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The US secret war

ViolentPanda said:
To which you could have added:

- being awakened every time you fall asleep.
- being deprived of toilet facilities and forced to foul yourself
- being deprived of sustenance
- having pharmaceuticals or salt added to your food/water.

and many many more.

Cheers. duly edited.

Delightful stuff isn't it?

what you don't seem to realise is that many of us here are disgusted at these practices not just beacause they are cruel or counter productive.

We are also fearful of states that can lock up people they consider a threat and disappear them to secret camps without charge, evidence or trial. Its the signature of shitty, oppressive regimes throuhout history and more recently such bastions of freedom and democracy as Apartheid South Africa, Chile, the USSR, Burma, Iraq, Iran, North Korea and far too many others. Even more scary is that the US can pick up not just their own citizens in their own country, but anyone else in dozens of other countries.

Its not wet liberal nonsense, its a basic condition of being a free human being. Many thousands have fought and died, and continue to do so, to protect themselves and the rest of humanity from the depravity and oppression of states that can take total control of an individual's life (and often, death).

Nice to see which side of the fence you're on.
mears said:
The CIA must be doing something right. We have not had a terrorist attack in the states since 9-11.

Really? So can the world go and do something more positive than fighting non-existent enemies, then?
Red Jezza said:
for heaven's sake! That is NOT mental i.e. psychological torture. That is mere deviousness. you damn well know what psychological torture is. stop playing games.
ETA; but al-qaeda have gone on to commit other atrocities, and the single biggest reason why no more attacks is that youve beefed up anti-terror internal and border security.
And you HAVE seen 2000 american soldiers killed in a war that doesn't seem to have actually brought you any obvious dividends.
would that have happened without 9/11? doubt it.

We can debate the reasons why another attack has not been launched by Islamic radicals against the US but the fact remains that there has not been a terrorist attack since 9-11.

I think the CIA deserves some credit for this. Islamic radicals have attacked in places such as Bali, Spain, Egypt, Turkey, England and Indonesia since 9-11. Yet nothing in America.

George Bush and his administration must be doing something right.
mears said:
Not telling a suspect where he is. Playing good cop bad cop. Feeding him misleading information. I think these are all good tactics for instance.

The CIA must be doing something right. We have not had a terrorist attack in the states since 9-11.

... because you never ever seem to start at the beginning. Nobody hates others for no reason at all. If people are prepared to strike at the USA, then why do you never look for any valid reasons? Why do you think they struck?

In my book you have been treated remarkably leniently by any 'terrorists'.

You're wiring is loose coz you just will not look at causes. Your CIA thugs have been causing fucking mayhem in many countries for decades now. Whatever good traits are in american people (and obviously they exist), your whole psyche is tainted by this urge to batter people, to win, to be number one.

It don't half look pathetic i'm afraid. A bit more compassion for folk would go a long way. You're condoning torture on fellow human beings. That is unforgiveable really. Harm nature and you harm yourself. You'd do well to consider that piece of wisdom.

And one more comment while i'm on it: a country that executes its citizens in cold blood, in pure acts of premeditation, can only, ONLY, be described as barbaric. USA, singapore, china, iran, saudi arabia... you have good company.

It's completely anti-human. Sort your fucking selves out man.
mears said:
We can debate the reasons why another attack has not been launched by Islamic radicals against the US but the fact remains that there has not been a terrorist attack since 9-11.

I think the CIA deserves some credit for this. Islamic radicals have attacked in places such as Bali, Spain, Egypt, Turkey, England and Indonesia since 9-11. Yet nothing in America.

George Bush and his administration must be doing something right.

NO, I'M FUCKING SORRY, but this is getting too distasteful for words. Why does your bloody world stop at the borders of the USA??? Yeah, bush is doing something right, in fact he's doing it so much better than when he was a mere governor thug, grinning salaciously as he denied final appeals from those on texan death row. Now he gets to kill THOUSANDS of humans, and even better, they don't have american blood, but hey, that's only a minor detail. After all blood is blood and it's all red.

