented as well.
An article on the war in Ukraine by a new anarchist network in the UK :

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some background to this appalling legislation

And some on here reckon they revere Johnson only because he supplies armaments. Not so-the ideal of the Ukrainian political and business class is 'Thatcherism.' Thatcher is also revered among the east European movers and shakers. Has been for 40 years.

The Russian elites snarl at you as they remove workers' rights. The Ukrainians smile and say something about 'universal values' and stuff.
I'd be interested to know who they are/why they've formed, even if only 2 sentences by PM. :)
Who: they include me. You need more? OK- We are a loose collection of people, many of whom have been active for decades. Nobody famous, though.

Why we formed: to have the benefits of a network of anarchist communists. To stay in touch with each other and undertake activities in common.
Absolute melts St*p the W*r have got a meeting in a couple of weeks. The title they're going with is "How Do We End the War in Ukraine?"
IMV quite a thoughtful, if depressing piece, about Ukranians in the East

The latest article from the AnarCom Network about the war

Meduza interview with Taras Bilous

Tara Bilous is a Ukrainian socialist, editor of the left-wing publication Commons: Journal of Social Criticism, and an activist with the organization Sotsyalnyi Rukh (“Social Movement”). After Russia began its full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February, Bilous signed up for the Territorial Defense Forces. But in his free time, he takes part in lively debates with Western left-wing activists, intellectuals, and politicians on Twitter and advocates for solidarity with Ukraine in the pages of the most prominent left-wing publications. Meduza sat down with Taras Bilous to talk about the Ukrainian political landscape, the Western Left’s stereotypes about Ukraine and Russia, and how to counter them.
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