Apparently so.
Fucking eejit.
Better than wearin prison issue though. Next man's underpants? Nah.
Apparently so.
Fucking eejit.
Does he insist on being naked in jail? That might prove interesting for him.
elbows said:I believe this is why he spends most of his jail time isolated from other prisoners.
Enviro said:I believe he does, and that it doesn't cause him much trouble.
<snip>Fucking eejit.
Eejit, maybe, but at least sticking to his principles. Fair play to him for that.
Eejit, maybe, but at least sticking to his principles. Fair play to him for that.
Sticking to most things in this weather, I reckon.
but the way he is treated is symptomatic of the way that we view the human body generally as a society ....
... and that the way he is treated certainly goes no way in changing how we feel/ think about the body generally (as a society) - rather it probably reinforces it.
I don't know what you're getting so het up about, Spymaster, it's not as though he's going around with an erection or caressing himself. He's in the nip and unless you really look you'll probably not even see his flaccidness. He'll pass you by in the street within seconds, and then he's gone (unless you turn around to gawp and lap up your moral outrage of course).
Something about the phrase, "no sex please, we're British" that rings true on this thread.
Of a UK population of 60 million people there's just one cunt who feels the need to do this shit.
Any naturist who suffers abuse, threats, discrimination, intimidation or assault should use the True Vision website to report the incident. As the website says: "By reporting hate crime when it happens, you can help stop it happening to someone else. You will also help the police to better understand the level of hate crime in your local area, and improve the way they respond to it." If naturists regularly used the website to report incidents of hate crime, it might encourage the police to take such cases more seriously.
Spymaster: No I don't mean "if you go out in public, put some clothes on", what I mean is that it doesn't surprise me that one eccentric individual suffers persecution because of the way he chooses to live, particularly because he wants to be naked and we, as a society, have major issues with sexuality and the human body.
If the human body was not a commodity to be bought and sold, and if it was not a marketing tool used to sell products, then maybe there would be less extreme reactions to Gough's choices. I'm not saying that prostitution and the use of sex to sell things are causing the problems we have, again they are more symptomatic, and reinforce our current thinking about the body.
.... everyone has a right to do what they want if it isn't hurting anyone else.
Never thought Spymaster wanking would be used as a moral yard stick.
- it's a sexual act that could be seen by anyone. Being naked in itself is not a sexual act.
As for you stating that my argument is about the commodification of the human body and that that has nothing to do with public nakedness... Am I alone in thinking that your statement is rather self defeating, what with the whole 'human body' and 'being naked'? We are subjected to hundreds of images of practically naked women (and men) in an effort to sell us ... everything?! And you think that the commodification of the human body has nothing to do with how we perceive public nakedness?
If he were just wandering around naked in one small town, it'd be different. People would know he was harmless, know where to avoid him and be able to tell their kids "oh, that's just Naked Nobby" and maybe chat about it later, or maybe not, since he'd be just a local eccentric.
Though I'm not sure he could be persuaded from not wandering naked past the local primary school even then, since his last conviction was for doing just that after the cops offered to give him a lift - naked - past the school then let him out, still naked, and he refused.
It's wandering all over the country that makes it different. Most people seeing him wouldn't know why he's doing it. They'd likely assume he was either a danger to someone else - that if he could do that, what else could he do? - or think he was a danger to himself, either fucked up on drugs or mentally ill. So I bet lots and lots of people have actually called the police because of him.
I called the cops on a naked bloke once, when he was lying next to a kids' playpark, because I thought it likely that he was off his head to do something like that and also that he was very vulnerable to assault or theft (he had a bag and a phone in his hand).
I also wouldn't particularly want to see a naked stranger in an unexpected place shortly after I'd been sexually assaulted. He wouldn't be safe old Naked Nobby, he'd be a grown man whose history and intentions I don't know. I would be the one who had to leave because I felt very unsafe.
And I wouldn't want to be helping a kid recover from sexual abuse and then have it put back a step due to mixed messages about when it's ok for a grown man to let kids see his penis.
Obviously if a child sees a sexual act then it could be disturbing for them.
And my argument implies that if we are subjected to tens or hundreds of images of nudity on a daily basis ....
When and where did you last see such an image?
Well it's tempting a link to the naked urbanites threadThat's got to be tempting fate, hasn't it?
This perverted soul should be kept in a secure mental hospital until, if ever, he comes to his senses. Prison is probably the wrong place for him but if he were to appear naked in front of my 13 year old daughter he may quickly come to his senses.
Why? Isn't sex as natural as nudity?