Your CIA are the most disgusting example of humanity on our whole planet, and you're saying they should get some credit. You're fucking warped mate, WARPED. I've treated you with respect in the past, despite disagreeing with almost everything you say, but the things you're saying on this thread our simply anti-human. You need to find out what compassion and understanding mean. You're completely empty on them. You talk about humans in the same way as your leaders: like they are just figures in a game of maths. It's fucking sick man. Do yourself a favour, go away somewhere and do some serious thinking.

Harm nature and you harm yourself. You better start realising this so that you can wake up and get a life before you die. Coz you ain't got one now mate.
mears said:
We can debate the reasons why another attack has not been launched by Islamic radicals against the US but the fact remains that there has not been a terrorist attack since 9-11.

I think the CIA deserves some credit for this. Islamic radicals have attacked in places such as Bali, Spain, Egypt, Turkey, England and Indonesia since 9-11. Yet nothing in America.

George Bush and his administration must be doing something right.

No, but just over (and possibly more than) 2 000 US troops have been killed since the beginning of the Iraq invasion - that must fill your heart with joy, you gutless wonder. Instead of killing Yanks on US soil, they kill them elsewhere...in places like Iraq and Afghanistan (we don't talk about that place anymore - do we?). Don't get too cocky, boyo....besides, Hurricane Katrina tore away the veil; the illusion has been shattered.
mears said:
Yet nothing in America.
How many attacks were there in Spain? One.
How many attacks were there in England? One.

Besides, 9/11 was all about getting US troops out of Saudi Arabia, which as far as I know has now more or less happend.
TAE said:
How many attacks were there in Spain? One.
How many attacks were there in England? One.

Besides, 9/11 was all about getting US troops out of Saudi Arabia, which as far as I know has now more or less happend.

So thats it? No one wants to attack us anymore in the west? War over and everything figured out?
mears said:
I think the CIA deserves some credit for this. Islamic radicals have attacked in places such as Bali, Spain, Egypt, Turkey, England and Indonesia since 9-11.

Bali is part of Indonesia you fucking knob. :rolleyes:
mears said:
So thats it? No one wants to attack us anymore in the west? War over and everything figured out?
Would't it be true to say that westeners have killed a lot more arabs than arabs have killed westeners?
mears said:
I think the CIA deserves some credit for this. Islamic radicals have attacked in places such as Bali, Spain, Egypt, Turkey, England and Indonesia since 9-11. Yet nothing in America.

George Bush and his administration must be doing something right.
Yes, well, PNAC has already had it's New Pearl Harbor, no need to LIHOP at the moment...

...just teasin', y'all!
TAE said:
Would't it be true to say that westeners have killed a lot more arabs than arabs have killed westeners?

Maybe, but that has nothing to do with the question posed.
For Mears

This a poem from someone who spent some time on the front lines in a different dirty USG/CIA affair, from the start of the American Holocaust in Central America, but perhaps Mears these words will entertain you...


...go try on
Americans your long, dull story
of corruption, but better to give
them what they want: Lil Milagro Ramirez,
who after years of confinement did not
know what year it was, how she walked
with help and was forced to s*it in public.
Tell them about the razor, the live wire,
dry ice and concrete, grey rats and above all
who f*cked her, how many times and when.
Tell them about retaliation: Jose lying
on the flat bed trick, waving his stumps
in your face, his hands cut off by his
captors and thrown to the many acres
of cotton, still, and holding
the lasr few lumps of leeched earth.
Tell them of Jose in his last few hours
and later, many months later,
a labor leader was cut to pieces and buried.
Tell them how his friends found
the soldiers and made them dig him up
and ask forgiveness of the corpse, once
it was assembled again on the ground
like a man. As for the cars, of course
they watch you and for this don't flatter
yourself. We are all watched. We are
all assembled.


