Ultimately it’s about funding (though there’s plenty to be said for that funding to be appropriately managed) but not just in the NHS or LA social care but in all other areas. The NHS is ill because the country is ill. Poor quality housing, people not able to afford enough of any food, never mind the quality of it, not being able to heat your home properly, not being able to buy a warm winter coat, constantly stressing about money and bills and whether your zero hours contract will give you enough hours this week, being street homeless - these all contribute to fucking up your immune system, crushing your mental health, and in some cases increasing your chances of using substances to cope. Then you have the cuts to other services which means you can only get help at crisis point because they are so stretched they have to up their thresholds before they will help, so things get out of control and you need more intense support when you previously could have accessed it much earlier on and the crisis could have been prevented. You also have funders wanting more for less, so you reduce the time you can spend with people which is counter productive long term.