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The stupidity of the anti-vaxx nutcases

Be interesting to do some modelling on deaths caused by misinformation. It's pretty causal, isn't it - you read something and believe it, you ignore restrictions, you get covid and die. Or you infect someone else, and they die.
And put the results of such analysis on every front page in the country and shame these people into oblivion.

Covid idiots haven't pissed me of so much as these past few days. I think it was the whole whoop whoop! atmosphere of the march that has turned me. Let go lol
"Never been on a demo" before says it all. All those horrendous things happening all over the world have never motivated them to go on one previously, but now, in the face of a pandemic that's killed 140,000 of the most vulnerable people in the country they chose to go on a demo cos they want hairdressers to be open or something.

Yeah, the world is literally burning up because of capitalism, and all these people can do is protest a necessary lockdown that was infact implemented too late.
Yeah, the world is literally burning up because of capitalism, and all these people can do is protest a necessary lockdown that was infact implemented too late.
I wonder how many have been invited with any of the kill the bill stuff that has been going on?
This video is an interview with Dr. Lee Merritt, who I first became aware of last year, and I discovered she's a complete nutter when it comes to covid.
Worth reading the whole article -
I just have, and yes, that definitely should be read.
Merritt and associates might be qualified doctors (why and how, with that kind of 'mindset' though? :confused: )

Striking them all off the US medical register immediately, and simultaneouly, for conspiralunacy and anti-science, would be the best thing to do if I was World King :p

</he posted snootily :D, But read the above article!! :mad: >
I've been wasting my time exchanging posts with an anti-lockdowner on an anarchist page I'm on on facebook. Don't know why.

He describes covid as 'over-hyped fear' and says the death toll has more to do with a run down NHS and govt lockdown itself, he posted reams of this stuff. Not at all bothered by fash flags being unfurled at these demos either, says the left have their own thugs aswell and people like me are just as bad as the fash if we want to do something about them basically.

Obviously a complete waste of time and I've now had a look at myself and pondered why I bothered with him. He's not worth it, as I've told him.
I know a couple of sound therapists, they do gong baths and that sort of stuff - I'll be honest, while I was initially sceptical, it's actually a really lush thing to experience. Would recommend.
tibetan singing bowl traitor.jpg

Johnny Ola told me about this place. He brought me here. I didn’t believe it, but seeing’s believing, huh?
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I've been wasting my time exchanging posts with an anti-lockdowner on an anarchist page I'm on on facebook. Don't know why.

He describes covid as 'over-hyped fear' and says the death toll has more to do with a run down NHS and govt lockdown itself, he posted reams of this stuff. Not at all bothered by fash flags being unfurled at these demos either, says the left have their own thugs aswell and people like me are just as bad as the fash if we want to do something about them basically.

Obviously a complete waste of time and I've now had a look at myself and pondered why I bothered with him. He's not worth it, as I've told him.
Over hyped today, Bill Gates tomorrow. It happens a hella lot
I've been wasting my time exchanging posts with an anti-lockdowner on an anarchist page I'm on on facebook. Don't know why.

He describes covid as 'over-hyped fear' and says the death toll has more to do with a run down NHS and govt lockdown itself, he posted reams of this stuff. Not at all bothered by fash flags being unfurled at these demos either, says the left have their own thugs aswell and people like me are just as bad as the fash if we want to do something about them basically.

Obviously a complete waste of time and I've now had a look at myself and pondered why I bothered with him. He's not worth it, as I've told him.
How has the anarcho page responded in general to covid?
I've been wasting my time exchanging posts with an anti-lockdowner on an anarchist page I'm on on facebook. Don't know why.

He describes covid as 'over-hyped fear' and says the death toll has more to do with a run down NHS and govt lockdown itself, he posted reams of this stuff. Not at all bothered by fash flags being unfurled at these demos either, says the left have their own thugs aswell and people like me are just as bad as the fash if we want to do something about them basically.

Obviously a complete waste of time and I've now had a look at myself and pondered why I bothered with him. He's not worth it, as I've told him.

I've done the same on that pirate radio message board, in reply to the nutty mod called Geoff, claiming 'there has been nearly a 1000 deaths, and nearing 850,000 adverse/bad effects in the UK' in connection with covid vaccines.

His source - UK Column News* and claims the figures were taken from Office of National Statistics and Gov.UK website.

Overall, we rate the UK Column a strong right-wing biased conspiracy website that frequently promotes false or misleading information.

My reply, which I'll be surprised if he allows, in which case I'll e-mail the site owner. :thumbs:

I've done the work for you, Geoff.

The ONS data up to the end of March is on the spreadsheet that you can download from this link: Monthly mortality analysis, England and Wales - Office for National Statistics

Table 12 is what people need, where it shows a big fat zero for the number of deaths from covid vaccines.

We do know in early April that 32 deaths were associated with blood clotting issue connected with the AstraZeneca vaccine, and they are declared on this link - Coronavirus vaccine - weekly summary of Yellow Card reporting

Almost a thousand other deaths were reported, however -

"The majority of these reports were in elderly people or people with underlying illness. Usage of the Oxford University/AstraZeneca vaccine has increased rapidly and as such, so has reporting of fatal events with a temporal association with vaccination however, this does not indicate a link between vaccination and the fatalities reported. Review of individual reports and patterns of reporting does not suggest the vaccine played a role in the death."

I bet UK Column News failed to mention that important part.
How has the anarcho page responded in general to covid?
Not sure to be honest but they've not objected or taken down my posts about it before. Looks like theres some hippy anti-lockdowner types there though, but it's not something I've seen discussed or brought up much tbh. It's a general, broad tent page, not, like, specifically an anarchist communist page btw, and you do get 'spiritual anarchist' types on there for example on this particularly page, aswell as anarchists posting reformist stuff, which I find annoying.

But I have noticed that anarchist facebook groups are not always great. You often get people with some questionable and atleast pretty crap politics. Though the oppososite of that is also true and there are some decent anarchists about on these groups aswell.

Btw, I have had a bit of support in my exchange with this nut, which is nice.
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But I have noticed that anarchist facebook groups are not always great. You often get people with some questionable and atleast pretty crap politics. Though the oppososite of that is also true and there are some decent anarchists about on these groups aswell.

You get dreadful people in all political groups. I know from personal experience that communists have to deal with CPC bootlickers and red-brown scum.
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