And so, you say, you've learned a little
about starvation: a child like a supper scrap
filling with worms, many children strung
together, as if they were cut from paper
and all in a delicate chain. And that people
who rescue physicists, lawyers and poets
lie in their beds at night with reports
of mice introduced into women, of men
whose testicles are crushed like eggs.
That they cup their own parts
with their bedsheets and move themselves
slowly, imagining bracelets affixing
their wrists to a wall where the naked
are pinned, where the naked are tied open
and left to the hands of those who erase
what they touch. We are all erased
by them, and no longer resemble decent
men. We no longer have the hearts,
the strength, the lives of women.
Your problem is not your life as it is
in America, not that your hands, as you
tell me, are tied to do something. It is
that you were born to an island of greed
and grace where you have this sense
of yourself as apart from others. It is
not your right to feel powerless. Better
people than you were powerless.
You have not returned to your country,
but to a life you never left.

-- Carolyn Forche, 1980​
Mears I seem to recall posting the above for you before, somewhere post 9-11, me bewildered then how any thinking human being in the US would even tolerate a discussion of a USG option for torture. It is simply and absolutely impermissible. But, fools that we are, the Salvadorean torturers Carolyn refers to in her poem were TRAINED at the School of the Americas, Ft. Benning, Georgia, with refresher courses throughout the eighties and early nineties.

Them days at least our government had the good sense to try and hide it; these days they're proud of it.

We as a nation have been hugely disgraced by the actions of GWB and his henchmen. Bush on so many things rises light-years above the threshold set by Republicans for "high crimes and misdemeanors" when they impeached Bill Clinton, their failure to act now reveals the base hipocrisy that underlies all they do.

How do you sleep at night, Mears? Ambien? Something stronger?
If any type of physical torute occurred I would be dead set against these camps.


Amnesty International has highlighted the plight of two Yemeni friends, Salah Nasser Salim 'Ali, 27, and Muhammad Faraj Ahmed Bashmilah, 37, arrested separately in August 2003. Salah was detained in Indonesia, then flown to Jordan, where Muhammad was already under arrest. They say they were hung upside down and beaten for several days, before being flown to an unknown country about four hours' flying distance.

Neither man knew that the other was under arrest, but both described being detained in solitary confinement in an old underground prison, staffed by masked American guards, where western music was played in their cells 24 hours a day. Both men say they were moved after eight months, spending around three hours in a small aircraft, and then a helicopter, before being taken to another underground prison, this time modern, with air conditioning and surveillance cameras in the cells. This too was run by Americans, they say.

Six tales of rendition and torture printed in the Guardian

There really is a lot of evidence out there, you know. Of course, the complainants are mostly brown and have beards, precluding many from believing their stories. But I'm sure reasonable people would consider their testimony to be a good prima facie case that the US is using torture, even by its own lame definition of the word.
mears said:
He is back and still trying to find a way to measure standards of living amongst nations.

Repeating canards doesn't make them any truer.

It also doesn't negate your obviously woeful ignorance of geography.
ViolentPanda said:
Repeating canards doesn't make them any truer.

It also doesn't negate your obviously woeful ignorance of geography.

Following me around again. Its sad because I think you are actually an older person and not some 18 year old anarchist which might explain your behavior.

I keep repeating it because you were unable to come up with a way to measure human prosperity, standard of living, even though you criticized my meathods. It speaks volumes, always easier to bitch than come up with something concrete.

Here come the fancy words! :D
Oww Will You just do the Thearapy!!!
Dont ya remember?

