right - ignoring all the snipping between sides for a minute (i respect the posters on both sides of this row
letsa is right - 99.9% of the population has no idea about anarchism, even if they've heard the term it's in the wrong context - far more people know about socialism, either the "stalinist" form or the old labour form - or even the shouty swp form.
99.9% of people have never heard of the iwca - in fact i reckon not even all the regulars in hackney independent's local know what they stand for entirely
i havent seen letsa claim the iwca are well known - and indeed i think his point would still stand.
in haringey - quite a few anarchists are involved in resident's associations, in organising an annual massively successful community festival, in organising networking events for people organising on tottenham estates, in organising social nights, in saving sub post offices, in helping benefits claiments, in opposing loan sharks (brighthouse), in defending the parks, opposing regeneration etc etc
in fact i think i can safely say if it wasnt for anarchists then most of these things wouldnt happen, or if they did they wouldnt have been as big or successful
despite this, and despite the fact that HSG produces a regular newsletter and distributes around 3-4000 copies boroughwide, not to mention countless leaflets - i would still say that 99% of people in haringey havent heard of hsg or if they have arent aware it is principally anarchist - and certainly wouldnt be aware of our involvement in the above issues.
that is a fact - there's no point denying it