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The stupidity of the anti-vaxx nutcases

What are you talking about? My stance is reasonable.
  • I don't tell people to take or not take the vaccination.
  • I would rather people didn't nag me to take or not take the vaccination.
What a horrible tyrant I am!

I know I am late again. But your whole bumping this thread was to moan about relatives pressurising you to get the vaccine. And you caving in. You rowed back on exactly saying why you think it’s bad. But no matter you’re complaining about their freedom of speech. quite hilarious really. As no one is being forced to take the vaccine. I really don’t know what your beef is.

Being told things you don’t like basically.
I know I am late again. But your whole bumping this thread was to moan about relatives pressurising you to get the vaccine. And you caving in. You rowed back on exactly saying why you think it’s bad. But no matter you’re complaining about their freedom of speech. quite hilarious really. As no one is being forced to take the vaccine. I really don’t know what your beef is.

Being told things you don’t like basically.
Perhaps you should have spent more time reading before you bumped it, you would know, that I have some views and observations and that I'm not calling for an Act of Parliament to deal with nagging relatives.
Not here you don't.
I'm not being argumentive or funny. I don't want to misunderstand you or for you to misunderstand me.

Please tell me which of these assumptions of mine are right or wrong.

At least on this thread (assuming that I'm on topic), I cannot expect people to stop challenging my views just because I tell them to "fuck off and leave me alone". - If I'm right on that, that's the point I was trying to make with the post you quoted, because if you look carefully, I put what I said in quotes to paraphrase my interpretation of what another contributer had posted.

Equally, I'm being reasonable (At least on a thread where I'm being on topic) in ignoring such requests from other contributers to "fuck off" and "leave me alone" when they are posting views contrary to my own and my motivation is to challenge their views.

Of course, if an another contributer says "Fuck off and leave me alone" then I'm challenging their views (in a rather insulting and confrontational fashion) across the entire board, that indeed could rightly be considered harassment. I stress I would never do that.

Perhaps you should have spent more time reading before you bumped it, you would know, that I have some views and observations and that I'm not calling for an Act of Parliament to deal with nagging relatives.

I don’t understand. No one made you take the vaccine. What’s the problem? I think you’re wrong about a few other things as well, but this is where this whole thing started. I.e. I don’t see what your problem is with the status quo. People have the choice.
I don’t understand. No one made you take the vaccine. What’s the problem? I think you’re wrong about a few other things as well, but this is where this whole thing started. I.e. I don’t see what your problem is with the status quo. People have the choice.
I said about 3 things at the start, one of which I admit I could of worded better and I would have, had I known the reaction it would have got.

1. I don't like the social pressure to take the vaccination - later I expanded to include not taking the vaccination. That was a moan, because I don't believe much can be done, other than to ask people not to do that.
2. I regretted taking the vaccine - I was clumbsy in my wording of that - I admit, I should have given everyone my experiences, my vaccination journey and my thoughts for the future.

I doh't really have a problem with the status quo. It would have been there in plain sight if I did.

I have concerns about how the authorities might expliot it and I probably would agree with many if not all critism of tory corruption.

Imagine how angry people would get on this forum if I played the "Ah you're just a bunch of conspiracy theorists!" card when tory corruption is discussed!
Problem is the only thing it's illustrated is Staker's own incoherence and impressive ability to remain convinced he's winning regardless of how comprehensively his position's been picked apart.
I'm not partcipating in a debate with the intention of changing anyone's mind concerning the vaccinations or Covid19.

If you seriously believe that I should be taking vaccinations in future, you have to reason with me to the point that I'll change my mind rather than win an arguemtn.

Believe me, if you managed to convince me to change my mind, I would be very grateful.

It's counter-productive to embaress or use peer pressure to change someone's behaviour because then they have no real convictions in their choice. That's really not good for them, no matter the decision.

Imagine you convinced me to take future vaccinations out of peer pressure or just making me feel silly.

I could log off here tonight, convinced I should take a future vaccination.

How much work do you think it would take for a determined anti-vaxxer to change my mind back?
Can't we just get back to the stupidity of anti-vaxxers
I can talk to you about the stupidity of anti-vaxxers all night long if you want.

If we were to go back to very start of this thread, I would wince and say "Autism and vaccines, what a load of rubbish!"

Back in the wilds of the internet, I've challenged anti-vaxxers loads of shite.


  • I don't tell people whether they should take the vaccine or not
  • I don't pretend that pro vaccination nutters don't exist.
Perhaps I should clarify - when I said "urgh, I'm done with this" two dozen pages ago, I meant I'm done bothering to engage with you. Please do feel free to reply to any and all of my posts, it is after all your time to waste, but I'm exercising my freedom to not bother reading or replying to your pointless waffling.
Perhaps I should clarify - when I said "urgh, I'm done with this" two dozen pages ago, I meant I'm done bothering to engage with you. Please do feel free to reply to any and all of my posts, it is after all your time to waste, but I'm exercising my freedom to not bother reading or replying to your pointless waffling.
Oh no please don't be like that. It would ruin my entire night. I'd be gutted, absolutely gutted. I'm gonna have to crack open a bottle of wine now.
She suspects that he MIGHT be anti-semitic because by his own admission he's not been vaccinated.
That’s an observation of how conspiratorial beliefs correlate. I don’t have personal experience of whether the correlation is true or not. However, I do know that there has been plenty of research into conspiratorialism in the last few years, and it is definitely the case that conspiracy beliefs in general tend to cluster, because they are driven by personal needs, not the details of the conspiracy itself.