Go out away from town find an empty field where ya wont bother anybody
go out in the middle of the field clench your fists and hold them up to the sky and shout I hate Americaaaa !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do this contiously for at least an hour a day
If after an hour if you are not satisfied fall the ground and punch the earth with your fists.
go once in the morning and once just after dark.
eventually you will feel better :)
Rentonite, you've made that exact same post at least three dozen times. Come up with something new, you boring twat.
mears said:
Following me around again. Its sad because I think you are actually an older person and not some 18 year old anarchist which might explain your behavior.
Don't flatter yourself, If I were a stalker I certainly wouldn't stalk a two-bit arsehole like you.
I keep repeating it because you were unable to come up with a way to measure human prosperity, standard of living, even though you criticized my meathods. It speaks volumes, always easier to bitch than come up with something concrete.
Fuck off. You keep saying this, I keep telling you I DID post alternative methods on that thread.
Go back, check it out.
Here come the fancy words! :D
Ko'orvya Mat are the only words I have for you.

Now stop derailing the thread, shithead.
ViolentPanda said:
Don't flatter yourself, If I were a stalker I certainly wouldn't stalk a two-bit arsehole like you.

Fuck off. You keep saying this, I keep telling you I DID post alternative methods on that thread.
Go back, check it out.

Ko'orvya Mat are the only words I have for you.

Now stop derailing the thread, shithead.

No you didn't. Its OK because I know you are angry there is one superpower that calls the shots. You are angry that this superpowers standard of living is higher than your country and Europe as a whole. And Geroge W. Bush is the most poweful man in the world. Gets your blood boiling I know

But none of this will end anytime soon

I'm afraid you will have to get used to it.
Enjoy your glorious achievement of being 1/250,000,000th of the American population while you can mears - you can tell your Spanish-speaking grandchildren all about it when they're schlepping down the coal mines for the Chinese.
Yossarian said:
Enjoy your glorious achievement of being 1/250,000,000th of the American population while you can mears - you can tell your Spanish-speaking grandchildren all about it when they're schlepping down the coal mines for the Chinese.

Right, just like many who predicted Americans would all be speaking German when the waves of German immigrants came to make a better life for themselves in the US in the 1800's.

Now you are correct about the rise of China. A unipolar world will not exist forever, but probably will continue for many years to come.

We will move to a bipolar world (US and China) or a tripolar world (India, China and the US).

Europe will continue to be on the sidelines. Its been thousands of years since Europe retained such a diminished role in world affiars. The Eurocentric world ended in 1945 and is not coming back anytime soon.

I understand this contributes to that chip on the shoulder.
Oi mears!

I asked you which of the following you think are fine and dandy but you seem to have ignored my post.

being made to stand motionless for hours on end (often in the cold),
- being threatened (like with dogs) but not actually harmed.
- being sexually humiliated (i.e having female staff take pictures of you and laugh at your dick)
- being held indefinitely without charge
- not being told the evidence against you
- not having access to a legal advice
- your freinds and family not being told where you are or what you are being charged with
- being held in secret without any public knowledge of you wherabouts (i.e 'disapperared').

(edited to add these delights at Violent Pandas suggesiton)

- being awakened every time you fall asleep.
- being deprived of toilet facilities and forced to foul yourself
- being deprived of sustenance
- having pharmaceuticals or salt added to your food/water.
mears said:
No you didn't. Its OK because I know you are angry there is one superpower that calls the shots. You are angry that this superpowers standard of living is higher than your country and Europe as a whole. And Geroge W. Bush is the most poweful man in the world. Gets your blood boiling I know
mears, we've seen the standard of living in New Orleans and I'm quite proud that Europe isn't like that.
mears said:
Europe will continue to be on the sidelines. Its been thousands of years since Europe retained such a diminished role in world affiars. The Eurocentric world ended in 1945 and is not coming back anytime soon.

I understand this contributes to that chip on the shoulder.

Christ, you're an idiot. Do you really think I'm rooting for a Europe-dominated world like geopolitics was a football game?
mears said:
No you didn't. Its OK because I know you are angry there is one superpower that calls the shots. You are angry that this superpowers standard of living is higher than your country and Europe as a whole. And Geroge W. Bush is the most poweful man in the world. Gets your blood boiling I know

But none of this will end anytime soon

I'm afraid you will have to get used to it.

what you going to do about china and india then?
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