The key point, though, is none of that. The key point is that to discover somebody in your close circle is anti-Semitic, when you yourself are Jewish, is an assault on your sense of place, your security and even your very sense of self. It’s not just “misaligned politics”. So given the consequences of the outcome and given her previous experience of that outcome being particularly associated with somebody demonstrating conspiratorial beliefs, I think bimble is entirely correct to be at least wary of this new individual.
I do have some personal experience of conspiracy beliefs leading to antisemitism, both online & two people IRL.

The problem with conspiraloons is that they are struggling with something, or a collection of different things, in life and are searching for answers down the rabbit hole, once they land in the warren there's plenty of far-right loons ready to take their hand and guide them into the usual age old conspiracy theory that there's a powerful secret group of people controlling the world, the 'international communist conspiracy'. At this point they are well and truly on their journey.

Then that begs the question as to who these people are, and soon the finger is so often pointed at the Rothschilds and other Jews, and that's it, they have reached their final destination.

There're covid and/or vaccine conspiracy sites out there that suck you in slowly, twists everything about, throws nonsense around about the great reset/new world order and spread dubious fears of freemasons, the illuminati and Jews as the alleged driving forces behind this 'international communist conspiracy.'

It's depressing, and fucking dangerous. :(
I'm not partcipating in a debate with the intention of changing anyone's mind concerning the vaccinations or Covid19.

If you seriously believe that I should be taking vaccinations in future, you have to reason with me to the point that I'll change my mind rather than win an arguemtn.

Believe me, if you managed to convince me to change my mind, I would be very grateful.

It's counter-productive to embaress or use peer pressure to change someone's behaviour because then they have no real convictions in their choice. That's really not good for them, no matter the decision.

Imagine you convinced me to take future vaccinations out of peer pressure or just making me feel silly.

I could log off here tonight, convinced I should take a future vaccination.

How much work do you think it would take for a determined anti-vaxxer to change my mind back?

You accept that vaccinations help prevent hospitalisation, yes?

You also accept that covid infection comes with a risk of serious complications that do not occur with vaccination, correct?

Furthermore, your concerns about the future risks of vaccination are entirely hypothetical and are without evidence, you merely think that vaccination is one possible explanation for unexplained deaths out of however many possibilities. You haven't evidenced any potential mechanism for harm and therefore have no reason to privilege vaccination over any other potential causes for those unexplained deaths.

So given these three statements, it makes absolutely no sense for you to avoid further vaccinations. You are gambling with known risks because you're afraid of something unknown that you haven't even established as potentially harmful.
That’s an observation of how conspiratorial beliefs correlate. I don’t have personal experience of whether the correlation is true or not. However, I do know that there has been plenty of research into conspiratorialism in the last few years, and it is definitely the case that conspiracy beliefs in general tend to cluster, because they are driven by personal needs, not the details of the conspiracy itself.

The key point, though, is none of that. The key point is that to discover somebody in your close circle is anti-Semitic, when you yourself are Jewish, is an assault on your sense of place, your security and even your very sense of self. It’s not just “misaligned politics”. So given the consequences of the outcome and given her previous experience of that outcome being particularly associated with somebody demonstrating conspiratorial beliefs, I think bimble is entirely correct to be at least wary of this new individual.
I do appreciate this, thank you. Truth is though it’s not like that, in this case I’m just frightened that I’m going to lose my lovely friend, because if the hippie she’s fallen for believes Soros and the Rothschilds made Covid or whatever, I won’t be pretending to tolerate that.
So the friend i was worrying about weeks ago, worrying pre-emptively based only on the fact that she'd got together with a non-vax person, she's now going to the russel brand festival with her boyfriend and saying snippets of conspiracy-flavoured stuff that she never would have before, and i just feel really depressed about it all. I did very much want to be wrong in my rash judgement of the bloke but seems i wasn't. Best i can do, i think, is just say that I know i'm extreme in my views and that I get how it's awkward cos you love this dude & just hope she keeps chatting to me about it all instead of turning away and heading full steam in that direction.
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Yeah exactly that, you are not extreme in your views. Did you show her that recent Guardian article by Monbiot on Brand? Is that the type of thing she might take in more than your concerns bimble? Is she a bit vulnerable as well, for her to take on these views so willingly is a worrying sign.
So the friend i was worrying about weeks ago, worrying pre-emptively based only on the fact that she'd got together with a non-vax person, she's now going to the russel brand festival with her boyfriend and saying snippets of conspiracy-flavoured stuff that she never would have before, and i just feel really depressed about it all. I did very much want to be wrong in my rash judgement of the bloke but seems i wasn't. Best i can do, i think, is just say that I know i'm extreme in my views and that I get how it's awkward cos you love this dude & just hope she keeps chatting to me about it all instead of turning away and heading full steam in that direction.
really difficult, been there. My friend morphed very quickly into a raving lunatic though, attending marches, etc. Really don't have any advice - in a way i am thankful that my mate went from fairly normal to raving lunatic very quick, because it meant the choice to cut him off was clear and fairly easy to make. less so in your situation. good luck.

oh, and russel brand - i wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire. He needs to keep his grift going by edging extremism, "just asking questions." He warps minds to pay for his LA mansions, whilst it is of course "mainstream meeeddiaaas" fault". He's a grifting piece of shit.
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